Will you not be reminded [of the warning against such thinking]?
Will you not then reflect
Will you not then mind
Will you not, then, recollect?
Will you not be reminded?
Will you not then remember?
Do you not reflect
Won’t you reflect?
Will you not reflect
Will you not then remind (yourselves and remind the others)
Will you not take heed
Will you then not be mindful
Do you not understand
Then, is it that you do not think about it
Will you not then reflect
Won´t you (reflect and) come back to your senses
Then will you not remember (receive the warning)
Then will you not be reminded
Will you not remember?
Do you not reflect
Will ye not then be admonished
Why do you not reflect
Will you not pay heed?
Will you not still reflect and be mindful
Will you not then take admonition
Will you not then reflect
Do you not take notice?
Will you not then receive advice
Do you not pay attention?
Will you then not take heed
Will you not remember
Would you not yet take heed
Do you then not reflect?
Why do you not take heed?
What, will you not remember
Will you not then mind
Do you not mention/remember
Why don’t they use their brain before saying something of such blasphemy magnitude
“So do you not ponder?”
Will you not take heed
Do you not ponder
Will you take no heed
Will you not then remember
What, and will you not remember
Will ye not therefore be admonished
will ye not be mindful
Will ye not then receive this warning
Will you not take thought
Will you not then remember?
Will you not then take heed?
Don´t you reflect?
Will you not receive instruction?
Will you not remind yourselves?
Will you not be reminded?
So, Will yourselves not be remembering?
Do you not reflect?
Do you not remember and think?
Will you not then receive admonition?
Can you not deviate into sense and turn your thoughts upon the truth
Will you not then mind?
Then will you not remember?
Will ye not then receive admonition
Then will not you pay heed
Afala tathakkaroona
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