And with Him (are the) keys (of) the unseen, no (one) knows them except Him. And He knows what (is) in the land and in the sea. And not falls from any leaf but He knows it. And not a grain in the darkness[es] (of) the earth and not moist and not dry but (is) in a Record Clear.
He (is) the One Who enables you to travel in the land and the sea, until, when you are in the ships and they sail with them with a wind good, and they rejoice therein comes to it a wind stormy, and comes to them the waves from every place, and they assume that they are surrounded with them. They call Allah sincerely to Him (in) the religion, (saying), "If You save us from this, surely we will be among the thankful."
And when touches you the hardship in the sea, lost (are) who you call except Him Alone. But when He delivers you to the land you turn away. And is man ungrateful.
And certainly, We have honored (the) children (of) Adam and We carried them on the land and the sea, and We have provided them of the good things and We preferred them over many of those whom We have created (with) preference.
And when they embark [in] the ship, they call Allah (being) sincere to Him (in) the religion. But when He delivers them to the land, behold, they associate partners (with Him)
Has appeared the corruption in the land and the sea for what have earned (the) hands (of) people, so that He may let them taste a part (of) that which they have done so that they may return.
And when covers them a wave like canopies, they call Allah, (being) sincere to Him (in) religion. But when He delivers them to the land then among them (some are) moderate. And not deny Our Signs except every traitor ungrateful.