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ا ن ت م
General Root Meaning
Are you, Then are you, you, Certainly you, Here you are you, while you
a-antum   (4)

Or (do) you say that Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqub and the descendants were Jews or Christians?" Say, "Are you better knowing or (is) Allah?" And who (is) more unjust than (the one) who concealed a testimony (that) he has from Allah? And not (is) Allah unaware of what you do.

Are you a more difficult creation or the heaven. He constructed it?

And (the) Day He will gather them and what they worship from besides Allah and He will say, "Did you [you] mislead My slaves these or they went astray (from) the way?"

Is it you who create it or (are) We the Creators?

Is it you who send it down from the rain clouds, or We (are) the Ones to send?

Is it you who produced its tree or We (are) the Producers?

Is it you (who) cause it to grow or (are) We the Ones Who grow?

afa-antum   (1)

And this (is) a Reminder blessed, which We (have) revealed. Then are you of it rejecters?

antumu   (2)

So they returned to themselves and said, "Indeed, you [you] (are) the wrongdoers."

O mankind! You (are) those in need of Allah, while Allah, He (is) Free of need the Praiseworthy.

antum   (13)

And when it is said to them, "Spend from what (has) provided you Allah." Said those who disbelieved to those who believed, "Should we feed whom if willed Allah- He would have fed him?" Not (are) you except in an error clear.

Indeed, what you are promised (is) sure to come. And not (can) you escape (it).

And say those who disbelieve, "Never will we believe in this Quran and not in (that) which between hands (before it) But if you (could) see when the wrongdoers will be made to stand before their Lord, will throw back some of them to others the word. Will say those who were oppressed to those who were arrogant, "If not (for) you certainly we (would) have been believers."

He said, "Verily, you are [you] and your forefathers (were) in an error manifest."

Then is it to this statement that you (are) indifferent?

Then you (are) those (who) kill yourselves and evict a party of you from their homes, you support one another against them in sin and [the] transgression. And if they come to you (as) captives, you ransom them, while it (was) forbidden to you their eviction. So do you believe in part (of) the Book and disbelieve in part? Then what (should be the) recompense (for the one) who does that among you, except disgrace in the life (of) the world; and (on the) Day of [the] Resurrection they will be sent back to (the) most severe punishment? And not (is) Allah unaware of what you do.

O you who believe! (Take) testimony among you when approaches one of you [the] death, (at the) time (of making) [the] a will two men, just, among you, or two others from other than you if you (are) travel(ing) in the earth then befalls you calamity (of) [the] death. Detain both of them from after the prayer and let them both swear by Allah if you doubt, "Not we will exchange it for a price even if he is (of) a near relative, and not we will conceal testimony (of) Allah. Indeed, we then (will) surely (be) of the sinners."

He (is) the One Who created you from clay then He decreed a term - and a term specified with Him, yet you doubt.

Say, "Allah saves you from it and from every distress, yet you associate partners (with Allah

And (did) not they appraise Allah (with) true (his) appraisal, when they said, "Not revealed Allah on a human being [of] anything." Say, "Who revealed the Book which brought [it] Musa (as) a light and guidance for the people? You make it (into) parchments, you disclose (some of) it and you conceal much (of it). And you were taught what not knew you and not your forefathers." Say, "Allah (revealed it)." Then leave them in their discourse - playing.

Are these the ones whom you had sworn not that (will) grant them Allah Mercy? "Enter Paradise. (There will be) no fear upon you and not you will grieve."

He said, "Verily has fallen upon you from your Lord punishment and anger. Do you dispute with me concerning names you have named them - you and your forefathers not (has) sent down Allah for it any authority? Then wait, indeed, I am with you of the ones who wait.

Indeed, you you approach the men lustfully from instead of the women. Nay, you (are) a people (who) commit excesses."

And if you call them to the guidance, not they will follow you. (It is) same for you whether you call them or you remain silent.

And remember when you (were) few (and) deemed weak in the earth fearing that might do away with you the men, then He sheltered you, and strengthened you with His help, and provided you of the good things so that you may (be) thankful.

And (the) Day We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associate partners (with Allah "(Remain in) your place you and your partners." Then We will separate [between] them, and (will) say their partners, "Not you used (to) us worship."

And if they deny you then say, "For me (are) my deeds, and for you (are) your deeds. You (are) disassociated from what I do, and I am disassociated from what you do."

