And (will) be paid in full every soul what it did; and He (is the) Best-Knower of what they do.
for every human being will be repaid in full for whatever [good or evil] he has done: and He is fully aware of all that they do
And each soul is paid in full for what it did. And He is Best Aware of what they do
And to every soul will be paid in full (the fruit) of its Deeds; and (Allah) knoweth best all that they do
Every soul will be paid in full for its deeds, for Allah knows best what they have done.
Every soul will be fully compensated [for] what it has done, for He knows best what they do.
Every soul will be repaid in full for what it has done. He is fully aware of all that they did
And every soul shall be paid back fully what it has done, and He knows best what they do
The account of each soul will be paid in full for what it did. He is greater in knowledge of what they accomplish.
Every soul will be repaid for whatever it has done; He is quite Aware of what they are doing.
And each person will be rewarded in full of what it did; and He is Best Aware of what they did.
Every soul will be paid in full for that which it has done, and He knows best what they do
And every soul will be fully recompensed for what it did. He knows best what they do.
And every soul will be fully compensated for what it had done. He is well aware of what they do
And each Nafs (human personality) has been paid in full of what she did. And He knows more about what the people do
Every soul will be paid in full according to its deeds, for He knows fully well as to what they did
And every self will be paid in full for whatever it has done; and He knows best whatever they perform
Every soul will be recompensed for its deeds. God knows best whatever they have done
And everyone will be paid in full for what he did - and He knows best what they do
For, every human being will be repaid in full for whatever he has been doing. (The Justice that is so well expounded in the Qur'an.) And He is the best Knower of whatever they do
Everyone will be compensated in full for (every) action they (ever) did; He is well Aware of what they do
And (the reward) of the actions of every soul will be paid in full; And (Allah) is All Aware (Aa’lam) of all that they do
And every soul will be fully compensated [for] what it did; and He is most knowing of what they do
And every soul will be paid for whatever it did, for He is fully aware of everything they have done.
and every soul will be repaid in full for what it has done. He knows best what they do
And each soul will be paid in full that which it hath worked; and He is the Best Knower of which they do
Each soul will be paid in full for what it had done. He is cognisant of what you do
Every self will be repaid in full for what it did. He knows best what they are doing.
And every soul will be paid in full whatever (good or evil) it has done (in the world); and indeed He knows best all that they do
Every soul will be recompensed fully for what it has done, and He is best aware of what they do
And every soul shall be paid back full for what it has done, and He knows best what they do
And every person will be paid back in full for what it did, and He knows better what they do.
And every soul will be paid in full for her deeds, and God knows best all that they do
Every soul will be fully rewarded for what it did; Allah knows best what they did
and everyone shall be paid in full for all that he did. Allah is best aware of all that they do
And every soul will be paid for whatever it did, for He is fully aware of everything they have done.
And everyone shall be paid in full for all that he/she did. And Allah knows what they do
And every soul shall be paid in full for their doings and He knows well what they used to do.
Every soul will be paid for whatever it did, for He is fully aware of everything they have done.
Every soul shall be paid in full according to what it has done, for He knows well what they did
And every soul is paid back fully for what it did, and He knows best what they do
And every self was fulfilled/completed what it made/did , and He is more knowledgeable about what they make/do
God exactly knows what people are doing and will reward them accordingly
And every soul will be repaid for its deeds in full, and He knows very well what they used to do
And every soul will be fully rewarded for what it did. And HE knows well what they do
And everyone will be given recompense in full for his doings, and He Knows full well what they do
And every soul shall be repaid in full for its deeds; for He (the Almighty Lord) is well-aware of all that they do
And each person will be paid in full of what he did; and He is Best Aware of what they do
Every soul shall be paid in full for what it has wrought; and He knows very well what they do
And every soul shall be fully rewarded, according to that which it shall have wrought; for He perfectly knoweth whatever they do
And every soul shall be paid for what it has done, and He knows best that which they do
And every soul shall receive as it shall have wrought, for well knoweth He men's actions
Every soul shall be recompensed according to its deeds, for He best knows all that they did
And every soul was rewarded in full for all that it had done and He knows best about all that they do.
Each human person will be paid in full according to what has has done, for He has the full knowledge of whatever they do.
And every soul will be repaid what it did and He knows best what you do.
Every soul will be paid in full for its deeds. He knows best all that they do.
And every soul was fully compensated for what it had done, for He knows better what they do.
Every soul will be repaid for whatever it has done; He is quite Aware of what they are doing.
And every soul fulfilled what it had worked. And He is a knower of what they are doing.
for every human being will be repaid in full for whatever they have done. He is fully aware of all that they do.
Every soul shall be given its due in full... He knows best what they do (as the creator of their actions).
And every soul will be paid back in full for that which it did, and He knows best about that which they do.
And there, will each soul have been requited with what is commensurate with its deeds and Allah knows best what each has done or left undone
And every soul will be paid in full what it did; and He knows best what they do.
And to every soul will be paid in full (the fruit) of its Deeds; and (God) knoweth best all that they do
And (will) be paid in full every soul what it did; and He (is the) Best-Knower of what they do
Wawuffiyat kullu nafsin ma AAamilat wahuwa aAAlamu bima yafAAaloona
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