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Muhammad Asad   
but do not [really] believe anyone who does not follow your own faith." Say: "Behold, all [true] guidance is God's guidance, consisting in one's being granted [revelation] such as you have been granted." Or would they contend against you before your Sustainer? Say: "Behold, all bounty is in the hand of God; He grants it unto whom He wills: for God is infinite, all-knowing
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
And only believe those who follow your religion.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Surely, ˹the only˺ true guidance is Allah’s guidance.” ˹They also said,˺ “Do not believe that someone will receive ˹revealed˺ knowledge similar to yours or argue against you before your Lord.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Indeed, all bounty is in the Hands of Allah—He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is Ever-Bountiful, All-Knowing.”
Safi Kaskas   
Only trust those who follow your faith.” Say, “True guidance is God’s guidance. But you think it is impossible for anyone to be given the same revelation as you were given or that they could use it to argue against you before your Lord.” Say, “Grace is in God’s hand, and He gives it to those He wills. God is infinite, All-knowing.”

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وَلَا تُؤۡمِنُوۤا۟ إِلَّا لِمَن تَبِعَ دِینَكُمۡ قُلۡ إِنَّ ٱلۡهُدَىٰ هُدَى ٱللَّهِ أَن یُؤۡتَىٰۤ أَحَدࣱ مِّثۡلَ مَاۤ أُوتِیتُمۡ أَوۡ یُحَاۤجُّوكُمۡ عِندَ رَبِّكُمۡۗ قُلۡ إِنَّ ٱلۡفَضۡلَ بِیَدِ ٱللَّهِ یُؤۡتِیهِ مَن یَشَاۤءُۗ وَٱللَّهُ وَ ٰسِعٌ عَلِیمࣱ ۝٧٣
Transliteration (2021)   
walā tu'minū illā liman tabiʿa dīnakum qul inna l-hudā hudā l-lahi an yu'tā aḥadun mith'la mā ūtītum aw yuḥājjūkum ʿinda rabbikum qul inna l-faḍla biyadi l-lahi yu'tīhi man yashāu wal-lahu wāsiʿun ʿalīmu
Word for Word
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh, Ms. Kauser Katri, and more
And (do) not believe except (the one) who follows your religion." Say, "Indeed the (true) guidance (is the) Guidance (of) Allah - lest is given (to) one - (the) like (of) what was given to you or they may argue with you near your Lord." Say, "Indeed, the Bounty (is) in the Hand (of) Allah. He gives it (to) whom He wills, and Allah (is) All-Encompassing, All-Knowing."

Generally Accepted Translations of the Meaning
Muhammad Asad   
but do not [really] believe anyone who does not follow your own faith." Say: "Behold, all [true] guidance is God's guidance, consisting in one's being granted [revelation] such as you have been granted." Or would they contend against you before your Sustainer? Say: "Behold, all bounty is in the hand of God; He grants it unto whom He wills: for God is infinite, all-knowing
M. M. Pickthall   
And believe not save in one who followeth your religion - Say (O Muhammad): Lo! the guidance is Allah's Guidance - that anyone is given the like of that which was given unto you or that they may argue with you in the presence of their Lord. Say (O Muhammad): Lo! the bounty is in Allah's hand. He bestoweth it on whom He will. Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing
Yusuf Ali (Saudi Rev. 1985)   
"And believe no one unless he follows your religion." Say: "True guidance is the Guidance of Allah: (Fear ye) Lest a revelation be sent to someone (else) Like unto that which was sent unto you? or that those (Receiving such revelation) should engage you in argument before your Lord?" Say: "All bounties are in the hand of Allah: He granteth them to whom He pleaseth: And Allah careth for all, and He knoweth all things."
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
And only believe those who follow your religion.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Surely, ˹the only˺ true guidance is Allah’s guidance.” ˹They also said,˺ “Do not believe that someone will receive ˹revealed˺ knowledge similar to yours or argue against you before your Lord.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Indeed, all bounty is in the Hands of Allah—He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is Ever-Bountiful, All-Knowing.”
Safi Kaskas   
Only trust those who follow your faith.” Say, “True guidance is God’s guidance. But you think it is impossible for anyone to be given the same revelation as you were given or that they could use it to argue against you before your Lord.” Say, “Grace is in God’s hand, and He gives it to those He wills. God is infinite, All-knowing.”