And they ask you to inform "True "it is?" Say, "Yes, by my Lord! Indeed, it (is) surely the truth, and not you (can) escape (it)."

So when came the magicians, said to them Musa, "Throw whatever you (wish to) throw."

Then if not they respond to you then know that it was sent down with the knowledge , (of) Allah and that (there is) no god except Him. Then, would you (be) Muslims?

And to Aad (We sent) their brother Hud. He said, "O my people! Worship Allah, not (is) for you any god, other than Him. Not you (are) but inventors.

Not you worship from besides Him but names which you have named, you and your forefathers, not (has) sent down Allah for it any authority. Not (is) the command but for Allah. He has commanded that not you worship but Him Alone. That (is) the religion the right, but most [the] men (do) not know.

They said, "If he steals - then verily stole a brother of his from before." But kept it secret Yusuf within himself, and (did) not reveal it to them. He said, "You (are the) worse (in) position, and Allah knows best of what you describe."

And said Musa, "If you disbelieve, you and whoever (is) in the earth all, then indeed, Allah certainly (is) Free of need, Praiseworthy."

Said their Messengers, "Can (there) be about Allah any doubt, (the) Creator (of) the heavens and the earth? He invites you, so that He may forgive for you [of] your sins, and give you respite for a term appointed." They said, "Not you (are) but a human like us, you wish to hinder us from what used to worship our forefathers. So bring us an authority clear."

And We have sent the winds fertilizing, and We sent down from the sky water, and We gave it to you to drink And not you of it (are) retainers.

Say, "If you possess the treasures (of) the Mercy (of) my Lord, then surely you would withhold (out of) fear (of) spending." And is man stingy.

When he said to his father and his people, "What (are) these [the] statues which you to it (are) devoted?"

And We taught him (the) making (of) coats of armor for you to protect you from your battle. Then will you (be) grateful?

Indeed, you and what you worship from besides Allah (are) firewood (of) Hell. You to it will come.

Say, "Only it is revealed to me that your god (is) God One; so will you submit (to Him)?"

No doubt! Indeed, to Allah (belongs) whatever (is) in the heavens and the earth. Verily, He knows what you (are) on [it], And (the) Day they will be returned to Him then He will inform them of what they did. And Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.

And it was said to the people, "Will you assemble

Said to them Musa. "Throw what you (are) going to throw."

You and your forefathers (of) the ancient (people).

And you leave what created for you your Lord, of your mates? Nay, you (are) a people transgressing."

So when came (to) Sulaiman he said, "Will you provide me with wealth? But what has given me Allah (is) better than what He has given you. Nay, you in your gift rejoice.

They said, "We consider a bad omen you and those with you." He said, "Your bad omen (is) with Allah. Nay, you (are) a people being tested."

Why do you approach the men (with) lust from instead of the women? Nay, you (are) a people ignorant."

And not you can escape in the earth and not in the heaven. And not for you from besides Allah any protector and not a helper.

And among His Signs (is) that He created you from dust then behold! You (are) human beings dispersing.

And among His Signs (is) that stands the heavens and the earth by His Command. Then when He calls you (with) a call, from the earth, behold! You will come forth.

And verily, We (have) set forth for mankind in this - [the] Quran of every example. But if you bring them a sign, surely will say those who disbelieve, "Not you (are) except falsifiers."

They said, "Not you (are) but human beings like us, and not has revealed the Most Gracious any thing. Not you (are) but lying."

They said, "Not you (are) but human beings like us, and not has revealed the Most Gracious any thing. Not you (are) but lying."

They said, "Your evil omen (be) with you! Is it because you are admonished? Nay, you (are) a people transgressing."

The One Who made for you from the tree [the] green - fire, and behold! You from it ignite.

He (will) say, "Will you be looking?"

Not you from Him can tempt away (anyone).

They say, "Nay! You - no welcome for you. You brought this upon us. So wretched (is) the settlement."

They say, "Nay! You - no welcome for you. You brought this upon us. So wretched (is) the settlement."

You from it turn away

And when they will dispute in the Fire, then will say the weak to those who were arrogant, "Indeed, we [we] were for you followers, so can you avert from us a portion of the Fire?"

And not you (can) escape in the earth, and not for you from besides Allah any protector and not any helper.

