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ك ه ف
General Root Meaning
To fill caves or places of protection.
l-kahfi   (2)

Or you think that (the) companions (of) the cave and the inscription were, among Our Signs, a wonder?

When retreated the youths to the cave, and they said, "Our Lord! Grant us from Yourself Mercy, and facilitate for us [from] our affair (in the) right way."

So We cast over their ears in the cave years - a number.

And when you withdraw from them and what they worship except Allah, then retreat to the cave. Will spread for you your Lord of His Mercy and will facilitate for you [from] your affair (in) ease."

kahfihim   (1)

And you (might) have seen the sun, when it rose, inclining away from their cave to the right, and when it set, passing away from them to the left while they (lay) in the open space thereof. That (was) from (the) Signs (of) Allah. Whoever guides Allah and he (is) the guided one, and whoever He lets go astray then never you will find for him a protector, a guide.

And they remained in their cave (for) three hundred years and add nine.

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