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Muhammad Ahmed - Samira

ar-Rum (The Romans, The Byzantines)
as rendered by Muhammad Ahmed - Samira
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Muhammad Ahmed - Samira rendition of Surah The Romans, The Byzantines(ar-Rum)
30:1 A L M
30:2 The Romans were defeated/conquered
30:3 In the land's/planet Earth's nearest , and they, from after their defeat they will conquer
30:4 In (a) few years (between - ), to God (is) the matter/order from before and from after, and (on) that day the believers rejoice/delight
30:5 With God's victory/aid, He gives victory/aid (to) whom He wills/wants, and He (is) the glorious/mighty, the merciful
30:6 God's promise, God does not break His promise and but most of the people do not know
30:7 They know (what is) apparent/visible from the life the present/worldly life, and they are from the end (other life), they are ignoring/disregarding
30:8 Did they not think in themselves God did not create the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, and what (is) between them (B) except with the truth and a named/identified (specified) term/time, and that many from the people with their Lord's meeting (they are) disbelieving
30:9 Do they not walk/move/ride in the earth/Planet Earth, so they look/wonder about how was those from before them's end/turn (result)? They were stronger than them (in) strength/power, and they erupted and spread/plowed the earth/Planet Earth and they inhabited/built it more than what they inhabited/built it , and their messengers came to them with the evidences, so God was not to cause injustice to/oppress them, and but they were themselves causing injustice/oppression
30:10 Then (the) end/turn (result of) those who did bad/evil/harm (is) the bad/evil/harm/fire, that (is because) they denied/falsified with God's signs/verses/evidences, and they were with it mocking/making fun
30:11 God begins/initiates the creation then He returns/repeats it, then to Him you are being returned
30:12 And a day/time the Hour/Resurrection starts the criminals/sinners become confused/dumbfounded
30:13 And (there) were not for them from their partners (with God) mediators, and they were with their partners (with God) disbelievers
30:14 And a day/time the Hour/Resurrection starts , (on) that day they separate
30:15 So but those who believed and made/did the correct/righteous deeds, so they are in a garden/meadow ,being rejoiceful/delighted
30:16 And but those who disbelieved and lied/denied/falsified with Our verses/evidences , and the end's (other life's) meeting, so those are in the torture, they are made to be present/made to attend
30:17 So God's praise/glory when you enter into the evening and when you become (awaken) in the morning
30:18 And to Him (is) the praise/gratitude in the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, and (at) evening/first darkness when you cooperate/support/help
30:19 He brings out/emerges the live/alive from the dead, and He brings out/emerges the dead from the live/alive, and He revives the Earth/land after its death/lifelessness, and like that/that is how you are brought out
30:20 And from His verses/evidences/signs, that (E) He created you from dust/earth, then you were humans spreading out/extending
30:21 And from His evidences/signs that (E) He created for you from yourselves spouses to be tranquil/secure to it, and He made/created between you love/affection/friendship and mercy, that (E) in that (are) evidences/signs (E) to a nation thinking
30:22 And from His evidences/signs (are) the skies'/space's and the earth's/Planet Earth's creation, and your tongue's/speech's , and your colour's difference, that (E) in that (are) evidences/signs (E) to the creations all together/(universes)
30:23 And from His evidences/signs (is) your sleep/dream at the night, and the daytime, and your wishing/desiring from His grace/favour/blessing, that (E) in that (are) evidences/signs (E) to a nation hearing/listening
30:24 And from His evidences/signs , He shows you/makes you understand the lightning, fearfully and coveting/desirous , and He descends from the sky water so He revives with it the Earth/land after its death/lifelessness, that (E) in that (are) evidences/signs (E) to a nation reasoning/comprehending
30:25 And from His evidences/signs (is) that (E) the sky/space and the earth/Planet Earth stand/keep up with His matter/order , then if He called you a call/request from the earth/Planet Earth, then you are, you are emerging/appearing
30:26 And to Him what (is) in the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, each/all (are) to Him obeying/worshipping humbly
30:27 And He is who begins/initiates the creation, then He returns/repeats it, and it is easier/lighter on Him, and for Him (is) the example/proverb the highest/mightiest/most dignified in the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, and He is the glorious/mighty , the wise/judicious
30:28 He gave for you an example/proverb from your selves, are (there) for you from what your right (hands) owned/possessed from partners in what We provided for you (are your servants etc. equal partners in your wealth)? So you are (all) in it equal/alike? You fear them as you are fearing yourselves, (if you do not accept this for yourselves how could you make equal partners to God)? Like that We detail/explain the verses/evidences/signs to a nation reasoning/comprehending
30:29 But/rather those who caused injustice/oppression followed their self attractions for desires without knowledge, so who guides whom God misguided? And (there are) none from victoriors/saviors for them
30:30 So keep up your face/front to the religion, (as) a submitter/Moslem/Unifier of God , God's nature/manner/religion which He created/originated the people on it, (there is) no replacement/substitution to God's creation, that (is) the religion the straight/valuable , and but most of the people do not know
