[and] there will be thrones [of happiness] raised high
Wherein are couches raise
Therein will be Thrones (of dignity), raised on high
along with thrones raised high,
Raised couches are placed there,
raised couches
Therein are thrones raised high
In it are exalted couches
by it couches will be raised up,
They will be on thrones raised high in it,
therein are raised couches
Therein, couches will be elevated.
In it are raised beds
Therein are beds raised high
Therein they shall be reclining on raised soft couches
Therein are upraised settees
raised couches
In it there are elevated couche
Therein are thrones of honor
And elevated thrones
In there will be Thrones (of dignity), raised high
Within it are couches raised hig
In it are raised beds.
raised couches
Therein shall be couches elevated
And within it are couches placed on high
and raised-up couches,
Therein couches raised high
and in it there are raised couches
Wherein are Thrones (of dignity) raised on high
raised sofas in there,
There will be thrones raised on high
furnished with raised and comfortable sofas,
and couches raised high
In it are raised beds.
Therein thrones raised high
Therein are uplifted couches.
In it, there are luxurious furnishings
and raised couches
Therein are thrones raised high
In it (are) raised royal beds/sofas
While relaxing on high thrones
In which are high thrones
Therein are raised couches
And raised-up couches (laid)
It shall have thrones raised high
Therein will be thrones raised high
therein uplifted couche
Therein shall be raised beds
wherein are couches raised on high
Therein shall be raised couches
therein shall be raised soft couche
Therein are beds raised high,
Wherein in are uplifted couches,
In it are raised couches,
In it will be thrones raised high.
in it are raised couches,
by it couches will be raised up,
Therein are uplifted beds.
and raised couches,
Couches raised high,
"and couches raised high,"
Therein are thrones raised high
Therein are dignified seats covered with embroidered cloth woven in gold and ornamented with brocade
therein are raised couches
In it are raised couches,
Therein will be Thrones (of dignity), raised on high
Therein (will be) thrones raised high
Feeha sururun marfooAAatun
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