Say, "Is that better or Garden (of) Eternity, which is promised (to) the righteous? It will be for them a reward and destination.
Say: “Which is better - that, or the paradise of life abiding which has been promised to the God-conscious as their reward and their journey’s end –
Say: Is that (doom) better or the Garden of Immortality which is promised unto those who ward off (evil)? It will be their reward and journey's end
Say: "Is that best, or the eternal garden, promised to the righteous? for them, that is a reward as well as a goal (of attainment)
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Is this better or the Garden of Eternity which the righteous have been promised, as a reward and ˹an ultimate˺ destination?
Say, “Is that [fate] better for you, or is the Garden of Eternity, which is promised to those that were ever mindful of God, better? For them, It will be a reward and a destination.
Say, Which is better, this or the Paradise of immortality which the righteous have been promised? It is their recompense and their destination
Say: Is this better or the abiding garden which those who guard (against evil) are promised? That shall be a reward and a resort for them
Say: Is that better or the Garden of Infinity that was promised the ones who are Godfearing? It had been a recompense for them and a Homecoming.
SAY: "Is that best, or the Garden of Immortality which has been promised the heedful?" They are both a reward and a goal for them.
Say (them O Muhammad): “Is this (punishment in hell) better or the Paradise of Eternity which has been promised to the pious people? It will be for them as a reward and as a final destination,
Say, “Is that better, or the Garden of everlastingness which is promised to the reverent?” It is for them a reward and a journey’s end
Say, “Is that better, or the Eternal Garden, which is promised to the righteous?” It will be their reward and final destination.
Say, 'Is this better, or the Garden of Eternity promised to the righteous? It is for them a reward and a destination
Say: “Is this (torment) better or the Garden of Eternity which has been promised unto the righteous? It became theirs as a reward and (as a) destination
Ask them: "Which is better, this hell or the eternal paradise which the righteous are being promised, which will be the reward of their good deeds and also their final destination
(rather) the Garden of Eternity that is promised to the pious? It is for them a recompense and a Destiny."
(Muhammad), ask them, "Is what you want better or the eternal garden promised to the pious ones as their reward and dwelling
Say, .Is that better or the eternal paradise the God-fearing are promised?. It will be a reward for them and a final abode
Say, "Is this better or the Garden of Immortality which is promised to those who walk aright? That is their reward and the ultimate destination."
Ask them, "Is this better? Or the eternal paradise which the pious have been promised?" It is their reward and their final destination
Say: "Is that better, or the eternal Garden (Paradise, that is) promised to the righteous? For them, that is a reward and a goal (of joy)
Say, "Is that better or the Garden of Eternity which is promised to the righteous? It will be for them a reward and destination
Say: "Is that better or the garden of eternity that the righteous have been promised?" It is their reward and destiny.
Say, ‘Which is better, this or the lasting Garden that those who are mindful of God have been promised as their reward and journey’s end?’
Say thou: in that better or Garden of Abidence that hath been promised to the God-fearing! It shall be theirs as a recompense and a retreat
Ask them: "Is this better or a garden for everlasting abode which has been promised the pious and devout? It would be their guerdon and their destination
Say: ´Is that better, or the Garden of Eternal Life which has been promised to those who have taqwa? That is their recompense and destination.´
Say (O Messenger): "Is this or is the Garden of life everlasting, which has been promised to the God-revering, pious, better to prefer?" It will be for them a reward and a final destination
Say, ‘Is that better, or the everlasting paradise promised to the Godwary, which will be their reward and destination?’
Say, "Is that better or the Garden of Eternity (Immortality) which is promised unto those who fear (ward off evil), which is ever a reward and a goal
Say: “Is this better or the eternal garden that is promised to those who are cautious (of God)? It (the garden) is a reward and a destination for them.
Say, “Is that best, or the eternal garden promised to the righteous? For them, that is a reward as well as a goal of attainment
Say: “Which is better, that or the garden of eternal life that those mindful of Allah have been promised?” That will be their reward and destination,
Ask them "Is this (Fire) better or the everlasting Garden which has been promised to the God-fearing righteous people?" which will be the recompense of their good deeds and the final destination of their journe
Say: "Is that better or the garden of eternity that the righteous have been promised?" It is their reward and destiny
Ask, "Is this better, or the Paradise of immortality which the pious/righteous have been promised? It is their reward and their destination."