Wahiduddin Khan   
Believe only in those who follow your own religion. Say to them, Surely, the true guidance is the guidance from God. [But you think it is impossible that] someone else may be granted [revelation] such as you were grantedor else that they should contend against you before your Lord. Say, All grace is in the hands of God; He grants it to whom He wills: for God is boundless, and all knowing
And do not believe but in him who follows your religion. Say: Surely the (true) guidance is the guidance of Allah-- that one may be given (by Him) the like of what you were given; or they would contend with you by an argument before your Lord. Say: Surely grace is in the hand of Allah, He gives it to whom He pleases; and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing
Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar   
And believe none, but one who heeded your way of life. Say: Truly guidance is The Guidance from God and believe not that anyone be given the like of what you were given, so that he argue with you before your Lord. Say: Truly, the grace is in the hand of God. He gives it to whomever He wills. And God is One Who is Extensive, Knowing.
Believe only in someone who follows your own religion. SAY: "Guidance [means] guidance from God, lest one person should he given the same as what you (all) have been given, or they should argue with you concerning your Lord." SAY: "Bounty [rests] in God´s hand. He gives it to anyone He wishes; God is Boundless, Aware,
Abdul Hye   
And you don’t believe anyone but the one who follows your religion.” Say (O Muhammad): “Surely! The true Guidance is the Guidance of Allah.” (These people of the book don’t believe) that someone (besides them) could be given revelation like what you have been given, or they will argue with you before your Lord. Say (O Muhammad): “Surely! All the Bounty is in the Hand of Allah; Allah gives it to whom He wills. And Allah is Generous, All-knower.”
The Study Quran   
And believe none but him who follows your religion. Say, “Truly guidance is God’s Guidance" lest anyone be granted the like of what you were granted or dispute with you before your Lord.” Say, “Truly bounty is in God’s Hand. He grants it to whomsoever He will, and God is All-Encompassing, Knowing.
Talal Itani & AI (2024)   
Believe in no one except those who follow your religion. Say, “God’s guidance is the guidance. If anyone is given the same as you were, or argues with you before your Lord, say, ‘All blessings are in God’s hand; He grants them to whom He wills. God’s bounty is infinite, and He is All-Knowing.’”
Talal Itani (2012)   
And trust none except those who follow your religion.' Say, 'Guidance is God's guidance. If someone is given the like of what you were given, or they argue with you before your Lord, say, 'All grace is in God's hand; He gives it to whomever He wills.' God is Bounteous and Knowing
Dr. Kamal Omar   
And do not Believe except for that one who adopted your religion. Say: “Verily! Genuine guidance is the Guidance coming from Allah. (Do you fear) that a certain one is bestowed similar to that what has been bestowed on you or (that) they make arguments against you before your Nourisher-Sustainer?” Say (further): “Certainly the bounty is in the Hand of Allah; He grants to whom He thinks proper. And Allah is Omnipresent, Omniscient.”
M. Farook Malik   
Do not follow anyone except the one who follows your own religion." O Muhammad, tell them: "The only true guidance is the guidance of Allah." These people of the Book do not believe that revelation could be sent to anyone besides themselves, like that which has been sent to you; or that they will ever argue with you in the presence of your Lord. Tell them: "For sure, grace is in the hands of Allah: He bestows it on whom He pleases; Allah has boundless knowledge."
Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali   
And do not believe anyone except him who has followed your religion." Say, "Surely the guidance is the guidance of Allah, "- that anyone should be brought the like of what you have been brought, or that they would argue against you in the (Meeting) with your Lord. Say, "Surely Grace is in the Hand of Allah; He brings it to whomever He decides; and Allah is Ever- Embracing, Ever-Knowing."
Muhammad Sarwar   
They also say, "Do not believe anyone except those who follow your religion, so that no one may have what you have received or may argue with you before your Lord." (Muhammad), tell them, "The only guidance is the guidance of God. All favors are in the hands of God. He grants His favors to whomever He wants. He is Munificent and All-knowing"
Muhammad Taqi Usmani   
But do not believe (for real) except in those who follow your faith. Say, .(Real) guidance is the guidance of Allah. (But all that you do is due to your envy) that someone is given what is similar to that which you have been given, or that they argue against you before your Lord. Say, .The bounty is in the hands of Allah. He gives it to whom He wills. Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing
Shabbir Ahmed   
"And do not really believe in anyone who does not follow your own religion." Say (O Messenger), "The True Guidance is God's Guidance that has been revealed to this Prophet as it came to you before. Do you wish to contend about your Sustainer?" Say, "All Grace is in Allah's hand. He bestows His Grace of Revelation according to His Laws. Allah is all-Embracing, all-Knowing." And He has chosen a non-Israelite Prophet for this Grace (7:157)
Dr. Munir Munshey   
(They say), "Do not believe anyone unless he follows (the tenets of) your (own) sect." (To that), say, "The true guidance, in fact, is the guidance of Allah!" (They also say), "Do not believe that another (prophet) is granted the same (revelation) as was (once) given to you. Otherwise, they will argue with you before your Lord." Say, "Indeed, the bounties (of all sorts) are in the hands of Allah. He grants (whatever He wants to) whomever He wants. Allah (and His mercy) is Boundless; He is the all-Knowing!"
