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ع ج ب
General Root Meaning
to wonder, marvel, be astonished, be amazed, delight, please, admire, astounding, matter of wonder
'aajibuu (prf. 3rd. m. pl.): they wondered.
'ajibta (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): you marvel.
'ajibtum (prf. 2nd. m. pl.): you marvelled.
Ta'jab (imp. 2nd. m. sing. juss.): Thou marvel, wonder.
Ta'jabuuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu. Thou wonder.
Ta'jabiina (imp. 2nd. f. sing.): Thou (f.) wonder.
A'jaba (prf. 3rd. m. sing. IV.): He was pleased.
A'jabat (prf.3rd. f. sing. IV.): She was pleased.
Yu'jibu (imp. 3rd. m. sing. IV.): Delights.
Tu'jibu (imp. 3rd. f. sing. IV.): She delights, pleases.
Tu'jib (imp. 3rd. f. sing. juss.): She amazes, makes (you) wonder.
'Ajabun (nom. v. n.): Wondrous.
'Ajaban (acc. v. n.): Matter of wonder (10:2); Wonder (18:9); What a wonder (18:63); Wonderful (72:1).
'Ajiibun (act. 2nd. pic.): Strange thing; Wonderful thing.
'Ujaabun (ints.): Astounding; Very strange thing.
ataʿjabīna   (1)

They said, "Are you amazed at (the) decree (of) Allah? The Mercy (of) Allah and His blessings (be) upon you, people (of) the house. Indeed, He (is) All-Praiseworthy, All-Glorious."

aʿjaba   (1)

Know that the life (of) the world (is) play and amusement and adornment and boasting among you and competition in increase of the wealth and the children, like (the) example (of) a rain, pleases the tillers its growth; then it dries and you see it turning yellow; then becomes debris. And in the Hereafter (is) a punishment severe and forgiveness from Allah and Pleasure. But not (is) the life (of) the world except (the) enjoyment (of) delusion.

aʿjabatkum   (2)

Verily, helped you Allah in regions many, and (on the) day (of) Hunain, when pleased you your multitude, but not availed you anything and (was) straitened for you the earth (in spite) of (what) its vastness, then you turned back, fleeing.

And (do) not [you] marry [the] polytheistic women until they believe. And a bondwoman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic woman [and] even if she pleases you. And (do) not give in marriage (your women) (to) [the] polytheistic men until they believe, and a bondman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic man [and] even if he pleases you. [Those] they invite to the Fire, and Allah invites to Paradise and [the] forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His Verses for the people so that they may take heed.

aʿjabaka   (2)

Say, "Not (are) equal the evil and the good even if impresses you abundance (of) the evil. So fear Allah, O men (of) understanding, so that you may (be) successful."

(It is) not lawful for you (to marry) women from after (this) and not to exchange them for (other) wives even if pleases you their beauty, except whom you possess rightfully And is Allah over all things an Observer.

aʿjabakum   (1)

And (do) not [you] marry [the] polytheistic women until they believe. And a bondwoman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic woman [and] even if she pleases you. And (do) not give in marriage (your women) (to) [the] polytheistic men until they believe, and a bondman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic man [and] even if he pleases you. [Those] they invite to the Fire, and Allah invites to Paradise and [the] forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His Verses for the people so that they may take heed.

awaʿajib'tum   (1)

Do you wonder that has come to you a reminder from your Lord on a man among you, that he may warn you and that you may fear, and so that you may receive mercy."

Do you wonder that has come to you a reminder from your Lord on a man among you that he may warn you? And remember when He made you successors from after (the) people (of) Nuh, and increased you in the stature extensively. So remember (the) Bounties (of) Allah so that you may succeed."

taʿjab   (1)

And if you (are) astonished, then astonishing (is) their saying, "When we are dust, will we (be) indeed, in a creation new?" Those (are) the ones who disbelieved in their Lord, and those the iron chains (will be) in their necks, those (are the) companions (of) the Fire, they in it (will) abide forever.

tuʿ'jibuka   (1)

And when you see them pleases you their bodies, and if they speak, you listen to their speech, as if they (were) pieces of wood propped up. They think every shout (is) against them. They (are) the enemy, so beware of them. May destroy them Allah! How are they deluded?

tuʿ'jib'ka   (1)

So (let) not impress you their wealth and not their children. Only intends Allah to punish them with it in the life (of) the world, and should depart their souls while they (are) disbelievers.

And (let) not impress you their wealth and their children. Only intends Allah to punish them with it in the world, and will depart their souls while they (are) disbelievers.

taʿjabūna   (1)

Then of this statement you wonder?

ʿujābun   (1)

Has he made the gods (into) god one? Indeed this (is) certainly a thing curious."

ʿajaban   (3)

Is it for the mankind a wonder that We revealed to a man from (among) them that, "Warn the mankind and give glad tidings (to) those who believe that for them (will be) a position respectable near their Lord?" Said the disbelievers, "Indeed, this (is) surely a magician obvious."

Or you think that (the) companions (of) the cave and the inscription were, among Our Signs, a wonder?

Say, "It has been revealed to me that listened a group of the jinn, and they said, "Indeed, we heard a Quran amazing,

He said, "Did you see, when we retired to the rock? Then indeed, I [I] forgot the fish. And not made me forget it except the Shaitaan that I mention it. And it took its way into the sea amazingly."

ʿajib'ta   (1)

Nay, you wonder, while they mock.

ʿajibū   (1)

Nay, they wonder that has come to them a warner from them. So say the disbelievers, "This (is) a thing amazing.

ʿajībun   (1)

She said, "Woe to me! Shall I bear a child while I am an old woman and this, my husband, (is) an old man? Indeed, this (is) surely a thing amazing."

Nay, they wonder that has come to them a warner from them. So say the disbelievers, "This (is) a thing amazing.

faʿajabun   (1)

And if you (are) astonished, then astonishing (is) their saying, "When we are dust, will we (be) indeed, in a creation new?" Those (are) the ones who disbelieved in their Lord, and those the iron chains (will be) in their necks, those (are the) companions (of) the Fire, they in it (will) abide forever.

waʿajibū   (1)

And they wonder that has come to them a warner from themselves. And said the disbelievers, "This (is) a magician, a liar.

yuʿ'jibu   (1)

Muhammad (is the) Messenger (of) Allah. and those who (are) with him (are) firm against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking Bounty from Allah and pleasure. Their mark (is) on their faces from (the) trace (of) the prostration. That (is) their similitude in the Taurat And their similitude in the Injeel (is) like a seed (which) sends forth its shoot then strengthens it, then it becomes thick and it stands upon its stem delighting the sowers that He (may) enrage by them the disbelievers. has promised Allah those who believe and do righteous deeds among them, forgiveness and a reward great.

yuʿ'jibuka   (1)

And of the people (is the one) who pleases you (with) his speech in the life (of) the world, and he calls to witness Allah on what (is) in his heart, and he (is) the most quarrelsome (of) opponents.

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