"O My slaves! No fear on you this Day and not you will grieve,

Enter Paradise, you and your spouses delighted."

Then magic is this, or you (do) not see?

Not they (are) except names you have named them, you and your forefathers, not has sent down Allah for it any authority. Not they follow except assumption and what desire the(ir) souls. And certainly has come to them from their Lord the guidance.

And if have gone from you any of your wives to the disbelievers then your turn comes, then give (to) those who have gone, their wives, (the) like (of) what they had spent. And fear Allah (in) Whom, you, [in Him] (are) believers.

And not you (are) worshippers (of) what I worship

And not you (are) worshippers (of) what I worship.

Not is Allah to leave the believers on what you (are) in [it] until He separates the evil from the good. And not is Allah to inform you about the unseen, [and] but Allah chooses from His Messengers whom He wills, so believe in Allah and His Messengers, and if you believe and fear (Allah) then for you (is a) reward great.

And said, the Jews and the Christians "We (are) (the) children (of) Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why (does He) punish you for your sins?" Nay, you (are) human beings from among (those) He created. He forgives [for] whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And for Allah (is the) dominion (of) the heavens and the earth and whatever (is) between them, and to Him (is) the final return.

And eat of what has provided you Allah - lawful good. And fear Allah, the One you (are) in Him believers.

He said, "Only will bring(on) you it Allah, if He wills, and not you (are) one who (can) escape (it).

They will say "Yes, indeed came to us a warner, but we denied and we said, "Not has sent down Allah any thing. Not you (are) but in error great."

Only intends the Shaitaan to cause between you [the] enmity and [the] hatred through intoxicants and gambling, and hinders you from (the) remembrance (of) Allah and from the prayer. So will you (be) the ones who abstain?

And they will come forth before Allah all together, then will say the weak to those who were arrogant, "Indeed we, we were your followers, so can you (be) the one who avails us from (the) punishment (of) Allah from anything?" They will say, "If had guided us Allah surely we would have guided (It is) same for us whether we show intolerance or we are patient, not (is) for us any place of escape."

And will say the Shaitaan, when has been decided the matter, "Indeed, Allah promised you a promise (of) truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. But not had I over you any authority except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So (do) not blame me, but blame yourselves. Not (can) I (be) your helper and not you (can) (be) my helper. Indeed, I deny [of what] your association of me (with A from before. Indeed, the wrongdoers, for them (is) a punishment painful."

Will say those who associate partners (with Allah "If had willed Allah, not we (would) have associated par and not our forefathers and not we (would) have forbidden [of] anything." Likewise denied those who from (were) before them until they tasted Our wrath. Say, "Is with you [of] any knowledge then produce it for us? Not you follow except the assumption, and not you (do) but guess."

And not he will order you that you take the Angels, and the Prophets (as) lords. Would he order you to [the] disbelief after [when] you (have become) Muslims?

When you (were) on the nearer side (of) the world (valley) and they (were) on the side, the farther and the caravan (was) lower than you. And if you (had) made an appointment certainly you would have faile in the appointment. But that might accomplish Allah a matter (that) was destined, that (might be) destroyed (those) who (were to be) destroyed on a clear evidence and (might) live (those) who (were to) live on a clear evidence. And indeed, Allah (is) All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

Those who avoid great sins and the immoralities except the small faults; indeed, your Lord (is) vast (in) forgiveness. He (is) most knowing about you when He produced you from the earth and when you (were) fetuses in (the) wombs (of) your mothers. So (do) not ascribe purity (to) yourselves. He knows best (he) who fears.

He said, "Do you know what you did with Yusuf and his brother, when you were ignorant?"

antumā   (1)

He said, "We will strengthen your arm through your brother and We will make for both of you an authority, so not they will reach to both of you. Through Our Signs you two and (those) who follow you, (will) be the dominant."

fa-antum   (1)

He sets forth to you an example from yourselves. Is for you among what possess your right hands any partners in what We have provided you so you in it (are) equal, you fear them as you fear yourselves? Thus We explain the Verses for a people (who) use reason.

la-antum   (1)

Certainly you(r) more intense fear in their breasts than Allah's. That (is) because they (are) a people not (who do) understand.

hāantum   (2)

Here you are - those who argued about what [for] you of it (have some) knowledge. Then why (do) you argue about what not for you of it (any) knowledge. And Allah knows, while you (do) not know.

