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ع ق م
General Root Meaning
to be barren (womb), become dry, be unproductive, be gloomy, distressing, grievous (day), be childless, destructive.
l-ʿaqīma   (1)

And in Aad, when We sent against them the wind the barren.

ʿaqīmun   (1)

Then came forward his wife with a loud voice, and struck her face and she said, "An old woman barren!"

ʿaqīmin   (1)

And not will cease those who disbelieve (to be) in doubt of it until comes to them the Hour suddenly or comes to them (the) punishment (of) a Day barren.

ʿaqīman   (1)

Or He grants them males and females; and He makes whom He wills barren. Indeed, He (is) All-Knower, All-Powerful.

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