30:31 Returning to God/repenting/obeying to Him, and fear and obey Him, and keep up/start the prayers, and do not be from the sharers/takers of partners (with God)
30:32 From those who separated (in) their religion, and they were groups/parties (sects) , each/every group/party (sect) with what (is) at them they are happy/rejoiced
30:33 And if harm touched the people, they called their Lord returning repenting/obeying to Him, then if He made them taste/experience from Him mercy, then a group/party/flock from them (are) with their Lord sharing/making partners
30:34 To disbelieve with what We gave/brought them, so live long/enjoy, so you will/shall know
30:35 Or We descended on them a proof/evidence , so he/it converses/speaks with what they were with Him sharing/making partners
30:36 And if We made the people taste/experience mercy, they became happy/delighted with it, and if a sin/crime (harm) hits/strikes them because (of) what their hands advanced/introduced , then they, they despair
30:37 Do they not see/understand that God spreads/extends the provision to whom He wills/wants, and He is capable/able ? That in that (are) evidences/signs (E) to a nation believing
30:38 So give/bring the relatives/relations/near his right/share , and the poorest of poor/poor oppressed, and the traveler/stranded traveler, that (is) best to those who want God's face/front/direction, and those are the successful/winners
30:39 And what you gave/brought from a growth/increase/any interest (mortgages etc.) to grow/increase in the people's properties/wealths , so (it) does not grow/increase at God, and what you gave/brought from charity/purification , you want/intend God's face/front/direction, so those, they are the doublers/multipliers
30:40 God (is) who created you, then He provided for you, then He makes you die, then He revives/makes you alive, are (there) from your partners (with God) who makes/does from that from a thing? His praise/glory and (He is) high, mighty, exalted and dignified about what they share/make partners (with Him)
30:41 The corruption/disorder appeared/became visible in the shore/land and sea/ocean because (of) what the people's hands earned/gained/acquired to make them taste/experience some/part of what they made/did , maybe/perhaps they return
30:42 Say: "Walk/move/ride in the earth/Planet Earth, so see/wonder about how was those from before's end/turn (result), most of them were sharers/takers of partners (with God)."
30:43 So keep up your face/front/direction to the religion, the straight/valuable , from before that a day/time comes, (there is) no return to it from God, (on) that day they declare openly/separate
30:44 Who disbelieved, so on him (is) his disbelief, and who made/did correct/righteous deeds, so to them selves they are preparing/paving
30:45 To reward/reimburse those who believed and made/did the correct/righteous deeds from His grace/blessing , that He truly does not love/like the disbelievers
30:46 And from His evidences/signs that He sends the winds/breezes announcers of good news, and to make you taste/experience from His mercy, and the ship/ships to flow/pass with His order/command, and ask/wish/desire from His grace/favour/blessing, and maybe/perhaps you thank/be grateful
30:47 And We had sent from before you messengers to their nation, so they came to them with the evidences, so We revenged/punished from those who committed crimes/sins, and (it) was truly/deservedly on Us the believers' victory/aid
30:48 God is who sends the winds/breezes so it spreads/agitates clouds, so He spreads/extends it in the sky how He wills/wants, and He makes it pieces, so you see the rain appears/emerges from in between and around it, so when He struck with it whom He wills/wants from His worshippers/slaves , then they are announcing good news/cheerful
30:49 And that truly they were from before that (E) it be made to descend on them, from before it, confused/dumbfounded (E)
30:50 So look/wonder about to God's mercy's tracks/marks/signs, how He revives/makes alive the Earth/land after its death/lifelessness, that truly that (is) reviving the deads, and He is on every thing capable/able
30:51 And if (E) We sent a wind/breeze so they saw it yellow/yellowish, they would have continued/remained from after it disbelieving
30:52 So that you do not make the deads hear/listen, and nor make the deaf hear/listen the call/prayer , if they turned away giving (their) backs
30:53 And you are not with guiding the blind/misguided from their misguidance, you make none hear/listen except who believes with (in) Our verses/evidences , so they are Moslems/submitters
30:54 God (is) who created you from weakness then He created/put from after weakness power/strength, then He created/put from after power/strength weakness, and white or gray (old aged), He creates what He wills/wants, and He is the knowledgeable, the capable/able
30:55 And a day/time the Hour/Resurrection starts the criminals/sinners swear/make oath (that) they did stay/remain except an hour, as/like that, they were being lied to/turned away
30:56 And those who were given/brought the knowledge and the faith/belief said: "You had stayed/remained in God's term/fate/destiny Book to the Revival Day/Resurrection Day, so this (is) the Revival Day/Resurrection Day, and but you were not knowing
30:57 So (on) that day those who caused injustice/oppression, their apologies/excuses do not benefit (them), and nor they, they be allowed to offer reconciliation/appeasement
30:58 And We had (E) given to the people in this the Koran from every example/proverb, and if (E) you came to them with a verse/evidence/sign those who disbelieved will say (E) : "That truly you are except wasters/annulers ."
30:59 As/like that God stamps/seals on those who do not knows' hearts/minds
30:60 So be patient, that truly God's promise (is) truth , and (let) not those who (are) not being sure/certain mislead/fool yo


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