[They will be seated] on gold-encrusted thrones of happiness
On lined couches
(They will be) on Thrones encrusted (with gold and precious stones)
˹All will be˺ on jewelled thrones,
They recline on luxurious woven couches.
Seated on couches wrought in gold and encrusted with precious stones
On thrones decorated
are on lined couches,
on couches set close together,
(They will be) on thrones of gold and precious stones,
upon embroidered couches
Upon ornate thrones.
On luxurious furnishings
(These successful people will be seated) on seats woven with gold and precious stones—
They shall have the jewelled couches
Upon close-wrought (Or: plaited or encrusted) settees
They will recline on jewelled couche
(They will be sitting) on thrones woven with gold
On decorated thrones
(They will sit) on thrones engraved with gold and precious stones
(They will be) on thrones inlaid (with gold and precious stones)
On thrones woven [with ornament]
Upon luxurious beds.
On couches of well-woven clot
On couches in wrought with gold
On couches wrought of gold
On sumptuous woven couches,
(They will be seated) on lined thrones (encrusted with gold and precious stones)
On brocaded couche
On thrones decorated
On sofas lavishly inlaid (with jewels and gold),
On thrones encrusted
Resting on couches decked with jewels,
They (will be seated) on gold-encrusted couches
Upon luxurious beds.
On couches embedded with gold and precious stone
They shall be on thrones studded with diamonds and pearls.
On luxurious furnishings.
on lavish couche
On thrones inwrought
On royal beds/sofas lightly woven
They will be reclining on the luxurious furnishings,…
On studded thrones
Seated on couches inwrought with gold and jewels
(Those drawn near) will be on the thrones ornamented with gold
(They will be in the Garden seated) on couches inlaid (with gold and precious jewels)
(They will be) on thrones woven with gold and precious stones
upon close-wrought couche
Reposing on couches adorned with gold and precious stones
And gold-weft couches
On inwrought couche
They shall recline on jewelled couche
They will be on eiderdown beds.
(They will sit) on bejeweled thrones,
On decorated couches.
[They will be] on ornate thrones,…
on luxurious couches,
on couches set close together,
On woven beds.
On thrones embroidered with jewels. (The verses in regards to Paradise as of this verse should be read in light of the statement “The example [metaphoric representation] of Paradise” mentioned in various verses [13:35, 47:15]. All expressions are symbolic and should not be taken literally.)
(they will be) on couches encrusted (with gold and precious stones),
They will be seated on thrones studded with gold and adorned with pearls
On woven couches,
(They will be) on Thrones encrusted (with gold and precious stones)
On thrones decorated
AAala sururin mawdoonatin
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