Say you, 'Is this better or the abiding garden which is promised to those who fear. That is their reward and end.
Say, "Is this better or the eternal Paradise that is promised for the righteous? It is their well deserved reward; a well deserved destiny."
Say: 'Is that better, or the Garden of Eternity which the cautious have been promised? It is their recompense and their arrival!
Say: Is this better or the Garden Perpetuity, which the dutiful are promised? That is a reward and a resort for them
Say: "Is that better or the immortality's/eternity's treed garden/paradise which was promised (to) the fearing and obeying, (it) was for them a reward and an end/destination."
Say: “Now, is this better or the Paradise for eternity which is promised to the righteous ones as their reward and final destination?”
Say, “Is this better or the Everlasting Gardens which are promised to those who fear? That is their reward and their outcome.”
Say, `Is that better or the Garden of Eternity, which is promised to the righteous? It will be their reward and ultimate resort.
Say: ‘Is this (a) better (state), or the (life of) eternal Paradise promised to the Godfearing? This is their reward (of deeds) and their abode
Say, `Is this (end) better or the everlasting Paradise which is promised to those who guard against evil and which is their due reward and (ultimate) resort
Say: (O Muhammad SAW) "Is that (torment) better or the Paradise of Eternity promised to the Muttaqoon (pious and righteous persons - see V.2:2)?" It will be theirs as a reward and as a final destination
Say: 'Is that better, or the Garden of Eternity, that is promised to the godfearing, and is their recompense and homecoming?
Say, is this better, or a garden of eternal duration, which is promised unto the pious? It shall be given unto them for a reward, and a retreat
Say, 'Is that better or the garden of eternity which was promised to those who fear - which is ever for them a recompense and a retreat?
SAY: Is this, or the Paradise of Eternity which was promised to the God-fearing, best? Their recompense shall it be and their retreat
Say: ‘Which is better, this or the Paradise of Immortality which the righteous have been promised? It is their recompense and their retreat
Say, “Is that better or the garden of eternity which is promised to those who revere Allah?” For them it is a reward and a place of final ending.
Say: ‘Is that (punishment) better or the Eternal Paradise, which has been promised to those who act piously? It will be a reward and a final destination for them.
Say: is this better or the garden of eternity those who beware (of Allah) have been promised as their reward and destination?
Say, “Does that sound better or the eternal garden promised to the righteous? For them are a reward and a goal.
Saysg, “Is that better or the Garden of Eternity promised to the ones who were mindful (of God)? For them it has always been a repayment and a destiny.
SAY: "Is that best, or the Garden of Immortality which has been promised the heedful?" They are both a reward and a destiny for them.
Say, “Is that goodness, or the Eternity Paradise which promised by it the pious? It was for them a reward and a destiny
Say: 'Which is better: that, or the paradise of eternity which the God-fearing have been promised as their reward and their ultimate abode?'
Say, “Is this better or the Paradise that has been promised to those who protect themselves? That Paradise is the consequence (of their life) and a place of return (to their essence).”
Say: 'Is that better or the eternal garden which has been promised to the pious ones? That shall be a reward and a resort for them'
Say to them: "Is this troublesome and distressing situation better or the garden of Eternity –Paradise- promised to those in whose hearts reigns piety! the garden which Allah has set apart for the requital of those faithful to Him, and He has determined that it shall be their destination
(It will be said), "This day do not pray for a single destruction but pray for many destructions."
Say, 'Is that better or the Garden of Eternity which was promised to those who fear, it is for them a recompense and a destination?'
Say: "Is that best, or the eternal garden, promised to the righteous? for them, that is a reward as well as a goal (of attainment)
Say, "Is that better or Garden (of) Eternity, which is promised (to) the righteous? It will be for them a reward and destination
Qul athalika khayrun am jannatu alkhuldi allatee wuAAida almuttaqoona kanat lahum jazaan wamaseeran
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