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ن ف ق
General Root Meaning
to be saleable, to come out of a hole, be exhausted (store), consumed, spent, expenditure. To enter into another hole where there is another outlet, so is a hypocrite who professes to believe first one thing and then another, thus entering faith through one door and leaving it through another.
nafaqan (n.acc.) hole with another outlet, tunnel.
nafaqatun (n.) worthy to be spent, expenditure.
nafaqu (prt. 3rd p. m. plu. III) practised hypocrisy.
nafaqa (v.) to profess hypocrisy, believe in one thing and then another.
munafiqun (m. plu. III acc.) those who are hypocrite.
munafiqin (m. plu. III acc.) those who are hypocrite.
munafiqat (f. plu. III) hypocrite women
nifaq (v. n. III) hypocrisy
nifaqan (v. n. III acc.) hypocrisy
anfaqa (perf. 3rd p. m. sing. IV) he had spent
anfaqta (perf. 2nd p. m. sing. IV) thou hath spent.
anfaqu (perf. 3rd p. m. plu. IV) they have spent
anfaqtum (perf. 2nd p. m. plu. IV) Ye have spent
yunfiqu (imp. 3rd p. m. sing. IV) spends
tunfiquna (imp. 3rd p. m. plu. IV) Ye spend
tunfiqu (imp. 2nd p. m. plu. IV acc.) Ye spend
anfiqu prt. m. plu. IV) spend
infaq (v. n. ) spending
munfiqina (m. plu.) those who spend
anfaqa   (2)

And were surrounded his fruits, so he began twisting his hands over what he (had) spent on it, while it (had) collapsed on its trellises, and he said, "Oh! I wish not had I associated with my Lord anyone."

And what (is) for you that not you spend in (the) way (of) Allah? while for Allah (is the) heritage (of) the heavens and the earth? Not are equal among you (those) who spent from before the victory and fought. Those (are) greater (in) degree than those who spent from afterwards and fought. But to all, has promised Allah the best. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Aware.

anfaqta   (1)

And He (has) put affection between their hearts. If you (had) spent whatever (is) in the earth all not you could (have) put affection between their hearts, but Allah (has) put affection between them. Indeed, He (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise.

anfaqtum   (2)

O you who believe! When come to you the believing women (as) emigrants, then examine them. Allah (is) most knowing of their faith. And if you know them (to be) believers, then (do) not return them to the disbelievers. Not they (are) lawful for them and not they are lawful for them. But give them what they have spent. And not any blame upon you if you marry them when you have given them their (bridal) dues. And (do) not hold to marriage bonds (with) disbelieving women, but ask (for) what you have spent, and let them ask what they have spent. That (is the) Judgment (of) Allah. He judges between you. And Allah (is) All-Knowing, All-Wise.

They ask you what they (should) spend. Say, "Whatever you spend of good, (is) for parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and (of) the wayfarer. And whatever you do of good. So indeed, Allah of it (is) All-Aware.

And whatever you spend (out) of (your) expenditures or you vow of vow(s), then indeed, Allah knows it, and not for the wrongdoers any helpers.

Say, "Indeed, my Lord extends the provision for whom He wills of His slaves and restricts for him. But what you spend of anything then He will compensate it and He (is the) Best (of) the Providers.

anfaqū   (4)

And what (is) for you that not you spend in (the) way (of) Allah? while for Allah (is the) heritage (of) the heavens and the earth? Not are equal among you (those) who spent from before the victory and fought. Those (are) greater (in) degree than those who spent from afterwards and fought. But to all, has promised Allah the best. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Aware.

And if have gone from you any of your wives to the disbelievers then your turn comes, then give (to) those who have gone, their wives, (the) like (of) what they had spent. And fear Allah (in) Whom, you, [in Him] (are) believers.

