Thus have We determined [the nature of man's creation]: and excellent indeed is Our power to determine [what is to be]
Thus We arranged. How excellent is Our arranging
For We do determine (according to need); for We are the best to determine (things)
We ˹perfectly˺ ordained ˹its development˺. How excellent are We in doing so!
And We determined it, how excellently We determine.
Thus We have determined the stages of development and Our power to determine is excellent indeed
So We proportion it-- how well are We at proportioning (things)
And We measured. How bountiful are the ones who measure!
We measure it out and how favored are Those Who measure it!
So We have measured (its term) and We are the best to measure (things).
Thus do We determine; what excellent determiners
We determined, so how excellent We are at determining.
We measured precisely. We are the best to measure
Then We assessed and determined (the various stages and processes of intra-uterine life and the signals for delivery); then (We proved to be) the excellent Assessors and those Who determine
We have estimated its term - how excellent an estimator We are
So We determined; so Excellent the Determiners are We
Thus did We Plan and how excellent is Our planning
Thus We did (all this with perfect) measure; so We are the best to measure
Thus We have determined (all things). How excellent is Our determining! (Appointing due measure of all things)
This is what We destined! How very excellent is Our destiny
(And) We decide (the need); For We are the Best to decide (things)
And We determined [it], and excellent [are We] to determine
So We measured, and We are the best to measure.
We determine [it]: how excellently We determine
So We decreed. How excellent are We as decreers
Then We facilitated (your birth). How well do We calculate
It is We who determine. What an excellent Determiner!
Thus have We determined (everything related to your existence), and how excellent We are in determining
Then We designed; so how excellent designers We are
Thus We arrange things - how well are We at arranging things
So, We are able, and We are very capable.
And We decide, for We are the best to decide
precisely determined by Us; we are excellent at determining its length.
See that We had the power to do so. Great indeed is Our power to do what We will
So We measured, and We are the best to measure.
We then fixed terms [for everything in man's life]. And We are the best in fixing terms
Then We measured, so what an excellent Measurers are We.
We measured it precisely. We are the best designer
We determined, how excellent a Determiner are We
So We determined -- how well are We at determining
So We evaluated and measured precisely, so blessed/praised (are) the capable/able
Then designed it to the best of the proportion
We then calculated; so how excellently do We control
Thus did WE determine; and how excellent Determiner are WE
Then We determined time periods (for all the stages of growth from conception to birth). And how excellent do We determine
Thus did We determine, and how good We are at determining
So We did measure, and We are the Best to measure (the things)
We determined; excellent determiners are We
And We were able to do this: For We are most powerful
for we are able and well able too
Such is our power! and, how powerful are We
All this We did; how excellent is Our work
Thus do We measure [in truth] and We are the best of those who measure [in truth].
We perfectly decreed its process of developing. How Brilliant are We in doing so!.
For We arrange it all in an excellent manner.
And We have determined, so what excellent determiners are We!
We determine. We are the best to determine.
We measure it out and We are the best to measure it!
So we estimated. So, how graciously is the estimator.
For We have determined measures, being the best giver of order.
Thus We determined it! And excellent determiners We are!
For We determine; and We are the best to determine (and then Resurrection is easy for Us to portend
We then determined, besides the span of this period, the relevant constitution and how right is the determination
thus We programmed, for We are Excellent Programmers.
And We measured, and excellent are the measurers.
For We do determine (according to need); for We are the best to determine (things)
So We measured, and Best (are We to) measure
Faqadarna faniAAma alqadiroona
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