Here you are - those who [you] argue for them in the life (of) the world, but who will argue (with) Allah for them (on the) Day (of) [the] Resurrection or who will be [over them] (their) defender.

Here you are - these, called to spend in (the) way (of) Allah - but among you (are some) who withhold, and whoever withholds, then only he withholds from himself. But Allah (is) Free of need, while you (are) the needy. And if you turn away He will replace you (with) a people other than you, then not they will be (the) likes of you.

Lo! You are those, you love them but not they love you and you believe in the Book - all of it. And when they meet you they say, "We believe." And when they are alone they bite at you the finger tips (out) of [the] rage. Say, Die in your rage. Indeed. Allah (is) All-Knowing of what (is in) the breasts."

wa-antumu   (2)

And (do) not weaken and (do) not grieve and you (will be) [the] superior, if you are believers.

So (do) not weaken and call for peace while you (are) superior, and Allah (is) with you and never will deprive you (of) your deeds.

Here you are - these, called to spend in (the) way (of) Allah - but among you (are some) who withhold, and whoever withholds, then only he withholds from himself. But Allah (is) Free of need, while you (are) the needy. And if you turn away He will replace you (with) a people other than you, then not they will be (the) likes of you.

wa-antum   (7)

O you who believe[d]! Fear Allah (as is His) right (that) He (should) be feared and (do) not die except [while you] (as) Muslims.

And when We appointed (for) Musa forty nights. Then you took the calf from after him and you (were) wrongdoers.

And indeed came to you Musa with [the] clear signs, then you took the calf from after him and you (were) wrongdoers.

Permitted for you (in the) nights (of) fasting (is) the approach to your wives. They (are) garments for you and you (are) garments for them. Knows Allah that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned towards you and He forgave [on] you. So now have relations with them and seek what has ordained Allah for you. And eat and drink until becomes distinct to you the thread [the] white from the thread [the] black of [the] dawn. Then complete the fast till the night. And (do) not have relations with them while you (are) secluded in the masajid. These (are the) limits (set by) Allah, so (do) not approach them. Thus makes clear Allah His verses for [the] people so that they may (become) righteous.

And when you divorce [the] women and they reached their (waiting) term, then (do) not hinder them [that] (from) marrying their husbands when they agree between themselves in a fair manner. That is admonished with it whoever [is] among you believes in Allah and the Day [the] Last; that (is) more virtuous for you and more purer. And Allah knows and you (do) not know.

Not on you (is) their guidance [and] but Allah guides whom He wills. And whatever you spend of good then it is for yourself, and not you spend except seeking (the) face (of) Allah. And whatever you spend of good, will be repaid in full to you and you (will) not be wronged.

And prepare for them whatever you able (to) of force and of tethered horses (cavalry) (to) terrify therewith (the) enemy of Allah, and your enemy and others from besides them, not (do) you know them (but) Allah knows them. And whatever you spend from (any) thing in (the) way (of) Allah it will be fully repaid to you, and you (will) not be wronged.

So (do) not put forth for Allah the similitude. Indeed, Allah knows and you (do) not know.

Say, "Yes, and you (will be) humiliated."

Will be circulated for them plates of gold and cups. And therein (is) what desires the souls and delights the eyes, and you therein will abide forever.

And you (at) that time look on,

And when We took (the) covenant (from the) Children (of) Israel, "Not you will worship except Allah, and with [the] parents (be) good and (with) relatives and [the] orphans and the needy, and speak to [the] people good, and establish the prayer and give the zakah." Then you turned away, except a few of you, and you (were) refusing.

And how (could) you disbelieve while [you] is recited upon you (the) Verses (of) Allah and among you (is) His Messenger? And whoever holds firmly to Allah, then surely he is guided to a path straight.

The One Who made for you the earth a resting place and the sky a canopy, and sent down from the sky water, then brought forth therewith [of] the fruits (as) provision for you. So (do) not set up to Allah rivals while you [you] know.

And (do) not mix the Truth with [the] falsehood and conceal the Truth while you [you] know.

Do you order [the] people [the] righteousness and you forget yourselves, while you [you] recite the Book? Then, will not you use reason?

And when We parted for you the sea, then We saved you, and We drowned (the) people (of) Firaun while you (were) looking.

