[and] who [now] declare this Qur'an to be [a tissue of] falsehoods
Those who break the Qur'an into parts
(So also on such) as have made Qur'an into shreds (as they please)
who ˹now˺ accept parts of the Quran, rejecting others.
who reduced the Qur’an into fragments believing in some and rejecting others
and who have broken the Scripture into fragment
Those who made the Quran into shreds
those who made the Quran into fragments.
who have torn the Quran apart.
who have made the Qur’an into parts (believe some parts and deny others).
who made the Quran into fragments
Those who split the Quran into parts.
Those who made the Quran obsolete
those who made Al-Quran into (thirty or sixty equal) parts (on the basis of the thickness of volume, completely disregarding the subject matter and the divisions sanctioned by the Divine Author)
the one who divided their Qur’an into separate parts, believing in some and denying others
Who have made the Qur'an into fragments
and also divided the Quran believing in some parts and rejecting others
who had split the divine recitation (Scriptures) into bits
Now those who cause division and sectarianism after (this Revelation), will be seen as dismembering the Qur'an
Those who separated the Qur´an into fragments
(Also on those who) have made the Quran into tiny sections (to accept or reject as they please)
Who have made the Qur'an into portions
The ones who have made the Qur’an partial,
and abuse the Quran––
Those who have made the scripture bits
And severed their Scripture into fragments
those who divide the Qur´an into little pieces.
Those who have broken the Qur’an into fragments (as they please)
who reduced the Qur’an into pieces
Those who break the Quran into separate parts
those who made Quran into parts (and believed only in parts of it).”
And have made the Quran into shreds
and those who abused the Quran;
those who had split up their Qur´an into pieces
Theones who have made the Qur'an partial.
Those that tear the Quran into shreds
Who tore the Quran. into pieces.
They accept the Quran only partially.
who have broken the Koran into parts
Those who divided the Qur’an into parts
Those who made the Koran bits/divisions/enchantments
The disbelievers accept the Qur’an only partially (like the Jews who are criticized in Ch. for having accepted a part of their book and not believing in the rest.
Those who broke the Word of Allah into several parts. ( Those who broke the Torah / Bible or changed its text - or those who called the Qur’an a fabrication / poetry.
Who have pronounced the Qur'an to be so many lies
Those who divided the Qur’an into pieces (and split it, i.e., accepted the favourable Verses but rejected the others)
And who have pronounced the Qur'an to be a pack of lies
Who have made the Quran into parts. (i.e. believed in a part and disbelieved in the other)
who have broken the Koran into fragments
who distinguished the Koran into different parts
who dismember the Qur'an
Who break up the Koran into parts
the Koran into bits and pieces.⁴
They who made the Quran into portions.
Who have made the Qur'ân into segments.
Those who are selective about the Qur´an.
…goes for those who hack the Qur’an.
those who have made the Recital into fragments.
who have torn the Quran apart.
Those who set up the Qur'an into shreds (believe with part and disbelieve with others).
and declare the Qur'Än to be a confused medley.
They divided the Quran into portions (evaluated the Quran according to their benefits)!
Those who made the Qur'an into shreds.
And together with the Pagans they used their underhand scheming to discredit the Quran by fragmenting it into parts, labelling some as sheer poetry, some as legendary and others as divinatory, and fed the pilgrims thoughts with their falsehood
who made the Quran into parts (accepting some and rejecting other parts).
Who have made the Quran into parts.
(So also on such) as have made Qur'an into shreds (as they please)
Those who have made the Quran (in) parts
Allatheena jaAAaloo alqur-ana AAideena
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