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ج د د
General Root Meaning
To cut off a thing, to be new, to become fortunate or possessed of good fortune, to be great or of great dignity or estimation, to be serious or in earnest, to strive/labour/toil/exert oneself, to feel distressed or afflicted, to drip or let fall drops (a house or tent, Bayt), make [or weave] stripes of different colors in a garment, to contend with another respecting a thing, relinquish or forsake, to originate or innovate a thing, to do a thing for the first time, to renew a thing, to be easy or practical, hard or level (like a ground free of soft spaces and clear to one's view), ascend upon the surface of the ground, to be lost or devoid of something, one's lot in life or means of subsistence, state of being in no need or having no wants or having few wants, to be great/exalted/majestic, to be or have much (abounding with a thing), to be of a great or extraordinary degree, to differ from the rest of something [and, thus, serve as a sign or mark] such as a beaten path marked with lines [cut by the feet of men and beast who travelled along it], to perform an affair by a certain way or manner, to form an opinion respecting a thing, to be renewed or replaced by new, to be cut off by the roots or eradicated, to be quick in pace.
jaddu   (1)

And that He - Exalted is (the) Majesty (of) our Lord - not He has taken a wife and not a son,

judadun   (1)

Do not you see that Allah sends down from the sky water, then We bring forth therewith fruits (of) various [their] colors? And in the mountains (are) tracts, white and red (of) various [their] colors, and intensely black.

jadīdin   (1)

And if you (are) astonished, then astonishing (is) their saying, "When we are dust, will we (be) indeed, in a creation new?" Those (are) the ones who disbelieved in their Lord, and those the iron chains (will be) in their necks, those (are the) companions (of) the Fire, they in it (will) abide forever.

Do not you see, that Allah created the heavens and the earth in truth? If He wills, He can remove you and bring a creation new.

And they say, "Is (it) when we are lost in the earth, will we certainly be in a creation new?" Nay, they in (the) meeting (of) their Lord (are) disbelievers.

But say those who disbelieve, "Shall we direct you to a man who informs you when you have disintegrated (in) total disintegration, indeed you surely (will be) in a creation new?

If He wills, He (can) do away with you and bring in a creation new.

Were We then tired with the creation the first? Nay, they (are) in doubt about a creation new.

jadīdan   (1)

And they say, "Is it when we are bones and crumbled particles, will we surely (be) resurrected (as) a creation new."

That (is) their recompense because they disbelieved in Our Verses and said, "When we are bones and crumbled particles, will we surely (be) resurrected (as) a creation new."

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