Syed Vickar Ahamed   
"And believe no one except the one who follows your religion." Say: "The True guidance is the Guidance of Allah: (Be sure) that a revelation may be sent to someone (else) like that which was sent to you: Or that those (receiving such revelation) should argue with you before your Lord?" Say: "All bounties are in the hands of Allah: He grants them to whom He pleases: And Allah is Enough (Wasi’), All Knowing (Aleem)."
Umm Muhammad (Sahih International)   
And do not trust except those who follow your religion." Say, "Indeed, the [true] guidance is the guidance of Allah . [Do you fear] lest someone be given [knowledge] like you were given or that they would [thereby] argue with you before your Lord?" Say, "Indeed, [all] bounty is in the hand of Allah - He grants it to whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Wise."
[The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition)   
"And do not believe except to those who follow your system." Say: "The guidance is God's guidance." "That anyone should be given similar to what you have been given, or that they debate with you at your Lord." Say: "The bounty is in God's hand, He gives it to whom He chooses, and God is Encompassing, Knowledgeable."
Abdel Haleem   
but do not sincerely believe in anyone unless he follows your own religion’- [Prophet], tell them, ‘True guidance is the guidance of God’- [they say], ‘Do not believe that anyone else could be given a revelation similar to what you were given, or that they could use it to argue against you in your Lord’s presence.’ [Prophet], tell them, ‘All grace is in God’s hands: He grants it to whoever He will- He is all embracing, all knowing
Abdul Majid Daryabadi   
And believe not save one who followeth your religion. Say thou: verily the guidance of Allah - that is the guidance. Envy ye that any one should be vouchsafed the like of that which was vouchsafed unto you or fear ye that those others may overcome you in Contention before your Lord! Say thou: verily the grace is in the hand of Allah He vouchsafeth it unto whomsoever He will; and Allah is Bounteous, Knowing
Ahmed Ali   
"And do not believe those who do not belong to your faith." Say: "True guidance is the guidance of God -- that any may be given the like of what has been given you." Will they argue with you before your Lord? Say: "God's is the bounty. He gives whomsoever He please, for He is infinite and all-wise."
Aisha Bewley   
Do not trust anyone except for those who follow your deen.´ Say, ´Allah´s guidance is true guidance. But you think it is impossible for anyone to be given the same as you were given, or to argue with you before your Lord.´ Say, ´All favour is in Allah´s Hand and He gives it to whoever He wills. Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.
Ali Ünal   
"But do not believe in any but him who follows your religion –Say (O Messenger): "Surely, the only guidance is God’ guidance"– that anyone should be given the like of what you were given, or that they should argue against you before your Lord." Say: "Assuredly, all grace and bounty is in God’s hand; He gives it to whomever He wills." God is All-Embracing (with His mercy), All-Knowing
Ali Quli Qara'i   
‘And do not believe anyone except him who follows your religion.’ Say, ‘Indeed [true] guidance is the guidance of Allah.’ ‘[And do not believe] that anyone may be given the like of what you were given, or that he may argue with you before your Lord.’ Say, ‘Indeed all grace is in Allah’s hand; He grants it to whomever He wishes, and Allah is all-bounteous, all-knowing
Hamid S. Aziz   
"Do not believe save one who follows your religion." Say (unto them), "Verily, the (true) guidance is the guidance of Allah (alone), that any one should be given like what you are given." Or would they dispute with you before your Lor
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad   
do not believe in anyone unless he follows your way of life (religion).” Say: “Indeed the (true) guidance is God's guidance.” (They say do not believe) that anyone is given like what you were given, otherwise they would argue with you before your Lord. Say: “Grace is in God’s hand; He gives it to whomever He wants. God is bountiful and knowledgeable.
