Indeed, We [We] have revealed to you the Book in truth; so worship Allah (being) sincere to Him (in) the religion.
for, behold, it is We who have bestowed this revelation upon thee from on high, setting forth the truth: so worship Him, sincere in thy faith in Him alone
Lo! We have revealed the Scripture unto thee (Muhammad) with truth; so worship Allah, making religion pure for Him (only)
Verily it is We Who have revealed the Book to thee in Truth: so serve Allah, offering Him sincere devotion
Indeed, We have sent down the Book to you ˹O Prophet˺ in truth, so worship Allah ˹alone˺, being sincerely devoted to Him.
We have sent down the Book to you in truth, so worship God, sincere in your faith in Him alone.
It is We who sent down the Book to you [Prophet] with the Truth, so worship God with your total devotion
Surely We have revealed to you the Book with the truth, therefore serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience
Truly, We caused to descend to thee the Book with The Truth so worship God as one who is sincere and devoted in the way of life to Him.
We have sent the Book down to you with the Truth, so serve God sincerely: religion belongs to Him
Surely, We have sent down the book to you (O Muhammad) in truth. So worship Allah (alone) sincerely, the religion is for Allah.
Indeed, We have sent down unto thee the Book in truth; so worship God, devoting religion entirely to Him
We revealed to you the Book of Truth. Therefore, worship God, dedicating your religion to Him alone.
We sent down to you the Book with the truth, so serve God, devoting your religion to Him
Verily We, We sent down to you Al-Kitab in Original. So pay obedience to Allah as one who keeps Religion pure in relation to Him
Certainly We have revealed to you the Book with the Truth: therefore worship Allah, offering Him your sincere obedience
Surely We have sent down to you the Book with the Truth; so worship Allah, making the religion faithfully His
We have revealed the Book to you in all truth. Worship God and be devoted to His religion
Surely We have revealed the Book to you with truth; so worship Allah making your submission exclusive for Him
Behold, it is We Who have revealed this Book to you (O Prophet) setting forth the Truth. Therefore, serve Allah sincere in your Faith in Him alone
Indeed, We sent you the book with the truth. So worship Allah, and keep your faith exclusively for Him
Surely, it is We Who have revealed (and made known) the Book to you in Truth: So, worship Allah, giving Him (your) sincere love and prayer
Indeed, We have sent down to you the Book, [O Muhammad], in truth. So worship Allah , [being] sincere to Him in religion
We have sent down to you the Book with the truth, so serve God while devoting the system to Him.
It is We who sent down the Scripture to you [Prophet] with the Truth, so worship God with your total devotion
Verily We! We have sent down the Book Unto thee With truth: wherefore worship thou Allah, making exclusion for Him in religion
We have revealed to you the Scripture with exactitude; so worship God with devotion all exclusive for Him
We have sent down the Book to you with truth. So worship Allah, making your deen sincerely His.
We have sent down to you the Book with the truth (embodying it, and with nothing false in it), so worship God, sincere in your faith in Him and practicing the Religion purely for His sake
Indeed We have sent down the Book to you with the truth; so worship Allah, putting exclusive faith in Him
Surely We have revealed to you the Book with the truth, therefore serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience (or making religion pure for Him only)
Indeed, We sent down the book to you with the truth, so serve God, being sincere (and devoted) to Him in the way of life (religion).
Indeed it is We Who have revealed the Book to you in truth. So serve God, offering Him sincere devotion
We revealed to you the Book of the Truth, so worship Allah sincerely with commitment.
(O Prophet), it is We Who have revealed this Book to you with Truth. So serve only Allah, consecrating your devotion to Him
We have sent down to you the Book with the truth, so serve God while devoting the system to Him.
We have revealed the Book to you [Prophet Muhammad] in Truth, indeed! Worship Allah, then, consecrating your lifestyle exclusively for Him
Undoubtedly, We have sent down this Book to you with truth, therefore worship Allah being purely His devotee.
We sent down to you this scripture, truthfully; you shall worship GOD, devoting your religion to Him alone.
We have sent down the Book with the truth to you (Prophet Muhammad), therefore worship Allah, and make your religion sincerely His
Surely We have revealed to thee the Book with truth, so serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience
That We, We descended to you The Book with the truth so worship God faithful, loyal/devoted to him (in) the religion
I (God) have sent down this Book (that contains nothing but the truth) to you to invite you to worship none but God and be sincere in your religion
We have indeed divinely revealed the Book to you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) with the truth, therefore worship Allah, as His sincere bondman
Surely, it is WE Who have revealed the Book to thee comprising the whole truth, so worship ALLAH, being sincere to HIM in obedience
Surely, We have revealed (this) Book to you with the truth. So worship Allah for His sake alone in sincere obedience
Surely, it is We Who have revealed the Book to you with the established truth to suit the requirements of truth and wisdom. So worship Allah, being truly sincere to Him in obedience
Verily, We have sent down the Book to you (O Muhammad SAW) in truth: So worship Allah (Alone) by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allahs sake only, (and not to show-off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship)
We have sent down to thee the Book with the truth; so worship God, making thy religion His sincerely
Verily We have revealed this book unto thee with truth: Wherefore serve God, exhibiting the pure religion unto Him
Verily, we have sent down to thee the Book in truth, then serve God, being sincere in religion unto Him
We have sent down the Book to thee with the truth: serve thou God then, and be sincere in thy worship
We have revealed to you the Book with the Truth: therefore worship God, consecrating your religion to Him
Truly We have revealed the book unto you by the truth so worship Allah while making the religion sincere only for Him.
Surely it is We Who have revealed the Book to you in all truth. Now, therefore, worship Allâh (in the way He wants us to worship Him).
For We revealed to you the book with the truth, so serve Allah, making religion sincere for Him.
Truly, We have revealed the Book to (Prophet Muhammed) in truth, so worship Allah, offering Him sincere faith.
Indeed, We have sent down to yousg the Scripture with the truth, so worship Allah, devoting religion to Him.
We have sent the Book (the Quran) down to you with the Truth, so serve Allah (God) sincerely: religion belongs to Him
Surely, We sent down to you the Book with the right, so worship Allah, sincere for Him the religion.
It is We who have bestowed on you this revelation from on high, stating the truth. Therefore, worship God alone, sincere in your faith in Him.
Indeed, We have revealed the knowledge to you in Truth (disclosed it from the dimension of Names comprising your essence)! So, live the religion with the awareness of your servitude to Allah (the absolute judge and sovereign of the system and order within existence)!
We have sent down to you the book containing the truth, so serve Allah making religion exclusively for Him.
We have revealed to you; O Muhammad the Book -the Quran- in truth and in agreement with reality, therefore worship Allah devoting to Him alone all religious rites
Indeed We, We have sent down to you the Book with the truth, so serve God, sincere to Him in the religion.
Verily it is We Who have revealed the Book to thee in Truth: so serve God, offering Him sincere devotion
Indeed, We [We] have revealed to you the Book in truth; so worship Allah (being) sincere to Him (in) the religion
Inna anzalna ilayka alkitaba bialhaqqi faoAAbudi Allaha mukhlisan lahu alddeena
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