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ع ج ل
General Root Meaning
to hasten, make speed, accelerate, be hasty, act hastily, hurry over, do speedily. ajalun - precipitation, haste. ajil - that which hastens away, transitory. ista'jala - to seek or desire to hasten, urge one to make haste in doing anything. ijlun - calf.
'Ajiltu (prf. 1st. sing.): I have hastened.
'Ajiltum (prf. 2nd. plu.): They make haste.
Laa Ta'jal (prt. neg. m. sing.): Thou make no haste.
Li Ta'jala (imp. 2nd. m. sing. el.). In order to make haste.
'Ajjala (prf. 3rd. m. sing. II): He would have hastened.
'Ajjalnaa (prf. 1st. plu. II): We hastened.
'Ajala : Made you depart in such haste (with 'An).
Ta'jjala (prf 3rd. m. sing. V.): He hastened.
Ista'jaltum (prf. 2nd. m. plu. X.): You sought to be hastened.
Yasta'jiluuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu. X.): They seek to expedite.
Tasta'jiluuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu.): You seek to hasten before its (fixed time), seek to expedite.
Laa Tasta'jil (prt. neg. m. sing. X.) : Thou do not seek to hasten.
Laa Tasta'jiluu (prt. neg. plu. X.): You do not seek to hasten.
'Ajil (v. n.): Haste; Hurry up.
'Aajilatun (act. pic. f. sing.): Quick-passing (world); Present (transitory life).
'Ajuulan (acc. ints. n.): Ever hasty.
Isti'jaal (v. n. X.): Hastening.
'Ijlun (n.): Calf.
aʿajil'tum   (1)

And when returned Musa to his people - angry, and grieved, he said, "Evil is what you have done in my place from after me. Were you impatient (over the) matter (of) your Lord?" And he cast down the tablets and seized by head, his brother dragging him to himself. He said, "O son (of) my mother! Indeed, the people considered me weak and were about to kill me. So (let) not rejoice over me the enemies, and (do) not place me with the people the wrongdoing."

aʿjalaka   (1)

"And what made you hasten from your people, O Musa?"

is'tiʿ'jālahum   (1)

And if (was) to hasten Allah for the mankind the evil, (as) He hastens for them the good, surely, would have been decree for them their term. But We leave those who (do) not expect the meeting with Us, in their transgression, wandering blindly.

is'taʿjaltum   (1)

Then when they saw it (as) a cloud approaching their valleys, they said, "This (is) a cloud bringing us rain." Nay, it (is) what you were asking to hasten it a wind in it (is) a punishment painful,

l-ʿājilata   (1)

Whoever should desire the immediate We hasten for him in it what We will to whom We intend. Then We have made for him Hell, he will burn disgraced rejected.

No! But you love the immediate,

Indeed, these love the immediate, and leave behind them a Day grave.

l-ʿij'la   (3)

And when We took your covenant and We raised over you the mount, "Hold what We gave you, with firmness and listen." They said, "We heard and we disobeyed." And they were made to drink in their hearts (love of) the calf because of their disbelief. Say, "Evil (is) that orders you (to do) it with your faith, if you are believers."

And when We appointed (for) Musa forty nights. Then you took the calf from after him and you (were) wrongdoers.

And when said Musa to his people, "O my people! Indeed, you [you] have wronged yourselves by your taking the calf. So turn in repentance to your Creator, and kill yourselves. That (is) better for you with your Creator." Then He turned towards you. Indeed He! He (is) the-returning, the Most Merciful.

And indeed came to you Musa with [the] clear signs, then you took the calf from after him and you (were) wrongdoers.

Indeed, those who took the calf, will reach them wrath from their Lord, and humiliation in the life (of) the world. And thus We recompense the ones who invent (falsehood

Ask you (the) People (of) the Book that you bring down to them a book from the heaven. Then indeed, they (had) asked Musa greater than that for they said, "Show us Allah manifestly," so struck them the thunderbolt for their wrongdoing. Then they took the calf (for worship) from after [what] came to them the clear proofs, then We forgave them for that. And We gave Musa an authority clear.

biʿij'lin   (2)

And certainly came Our messengers (to) Ibrahim with glad tidings, they said, "Peace." He said, "Peace," and not he delayed to bring a calf roasted.

Then he went to his household and came with a calf fat,

tastaʿjil   (1)

So be patient, as had patience those of determination of the Messengers, and (do) not seek to hasten for them. As if they had, (the) Day they see what they were promised, not remained except an hour of a day. A notification. But will (any) be destroyed except the people - the defiantly disobedient?

tastaʿjilūna   (3)

He said, "O my people! Why (do) you seek to hasten the evil before the good? Why not you ask forgiveness (of) Allah so that you may receive mercy?"