A.L. Bilal Muhammad et al (2018)   
“And believe no one unless he follows your way.” Say, “True guidance is the guidance of God. Or will a revelation be sent to someone like that which was sent to you? Or should they engage you in argument before your Lord?” Say, “All bounties are in the Hand of God. He grants them to whom He pleases, and God cares for all, and He knows all things.
Musharraf Hussain   
And they say: “Only believe in those who follow your religion.” Say: “Allah’s guidance is the only guidance to rely on that has been given to like. So why do they dispute with you before your Lord?” Say: “All grace is in Allah’s hand, to give to anyone who wants it. Allah is Vast, the Knower.
They also say among themselves: ´Do not follow anyone except him who follows your faith.´ Say: ´Surely true guidance is Allah´s. It is His favour that anyone should be given the like of what you have been given in the past, and that others should have been given firm evidence to proffer against you before your Lord.´ Say: ´Surely bounty is in the Hand of Allah; He gives it to whom He wills. Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing
[The Monotheist Group] (2013 Edition)   
"And do not believe except in he who follows your system." Say: "The guidance is the guidance of God." That anyone should be given similar to what you have been given, or that they debate with you at your Lord. Say: "The bounty is in the hand of God, He gives it to whom He chooses, and God is Encompassing, Knowledgeable."
Mohammad Shafi   
"And believe not that, except to one who follows your religion," — Say, "Indeed, the (true) guidance is guidance of Allah."— "anyone else could be given the like of what was given to you, or, could quarrel with you in the presence of your Lord." Say, "All favour is indeed in the hand of Allah. HE grants it to whom He wills. And Allah is Pervasive, Knowledgeable."

Controversial or status undetermined works
Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)   
And believe not any but. Him who is the follower of your religion. Say you, 'The guidance of Allah is the only guidance of Allah. That may be given to any one the like of that was given to you', or anyone might argue you before your Lord. Say, you, 'the bounty is in the hand of Allah alone; He gives it to whomsoever He pleases; and Allah is All-Embracing All-Knowing.
Rashad Khalifa   
"And do not believe except as those who follow your religion." Say, "The true guidance is GOD's guidance." If they claim that they have the same guidance, or argue with you about your Lord, say, "All grace is in GOD's hand; He bestows it upon whomever He wills." GOD is Bounteous, Omniscient.
Hasan Al-Fatih Qaribullah   
Believe none except those who follow your own religion. ' Say: 'The true guidance is the Guidance of Allah that anyone should be given the like of what you have been given, or dispute with you before your Lord. ' Say: 'Bounty is in the Hand of Allah. ' He gives it to whomsoever He will. Allah is the Embracer, the Knower
Maulana Muhammad Ali   
And believe not but in him who follows your religion. Say: True guidance -- Allah’s guidance -- is that one may be given the like of what you were given; or they would prevail on you in argument before your Lord. Say: Grace is surely in Allah’s hand. He gives it to whom He pleases. And Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing
Muhammad Ahmed & Samira   
And do not believe except to whom followed your religion, say: "That the guidance (is) God's guidance." That one be given equal/alike (to) what you were given or they argue/quarrel with you at your Lord. Say: "That the grace/favour (is) with God's hand, He gives it (to) whom He wills/wants, and God (is) spacious ,knowledgeable."
Bijan Moeinian   
[Their contention is:] “follow only the one who is of your own religion.” [In response to such statement] say to them: “The true guidance comes from God (and not necessarily from someone of your own religion) Now if they start disputing with you about the subject Say: “ Blessing someone with His revelation is at the discretion of God, the Generous, the knowledgeable [He may, therefore, bless whoever He wills with His revelations whether the person is a Jew or not.)”
Faridul Haque   
“And do not believe in anyone except him who follows your religion”; say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), “Only Allah’s guidance is the true guidance” - (so why not believe in it) if someone has been given similar to what was given to you, or if someone may be able to evidence it against you before your Lord; say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), “Undoubtedly the munificence lies only in Allah’s hand; He may bestow upon whomever He wills; and Allah is Most Capable, All Knowing.”