And when you said, "O Musa! Never (will) we believe in you until we see Allah manifestly." So seized you the thunderbolt while you (were) looking.

And when We took your covenant, "Not will you shed your blood and not (will) evict yourselves from your homes," then you ratified while you (were) witnessing.

And enjoined [it] Ibrahim (upon) his sons and Yaqub, "O my sons! Indeed, Allah has chosen for you the religion, so not (should) you die except while you (are) submissive."

Permitted for you (in the) nights (of) fasting (is) the approach to your wives. They (are) garments for you and you (are) garments for them. Knows Allah that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned towards you and He forgave [on] you. So now have relations with them and seek what has ordained Allah for you. And eat and drink until becomes distinct to you the thread [the] white from the thread [the] black of [the] dawn. Then complete the fast till the night. And (do) not have relations with them while you (are) secluded in the masajid. These (are the) limits (set by) Allah, so (do) not approach them. Thus makes clear Allah His verses for [the] people so that they may (become) righteous.

And (do) not eat your properties among yourselves wrongfully and present [with] it to the authorities so that you may eat a portion from (the) wealth (of) the people sinfully while you know.

Is prescribed upon you [the] fighting while it (is) hateful to you. But perhaps [that] you dislike a thing and it (is) good for you; and perhaps [that] you love a thing and it (is) bad for you. And Allah knows while you (do) not know.

Here you are - those who argued about what [for] you of it (have some) knowledge. Then why (do) you argue about what not for you of it (any) knowledge. And Allah knows, while you (do) not know.

O People (of) the Book! Why do you deny [in] the Signs (of) Allah while you bear witness?

O People (of) the Book! Why do you mix the truth with the falsehood and conceal the truth while you know?

Say, "O People (of) the Book! Why (do) you hinder from (the) way (of) Allah (those) who believe[d], seeking (to make) it (seem) crooked while you (are) witnesses? And not Allah (is) unaware of what you do.

O you who believe[d]! (Do) not go near the prayer while you (are) intoxicated until you know what you are saying and not (when you are) impure except (when) passing (through) a way until you have bathed. And if you are ill or on a journey or came one of you from the toilet, or you have touched the women and not you find water, then do tayammum (with) earth clean and wipe (with it) your faces and your hands. Indeed, Allah is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

O you who believe! Fulfil the contracts. Are made lawful for you the quadruped (of) the grazing livestock except what is recited on you, not being permitted (to) hunt while you (are in) Ihram. Indeed, Allah decrees what He wills.

O you who believe! (Do) not kill the game while you (are in) Ihram. And whoever killed it among you intentionally, then penalty (is) similar (to) what he killed of the cattle, judging it two men, just, among you (as) an offering reaching the Kabah or an expiation - feeding needy people or equivalent (of) that (in) fasting, that he may taste (the) consequence (of) his deed. pardoned Allah what (has) passed, but whoever returned, then will take retribution Allah from him. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, Owner (of) Retribution.

O you who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger. And (do) not turn away from him while you hear.

O you who believe! (Do) not betray Allah and the Messenger, or betray your trusts while you know.

He said, "Indeed, [I] it surely saddens me that you should take him and I fear that would eat him a wolf while you of him (are) unaware."

Distracted their hearts. And they conceal the private conversation, those who [they] wronged, "Is this except a human being like you? So would you approach the magic while you see (it)?"

Indeed, those who like that (should) spread the immorality among those who believe, for them (is) a punishment painful in the world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows, while you (do) not know.

And Lut, when he said to his people, "Do you commit [the] immorality while you see?

And follow (the) best (of) what is revealed to you from your Lord from before [that] comes to you the punishment suddenly, while you (do) not perceive,

O you who believe! (Do) not raise your voices above (the) voice (of) the Prophet, and (do) not be loud to him in speech like (the) loudness (of) some of you to others, lest become worthless your deeds while you (do) not perceive.

While you amuse (yourselves)?

He said, "O my people! Do you see if I was on (the) clear proof from my Lord, while He has given me mercy from Himself but (it) has been obscured from you, should We compel you (to accep while you (are) to it averse?

And certainly helped you Allah in Badr while you (were) weak. So fear Allah so that you may (be) grateful.

And certainly you used to wish (for) death from before [that] you met it, then indeed, you have seen it while you (were) looking on.

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