And in no way is that a mighty (thing) for Allah (i.e., It is not difficult for Him)
and that it is not at all difficult for God to replace you with another creature if He so wills
and that is not at all difficult for Allah
Implementation of His Laws is not at all difficult for Allah
That is not at all difficult for Allah
For Allah, that is not any great matter
And that is not difficult for Allah
And that for God is not difficult to do.
that is not difficult for God
And for Allah that is not hard
This is well within the power of God
That is not difficult for Allah.
And that is surely no great matter for God
and that is not a hard thing for Allah
That is for Allah no great matter
And that is not difficult for God.
Nor is that for God any great matter
nor would that be too difficult a challenge for Allah
That is not at all difficult for Allah
Andthat for God is not difficult to do
And this is not at all difficult for Allah
And this is not at all hard for Allah.
This is not too difficult for GOD.
indeed, that is no great thing for Allah
And that is not difficult for Allah
And that is not with a powerful/undefeatable on God
This is not difficult at all for God
And this is not at all difficult for Allah
And that is not at all difficult for ALLAH
And this is not (in the least) difficult for Allah (to execute)
And that is not at all difficult for Allah
And for Allah that is not hard or difficult (i.e. very easy for Allah)
that is surely no great matter for God
Neither will this be difficult with God
nor is that hard for God
And this would not be hard for God
that is no difficult thing for God
And that for Allah is not a thing difficult.
That is not too difficult for Allâh.
And that is not difficult for Allah.
That would not be a big deal for Allah!
And that is not too mighty for Allah.
That is not unfeasible for Allah (God) [to do].
And that is not mighty upon Allah.
This is no difficult thing for God.
This is not difficult for Allah, the Aziz (whose command nothing can oppose)!
And this is not difficult for Allah.
And this would not be a difficult act for Him to accomplish
and that is not mighty for Allah.
And that is not mighty for God.
Nor is that for God any great matter
And not (is) that on Allah great
Wamathalika AAala Allahi biAAazeezin
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