Is (it) then when from (it had) occurred you (will) believe in it? Now? And certainly you were (to) it seeking to hasten

"Taste your trial. This (is) what you were for it seeking to hasten."

Say, "Indeed, I (am) on clear proof from my Lord, while you deny [with] it. Not I have what you seek to hasten of it. Not (is) the decision except for Allah. He relates the truth, and He (is the) best (of) the Deciders."

Say, "If that (were) with me what you seek to hasten of it, surely would have been decided the matter between me and between you. And Allah (is) most knowing of the wrongdoers.

Say, "Perhaps that is close behind you, some (of) that which you seek to hasten."

tastaʿjilūni   (1)

Is created the man of haste. I will show you My Signs so (do) not ask Me to hasten.

tastaʿjilūhu   (1)

Will come (the) command (of) Allah so (do) not (be) impatient for it. Glorified is He and Exalted (is) He above what they associate.

taʿajjala   (1)

And remember Allah during days numbered. Then (he) who hurries in two days then no sin upon him, and whoever delays then no sin upon him for (the one) who fears. And fear Allah and know that you unto Him will be gathered.

taʿjal   (2)

So high (above all) (is) Allah the King, the True. And (do) not hasten with the Quran from before [that] is completed to you its revelation, and say, "My Lord! Increase me (in) knowledge."

So (do) not make haste against them. Only We count for them a number.

ʿajjil   (1)

And they say, "Our Lord! Hasten for us our share before (the) Day (of) the Account."

ʿajjalnā   (1)

Whoever should desire the immediate We hasten for him in it what We will to whom We intend. Then We have made for him Hell, he will burn disgraced rejected.

ʿajalin   (1)

Is created the man of haste. I will show you My Signs so (do) not ask Me to hasten.

ʿij'lan   (2)

And took (the) people (of) Musa, from after him from their ornaments (of) a calf - an image [for] it (had) a lowing sound. Did not they see that it (could) not speak to them and not guide them (to) a way? They took it (for worship) and they were wrongdoers.

Then he brought forth for them a calf's body it had a lowing sound, and they said, "This (is) your god and the god (of) Musa, but he forgot."

ʿajūlan   (1)

And prays the man for evil (as) he prays for the good. And is the man ever hasty.

faʿajjala   (1)

and has promised you Allah spoils of war much that you will take it, and He has hastened for you this and has withheld (the) hands (of) the people from you - that it may be a sign for the believers and He may guide you (to the) Path Straight.

litaʿjala   (1)

Not move with it your tongue to hasten with it.

laʿajjala   (1)

And your Lord (is) the Most Forgiving, Owner (of) the Mercy. If He were to seize them for what they have earned, surely, He (would) have hasten for them the punishment. But for them (is) an appointment, never they will find from other than it an escape.

waʿajil'tu   (1)

He said, "They (are) close upon my tracks, and I hastened to you my Lord, that You be pleased."

wayastaʿjilūnaka   (1)

And they ask you to hasten the evil before the good and verily has occurred from before them [the] similar punishments. And indeed, your Lord (is) Full (of) Forgiveness for mankind for their wrongdoing, and indeed, your Lord (is) severe (in) the penalty.

And they ask you to hasten the punishment. But never will fail Allah (in) His Promise. And indeed, a day with your Lord (is) like a thousand year(s) of what you count.

And they ask you to hasten [with] the punishment. And if not (for) a term appointed, surely (would) have come to th the punishment. But it will surely come to the suddenly while they (do) not perceive.

yastaʿjilu   (2)

Seek to hasten [of] it those who (do) not believe in it, and those who believe (are) fearful of it and know that it (is) the truth. Unquestionably, indeed, those who dispute concerning the Hour (are) certainly in error far.

Say, "Do you see, if comes to you His punishment (by) night or (by) day, what (portion) would (wish to) hasten of it the criminals?"

yastaʿjilūna   (2)

Then is (it) for Our punishmen they hasten?

So is it for Our punishment they wish to hasten?

yastaʿjilūni   (1)

So indeed, for those who do wrong, (is) a portion like (the) portion (of) their companions, so not let them ask Me to hasten.

yastaʿjilūnaka   (1)

They ask you to hasten the punishment. And indeed, Hell, will surely, encompass the disbelievers

yuʿajjilu   (1)

And if (was) to hasten Allah for the mankind the evil, (as) He hastens for them the good, surely, would have been decree for them their term. But We leave those who (do) not expect the meeting with Us, in their transgression, wandering blindly.

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