Sher Ali   
And obey none but him who follows your religion.' Say, `Surely, true guidance - the guidance of ALLAH, - is, that one be given the like of that which has been given to you - or they would argue with you before your Lord.' Say, `All grace is in the hand of ALLAH. HE gives it to whomsoever HE pleases. And ALLAH is Bountiful, All-knowing
Dr. Mohammad Tahir-ul-Qadri   
And do not believe anyone but him who follows (only) your din (religion).’ Say: ‘Surely, the guidance is but the guidance of Allah (alone).’ (And they further say to their people never to believe even this) that: ‘The like of the Book (or din [religion]) given to you may also be given to anyone else, or that someone may give a plea against you before your Lord.’ Say: ‘Bounty is in the Hand of Allah; He bestows on whom He pleases and Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing
Amatul Rahman Omar   
`Yet avow this belief only for the sake of those who follow your creed.' Say, `Surely, the true guidance is Allah's guidance', (and they also said, `Do not believe,) that anyone will ever be given the like of that (gift of prophethood) which you have been given, or that they will ever be able to prevail upon you in argument before your Lord.' Say, `Eminence (of prophethood and sovereignty) is entirely in the hands of Allah. He confers it to whomsoever He will.' And Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing
Muhsin Khan & Muhammad al-Hilali   
And believe no one except the one who follows your religion. Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Verily! Right guidance is the Guidance of Allah" and do not believe that anyone can receive like that which you have received (of Revelation) except when he follows your religion, otherwise they would engage you in argument before your Lord. Say (O Muhammad SAW): "All the bounty is in the Hand of Allah; He grants to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures needs, the All-Knower."

Non-Muslim and/or Orientalist works
Arthur John Arberry   
and believe not any but him who follows your religion.' Say: 'The true guidance is God's guidance -- that anyone should be given the like of what you have been given, or dispute with you before your Lord.' Say: 'Surely bounty is in the hand of God; He gives it unto whomsoever He will; and God is All-embracing, All-knowing
George Sale   
And believe him only who followeth your religion. Say, verily the true direction is the direction of God, that there may be given unto some other a revelation like unto what hath been given unto you. Will they dispute with you before your Lord? Say, surely excellence is in the hand of God, he giveth it unto whom he pleaseth; God is bounteous and wise
Edward Henry Palmer   
'do not believe save one who followeth your religion.' Say, 'Verily, the (true) guidance is the guidance of God, that one should be given like what ye are given.' Or would they dispute with you before your Lord, say, 'Grace is in the hand of God, He gives it to whom he pleases, for God both comprehends and knows
John Medows Rodwell   
"And believe in those only who follow your Religion." SAY: True guidance is guidance from God - that to others may be imparted the like of what hath been imparted to you. Will they wrangle then with you in the presence of their Lord? SAY: Plenteous gifts are in the hands of God: He imparteth them unto whom He will, and God is Bounteous, Wise
N J Dawood (2014)   
Believe in none except those that follow your own religion.‘ (Say: ‘The only guidance is God‘s guidance!‘) ‘Do not believe that anyone will be given the like of that which you were given, or that they will ever dispute with you in your Lord‘s presence.‘ Say: ‘Grace is in the hands of God: He bestows it on whom He will. And God is munificent and all-knowing

New, Partial, or In Progress Translations
Fode Drame   
And do not believe except in one who follows your religion.” Say [O Muhammad], “Truly the true guidance is Allah’s guidance; that someone else is given the like of that which you are given or that they may argue with you in the presence of your Lord.” Say [O Muhammad], Truly the bounty is in the hand of Allah and He gives it to whom He pleases and Allah is All-encompassing, All-knowing.
Munir Mezyed   
Then trust none (with this secrete) except those who follow your own whims". Say: "Surely, the only Right Path to Salvation is the Path of Knowing Allâh (Islamic Monotheism). (They also said): “Do not believe that anyone will ever be given the Revelation in the Knowledge of Allâh like what you were given, or that anyone will ever dispute with you before your Lord”. Say: "Verily all bounty is in the hand of Allâh. He grants it to whomever He wills (of His servants). Allâh is All- Embracing- All-Knowing.
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher   
And do not believe anyone unless he follows your religion - Say: the only guidance is the guidance of Allah - (and do not accept) that he has received something similar to what you have received nor (accept) that he may dispute with you before your Lord. Say: All benefit is in Allah´s hand who gives it to whom He pleases, and Allah is far-reaching and knows.
Linda “iLHam” Barto   
Do not trust [in religious matters] anyone who does not follow your faith. Say, “Truly, all guidance is Allah’s guidance. [Does it concern you] that someone may be given [a message] like that which was given to you? [Do you worry] that they [who receive the message] may debate with you in the presence of your Lord?” Say, “Truly, grace is in Allah’s hand. He bestows it on whom He will. Allah is All-embracing, the All-knowing.
