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al-Ma`un (Small Kindnesses, Almsgiving, Have you Seen, The Daily Necessaries)
as rendered by Ahmed Hulusi
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Ahmed Hulusi rendition of Surah Small Kindnesses, Almsgiving, Have you Seen, The Daily Necessaries(al-Ma`un)
107:1 Did you see the one who denies his religion (the sunnatullah)?
107:2 Who scolds the orphan – pushing and shoving him,
107:3 And who does not encourage feeding the needy (stingy, selfish)!
107:4 So, woe to those who pray (out of custom),
107:5 Who are heedless (cocooned) of (the experience of the meaning of) their salat (which is an ascension [miraj] to their innermost essential reality; their Rabb).
107:6 They are the ones who make a show of their deeds,
107:7 And prevent good!


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