Do not they see that We [We] created for them from what have made Our hands, cattle, then they [for them] (are the) owners?
Are they, then, not aware that it is for them that We have created, among all the things which Our hands have wrought, the domestic animals of which they are [now] masters? –
Have they not seen how We have created for them of Our handiwork the cattle, so that they are their owners
See they not that it is We Who have created for them - among the things which Our hands have fashioned - cattle, which are under their dominion?
Do they not see that We singlehandedly created for them, among other things, cattle which are under their control?
Can they not see that, by Our own handiwork, We have created livestock for them, that they now control?
Do they not see that, among the things which Our hands have fashioned, We have created for them cattle of which they are the masters
Do they not see that We have created cattle for them, out of what Our hands have wrought, so they are their masters
Consider they not how We created for them—out of what Our hands did— flocks, so they were of them ones who are owners?
Have they not considered how We have created livestock for them out of what Our own hands have made, and they are masters over them?
Don’t they see that We have created for them of what Our Hands have fashioned the cattle, which are under their dominion?
Have they not considered that among that which Our Hands have wrought We created cattle for them, and that they are their masters
Don’t they see that We created for them, from Our handiwork, the livestock which they own?
Have they not seen that We created for them, of Our Handiwork, livestock that they own
Have they then not seen that We created for them of what Our Hands have done — the cattle, then they thereof (have become) owners
Do they not see that among the other things which Our hands have fashioned, We have created cattle which are under their domination
And have they not seen that We created for them, of what Our Hands did, cattle (Ancam includes cattle, camels, sheep and goats) so that they are their possessors
Have they not seen what We have created from the labor of Our own hands? We have given them cattle
Did they not see that We have created for them cattle, among things made (directly) by Our hands, and then they become their owners
Have they never envisioned how We must have created for them of Our Handiwork, the domestic animals of which they are now masters
Have they not observed? We created the cattle for them! Our handiwork! Now, they own these cattle
Do they not see that it is We Who have created from the (many) things that Our hands have fashioned for them— (Is also) cattle, for which they are the owners
Do they not see that We have created for them from what Our hands have made, grazing livestock, and [then] they are their owners
Did they not see that We created for them with Our own hands cattle which they own?
Can they not see how, among the things made by Our hands, We have created livestock they control
Observe they not that We have created for them, of that which Our hands have worked, cattle: so that they are their owners
Do they not see the cattle among things We have fashioned by Our power, which they own
Have they not seen how We created for them, by Our own handiwork, livestock which are under their control?
Have they not considered how (as signs of Our Lordship), out of what Our Hands have originated and fashioned, We have created for them cattle, and so they are their owners
Have they not seen that We have created for them —of what Our hands have worked— cattle, so they have become their masters
Do they not see that We have created cattle for them, out of what Our hands have wrought, so they are their masters
Or did they not see that We created livestock for them, by what Our hands (power) did, and they are their owners?
Do they not see that it is We who have created for them livestock, among the things that Our hands have fashioned that are under their control
Haven’t they considered how We created their livestock, made by Our hands;
Do they not see Our handiwork: We created for them cattle which they own
Did they not see that We created for them with Our own hands livestock which they own
Do they not see that We have created — of things Our hands have wrought — cattle for them, so they become their masters
And have they not seen that We have created from them Our hand made cattle, so they are their owners?
Have they not seen that we created for them, with our own hands, livestock that they own?
Have they not seen how We have created for them the cattle they master with Our Hands
See they not that We have created cattle for them, out of what Our hands have wrought, so they are their masters
Did they not see/understand that We created for them from what Our hands made/did camels/livestock, so they are for it owning/possessing
[How can they deny the Lord?] Do they not realize that God Himself has created the livestock that they own
Did they not see that We have created animals for them from Our handiwork, so they are their owners
Do they not see that, among the things which Our hands have wrought, WE have created for them cattle of which they are masters
Have they not seen that We created for them cattle out of the (creation) We made with Our Mighty Hand, so they are their owners
Do they not see that among the things that We have made with Our power are the cattle which We have created for them, and of which they are masters (now)
Do they not see that We have created for them of what Our Hands have created, the cattle, so that they are their owners
Have they not seen how that We have created for them of that Our hands wrought cattle that they own
Do they not consider that We have created for them, among the things which our hands have wrought, cattle of several kinds, of which they are possessors
Have they not seen that we have created for them of what our hands have made for them, cattle, and they are owners thereof
See they not that we have created for them among the things which our hands have wrought, the animals of which they are masters
Or have they not considered how, among the things Our hands have made, We have created for them the beasts of which they are masters
See they not that We have created for them cattle from among the things that Our hands have worked so that they have ownership on them?
Have they not seen that We created cattle for them, out of what Our hands have wrought, and then they are their owners?
Do they not consider that We created for them from Our handiwork cattle, so they own it?
Have they not seen that We have created for them, of Our Handiwork, livestock, so that they are their owners?
Do they not see that it is We who have created for them –among other things fashioned by Our hands— cattle under their care?
Have they not considered how We have created livestock for them out of what Our own hands have made, and they are masters over them?
Have they not seen that We created for them, from what Our hands have worked livestock, so they are owners for them?
Are they not aware that, among all the things Our hands have made, We have created for them cattle which they control?
Have they not seen that We have created for them, of what Our hands have made, cattle, over which they have control?
Do they not see how We created sacrificial animals for them among Our creation... And they are their owners?
Have they not seen that We have created for them of that Our hands wrought cattle that of them they own?
Do the infidels not see that besides Our handiwork We have created for them cattle and made them the owners and the masters thereof
Did they not see that We have created the cattle for them, among that which Our hands have done, then they are their masters?
And did they not see that We, We created for them from what Our hands have made, cattle, and they are for them masters?
See they not that it is We Who have created for them - among the things which Our hands have fashioned - cattle, which are under their dominion?
Do not they see that We [We] created for them from what have made Our hands, cattle, then they [for them] (are the) owners
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