He revealed to you the Book in [the] truth confirming that which between hands and He revealed the Taurat and the Injeel,
Step by step has He bestowed upon thee from on high this divine writ, setting forth the truth which confirms whatever there still remains [of earlier revelations]: for it is He who has bestowed from on high the Torah and the Gospe
He hath revealed unto thee (Muhammad) the Scripture with truth, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, even as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel
It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus)
He has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book in truth, confirming what came before it, as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel
He has sent down the Book to you with the Truth to confirm what is available of other revelations, as it is He who sent down the Torah and the Gospel
He has sent down the Book to you with truth, which fulfils [the predictions] in the Scriptures that preceded it: He sent down the Torah and the Gospe
He has revealed to you the Book with truth, verifying that which is before it, and He revealed the Tavrat and the Injeel aforetime, a guidance for the people, and He sent the Furqan
He sent down to thee the Book with The Truth, that which establishes as true what was before it. And He caused to descend the Torah and the Gospel
He has sent down the Book to you with Truth to confirm whatever existed before it. He sent down the Torah and the Gospel
He has sent down to you (Muhammad) the book (the Qur’an) with truth confirming what came before it. He sent down the Torah and the Gospel,
He sent down the Book upon thee in truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospe
He revealed to you the Book with truth, confirming what preceded it. He also revealed the Torah and the Gospel.
He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel
He has delivered to you Al-Kitab, in original, confirming as true what is in between its two hands (i.e., already there) and He delivered At-Taurat and Al-Injeel
He has revealed to you this Book with the Truth, confirming the scripture which preceded it, as He revealed the Torah and Gospel
He has been sending down upon you the Book with the Truth, sincerely (verifying) what was before it (Literally: between its two hands), and He sent down the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses") and the Injil. (The Book revealed to Isa)
He has sent the Book (Quran) to you (Muhammad) in all Truth. It confirms the original Bible. He revealed the Torah and the Gospe
He has revealed to you the Book with the truth, confirming what has been before it, and has sent down the Torah and the Inji
He it is Who has sent down this Book to you (O Messenger) in Absolute Truth, confirming the authentic in what He has revealed before. He is the One who sent down the Torah and the Gospel
He revealed to you the book with the truth; it confirms the scriptures that came before it. (It is) He (Who) revealed the Torah and the Gospels
It is He Who has sent down to you the Book (in stages) in truth, confirming what went before it; And He has sent down the Torah (to Moses) and the Bible (to Jesus)
He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel
He sent down to you the Book with the truth, affirming what is between his hands; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
Step by step, He has sent the Scripture down to you [Prophet] with the Truth, confirming what went before: He sent down the Torah and the Gospe
He hath revealed unto thee the Book with truth confirming that which went before it; and He sent down the Taurat and Injil
He has verily revealed to you this Book, in truth and confirmation of the Books revealed before, as indeed He had revealed the Torah and the Gospe
He has sent down the Book to you with truth, confirming what was there before it. And He sent down the Torah and the Gospel,
He sends down on you the Book in parts with the truth, confirming (the Divine origin of, and the truths still contained by) the Revelations prior to it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospe
He has sent down to you the Book with the truth confirming what was [revealed] before it, and He had sent down the Torah and the Evange
It is He who has sent down to you the Scripture with truth, confirming what was revealed before it, and has revealed the Torah and the Gospel before this for the guidance of mankind, and has revealed the Discrimination (Criterion)
He sent down the book (Quran) to you with truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel
He sent down to you, in truth, the Book reflecting the truth of what went before it. And He sent down the Torah, and the gospel
Truly He has revealed to you the Book, confirming what scriptures already existed, and He revealed the Torah and the Gospel
He has revealed this Book to you, setting forth the truth and confirming the earlier Books, and earlier He revealed the Torah and Gospe
He sent down to you the Book with the truth, authenticating what is between his hands; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
He has bestowed upon you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it. And He had bestowed the Torah and the Gospe
He sent down to you this true Book, confirming preceding Books, and He sent down Tawrat and Injil before this.
He sent down to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming all previous scriptures, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel
He has sent down to you the Book with the truth, confirming what preceded it; and He has sent down the Torah and the Gospel (of Prophet Jesus which has been lost
He has revealed to thee the Book with truth, verifying that which is before it, and He revealed the Torah and the Gospe
He descended on you The Book with the truth , confirming to what (is) between His hands, and He descended the Torah and the New Testament/Bible
It is God who has sent down this book to you which has brought the Truth and confirms the [divine source] of the previous scriptures
He has sent down to you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) this true Book (the Holy Qur’an), confirming the Books before it, and He sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Bible).
HE has sent down to thee the Book containing the truth and fulfilling that which precedes it; and HE has sent down the Torah and the Gospel before this, as a guidance to the people; and HE has sent down the Discrimination
(O Beloved!) He is the One Who has revealed to you (this) Book with truth. (It) confirms (all those Books) that were revealed before it. And He is the One Who has revealed the Torah and the Injil (the Gospel)
He has revealed to you gradually this perfect Book (- the Qur'an) which meets all your requirements, fulfilling that (prophecies in the Scriptures) which preceded it and which still remain. He revealed the Torah and the Evangel
It is He Who has sent down the Book (the Quran) to you (Muhammad SAW) with truth, confirming what came before it. And he sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)
He has sent down upon thee the Book with the truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospe
He hath sent down unto thee the book of the Koran with truth, confirming that which was revealed before it; for he had formerly sent down the law, and the gospel
He has sent down to thee the Book, in truth, confirming what was before it, and has revealed the law, and the gospe
In truth hath He sent down to thee "the Book," which confirmeth those which precede it: For He had sent down the Law, and the Evangel aforetime
He has revealed to you the Book with the Truth, confirming that which preceded it; for He had already revealed the Torah and the Gospel
He sent the book down unto you by the truth testifying to that which went before it and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
He is the one Who has revealed to you the Book with (full Knowledge of) truth, verifying that which is before It. He revealed the Torah and the Gospel
He revealed the book to you with the truth, confirming that which came before it, and He revealed the Torah and the Injil.
He bestowed upon yousg the Scripture from on high with the truth, confirming what preceded it. And He sent down the Torah and the Gospel
He bestowed upon you, in truth, the Book confirming (the Scriptures) that came before it. He bestowed the Torah and the Gospel [of Jesus]…
He has sent down the Quran to you with Truth to confirm whatever existed before it. He sent down the Torah and the Gospel
He sent down upon you the Book with the right, confirming for what is between its hands; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
He has revealed to you this Book with the truth, confirming what was revealed before it; and He has already revealed the Torah and the Gospel
God sent to you the Book with the truth confirming the truth of what preceded it. And God sent the Torah and the Gospel before, as guidance to humankind; and God sent the Criterion.
He, as the very reality itself, revealed what is in your hands (disclosed in your consciousness), the Book (knowledge of the reality and sunnatullah) confirming the Truth from the past. He had also revealed the Torah (knowledge disclosed to Moses) and the Gospel (knowledge disclosed to Jesus).
He has sent down to you the Book with truth, confirming that which is before it, and He sent down the Turah and the Evangel
He has revealed to you, O Muhammad, the Quran, in truth and in agreement with reality, corroborating and authoritatively validating the authentic books previously revealed, and in temporal order He revealed AL-Tawrah and AL-Injil (the Torah and the Bible)
He has sent down on you the book containing the truth, confirming that which was before it. And He had sent down the Torah and the Injeel
He has sent down upon you the Book with the truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah, and the Gospel
It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus)
He revealed to you the Book in [the] truth confirming that which (was/among) before it, and He revealed the Taurat and the Injeel
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