Fadel Soliman, Bridges‘ Translation   
But trust none except whoever has followed yourpl religion.” Saysg “Indeed, (true) guidance is (only) Allah’s guidance—that anyone can be brought the like of what youpl were brought, or they may debate with you before your Lord." Say, “All grace is in Allah’s hand; He gives it to whomever He wills.” For Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
Irving & Mohamed Hegab   
Believe only in someone who follows your own religion. SAY: "Guidance [means] guidance from Allah (God), lest one person should he given the same as what you (all) have been given, or they should argue with you concerning your Lord." SAY: "Bounty [rests] in Allah (God)'s hand. He gives it to anyone He wishes; Allah (God) is Boundless, Aware,
Samy Mahdy   
And do not believe except for whoever followed your religion.” Say, “Surely, the guidance is Allah’s guidance. That may someone will be given alike of what you were given, or they will wrangle you at your Lord. Say, “Surely the bounty is with Allah’s hand; He gives it whoever He wills.” And Allah is all-Encompassing, Knowledgeable.
Sayyid Qutb   
“But do not really trust anyone except those who follow your own faith” — Say: “All true guidance is God's guidance — That anyone may be given the like of what you have been given. Or that they should contend against you before your Lord.” Say: “Grace is in God's hand: He bestows it on whom He wills. God is Munificent and All- Knowing.”
Ahmed Hulusi   
“Do not believe those who do not follow your religion!” Say, “Guidance is the guidance of Allah (involves the realization that the Names of Allah comprise one’s being). Do you oppose because the like of what has been given to you is given to another, or because they are going to prevail over you (with what has been given to them) in the sight of your Rabb?” Say, “Most certainly, bounty is in the hands of Allah, He gives it to whom He wills. Allah is the Wasi, the Aleem.”
Sayyed Abbas Sadr-Ameli   
And do not believe save in one who follows your religion. say: Verily the (true) guidance is Allah's guidance - that a person may be given the like of what you have been given; or they would dispute with you in the presence of your Lord '. Say: ' Verily grace is in the hand of Allah. He endows it with whom He pleases, and Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing'.
Al-muntakhab fi tafsir al-Qur‘an al-Karim   
They caution their people against you and express their thoughts in words. "Do not trust any one," they say, "except those who follow the same law." Say to them, O Muhammad: "Indeed the only law consented to by Allah is the law based on the course steered by Allah; the only course leading to the path of righteousness where Providence is the guide." They caution their people against discoursing you Muslims on divine matters lest you use this knowledge to claim a Book and a Prophet of your own or that you may use the part of it which is against their interest and confound them before Allah, your Creator when all assemble in His Venerable and revered Majestic presence. Say to them, O Muhammad "grace rests in the hands of Allah. He confers it on whom He will and Allah is Wasi’un(Omnipresent) and 'Alimun"
Mir Aneesuddin   
and believe only in him who follows your religion." Say, "Guidance of Allah is certainly the guidance, (and any) one can be given the like of what you were given (as guidance)." Otherwise they will dispute with you before your Fosterer. Say, "Grace is certainly in the hand of Allah, He gives it to whom He wills, and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing.
The Wise Quran   
And do not believe except for he who followed your religion.' Say, 'Indeed, the guidance is the guidance of God. That one is given the like of what was given to you or they dispute with you in the presence of your Lord.' Say: 'Indeed, grace is in the hand of God, He gives it to whom He wills; and God is immense, knowing.'

Obsolete and/or older editions
Yusuf Ali (Orig. 1938)   
"And believe no one unless he follows your religion." Say: "True guidance is the Guidance of God: (Fear ye) Lest a revelation be sent to someone (else) Like unto that which was sent unto you? or that those (Receiving such revelation) should en gage you in argument before your Lord?" Say: "All bounties are in the hand of God: He granteth them to whom He pleaseth: And God careth for all, and He knoweth all things."
OLD Literal Word for Word   
And (do) not believe except (the one) who follows your religion." Say, "Indeed the (true) guidance (is the) Guidance of Allah - of Allah - lest is given (to) one - (the) like (of) what was given to you or they may argue with you near your Lord." Say, "Indeed, the Bounty (is) in the Hand of Allah. He gives it (to) whom He wills, and Allah (is) All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.
OLD Transliteration   
Wala tu/minoo illa liman tabiAAa deenakum qul inna alhuda huda Allahi an yu/ta ahadun mithla ma ooteetum aw yuhajjookum AAinda rabbikum qul inna alfadla biyadi Allahi yu/teehi man yashao waAllahu wasiAAun AAaleemun