O you who believe! When come to you the believing women (as) emigrants, then examine them. Allah (is) most knowing of their faith. And if you know them (to be) believers, then (do) not return them to the disbelievers. Not they (are) lawful for them and not they are lawful for them. But give them what they have spent. And not any blame upon you if you marry them when you have given them their (bridal) dues. And (do) not hold to marriage bonds (with) disbelieving women, but ask (for) what you have spent, and let them ask what they have spent. That (is the) Judgment (of) Allah. He judges between you. And Allah (is) All-Knowing, All-Wise.

O you who believe! When come to you the believing women (as) emigrants, then examine them. Allah (is) most knowing of their faith. And if you know them (to be) believers, then (do) not return them to the disbelievers. Not they (are) lawful for them and not they are lawful for them. But give them what they have spent. And not any blame upon you if you marry them when you have given them their (bridal) dues. And (do) not hold to marriage bonds (with) disbelieving women, but ask (for) what you have spent, and let them ask what they have spent. That (is the) Judgment (of) Allah. He judges between you. And Allah (is) All-Knowing, All-Wise.

Those who spend their wealth in (the) way (of) Allah then not they follow what they spend (with) reminders of generosity and not hurt - for them their reward (is) with their Lord, and (there will be) no fear on them and not they will grieve.

[The] men (are) protectors of the women because (has) bestowed Allah some of them over others and because they spend from their wealth. So the righteous women (are) obedient, guarding in the unseen that which (orders) them to guard (by) Allah. And those (from) whom you fear their ill-conduct then advise them, and forsake them in the bed and [finally] strike them. Then if they obey you then (do) not seek against them a way. Indeed, Allah is Most High, Most Great.

And those who, when they spend, (are) not extravagant and not are stingy but are between that - moderate.

anfiqū   (1)

O you who believe[d]! Spend of what We (have) provided you, from before that comes a Day no bargaining in it and no friendship and no intercession. And the deniers - they (are) the wrongdoers.

O you who believe[d]! Spend from (the) good things that you have earned and whatever We brought forth for you from the earth. And (do) not aim (at) the bad of it, you spend, while you (would) not take it except [that] (with) close(d) eyes [in it], and know that Allah (is) Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.

Say, "Spend willingly or unwillingly; never will be accepted from you. Indeed, you [you] are a people defiantly disobedient."

And when it is said to them, "Spend from what (has) provided you Allah." Said those who disbelieved to those who believed, "Should we feed whom if willed Allah- He would have fed him?" Not (are) you except in an error clear.

l-infāqi   (1)

Say, "If you possess the treasures (of) the Mercy (of) my Lord, then surely you would withhold (out of) fear (of) spending." And is man stingy.

al-munāfiqūna   (1)

The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, some of them (are) of others. They enjoin the wrong and forbid what (is) the right, and they close their hands. They forget Allah, so He has forgotten them. Indeed, the hypocrites, they (are) the defiantly disobedient.

(On the) Day will say the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women to those who believed, "Wait for us, we may acquire of your light." It will be said, "Go back behind you and seek light." Then will be put up between them a wall, for it a gate its interior, in it (is) mercy but its exterior, from facing towards [it] the punishment.

When said the hypocrites and those who - in their hearts (was) a disease, "(Had) deluded these (people) their religion." But whoever puts (his) trust in Allah then indeed, Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise."

Fear the hypocrites lest be revealed about them a Surah, informing them of what (is) in their hearts. Say, "Mock, indeed, Allah (will) bring forth what you fear."

And when said the hypocrites and those in their hearts (was) a disease, "Not promised us Allah and His messenger except delusion."

If (do) not cease the hypocrites and those who in their hearts (is) a disease and those who spread rumors in the city, Not We will let them overpower you, then not they will remain your neighbor therein except (for) a little,

When come to you the hypocrites, they say, "We testify that you (are) surely (the) Messenger (of) Allah." And Allah knows that you (are) surely His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites (are) surely liars.

l-munāfiqūna   (2)

The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, some of them (are) of others. They enjoin the wrong and forbid what (is) the right, and they close their hands. They forget Allah, so He has forgotten them. Indeed, the hypocrites, they (are) the defiantly disobedient.

