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م ل ح
General Root Meaning
To suckle or give suck, to be saltish or bitter, to become fat, to be goodly/beautiful/pretty, pleasing to the eye or ear, inclining to gray or whiteness, adopt one as a foster brother.
mil'ḥun   (1)

And He (is) the One Who (has) released the two seas [this] (one) palatable and sweet and [this] (one) salty (and) bitter, and He has made between them a barrier and a partition forbidden.

And not are alike the two seas. This (is) fresh, sweet, pleasant its drink, and this salty (and) bitter. And from each you eat meat fresh and you extract ornaments you wear them, and you see the ships in it, cleaving, so that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be grateful.

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