(On the) Day will say the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women to those who believed, "Wait for us, we may acquire of your light." It will be said, "Go back behind you and seek light." Then will be put up between them a wall, for it a gate its interior, in it (is) mercy but its exterior, from facing towards [it] the punishment.

When said the hypocrites and those who - in their hearts (was) a disease, "(Had) deluded these (people) their religion." But whoever puts (his) trust in Allah then indeed, Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise."

Fear the hypocrites lest be revealed about them a Surah, informing them of what (is) in their hearts. Say, "Mock, indeed, Allah (will) bring forth what you fear."

And when said the hypocrites and those in their hearts (was) a disease, "Not promised us Allah and His messenger except delusion."

If (do) not cease the hypocrites and those who in their hearts (is) a disease and those who spread rumors in the city, Not We will let them overpower you, then not they will remain your neighbor therein except (for) a little,

When come to you the hypocrites, they say, "We testify that you (are) surely (the) Messenger (of) Allah." And Allah knows that you (are) surely His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites (are) surely liars.

l-munāfiqīna   (4)

Give tidings (to) the hypocrites that for them (is) a punishment painful -

has promised Allah the hypocrite men, and the hypocrite women and the disbelievers, Fire (of) Hell, they (will) abide forever in it. It (is) sufficient for them. And has cursed them Allah, and for them (is) a punishment enduring.

So that may punish Allah the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women and will turn (in Mercy) Allah to the believing men and the believing women. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

And when it is said to them, "Come to what (has) revealed Allah and to the Messenger," you see the hypocrites turning away from you (in) aversion.

And surely He has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear (the) Verses (of) Allah being rejected [it] and ridiculed at [it], then do not sit with them until they engage in a conversation other than that. Indeed, you then, (would be) like them. Indeed, Allah will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers in Hell all together.

Indeed, the hypocrites (seek to) deceive Allah and (it is) He who deceives them. And when they stand for the prayer, they stand lazily, showing off (to) the people and not they remember Allah except a little.

Indeed, the hypocrites (will be) in the depths the lowest of the Fire, and never you will find for them any helper

The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, some of them (are) of others. They enjoin the wrong and forbid what (is) the right, and they close their hands. They forget Allah, so He has forgotten them. Indeed, the hypocrites, they (are) the defiantly disobedient.

And will surely make evident Allah those who believe, And He will surely make eviden the hypocrites.

That may reward Allah the truthful for their truth and punish the hypocrites if He wills or turn in mercy to them. Indeed, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

When come to you the hypocrites, they say, "We testify that you (are) surely (the) Messenger (of) Allah." And Allah knows that you (are) surely His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites (are) surely liars.

They (are) those who say, "(Do) not spend on (those) who (are) with (the) Messenger (of) Allah until they disband." And for Allah (are the) treasures (of) the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites (do) not understand.

They say, "If we return to Al-Madinah, surely, will expel the more honorable from it the more humble." But for Allah (is) the honor and for His Messenger and for the believers, but the hypocrites (do) not know.

So what (is the matter) with you concerning the hypocrites (that) (you have become) two parties? While Allah cast them back for what they earned. Do you wish that you guide whom has let go astray Allah? And whoever lets go astray Allah, then never will you find for him a way.

l-nifāqi   (1)

And among those around you of the bedouins (are) hypocrites and (also) from people (of) the Madinah. They persist in the hypocrisy, not you know them, We [We] know them. We will punish them twice then they will be returned to a punishment great.

tunfiqū   (2)

They (are) those who say, "(Do) not spend on (those) who (are) with (the) Messenger (of) Allah until they disband." And for Allah (are the) treasures (of) the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites (do) not understand.

Not on you (is) their guidance [and] but Allah guides whom He wills. And whatever you spend of good then it is for yourself, and not you spend except seeking (the) face (of) Allah. And whatever you spend of good, will be repaid in full to you and you (will) not be wronged.

Not on you (is) their guidance [and] but Allah guides whom He wills. And whatever you spend of good then it is for yourself, and not you spend except seeking (the) face (of) Allah. And whatever you spend of good, will be repaid in full to you and you (will) not be wronged.

For the poor, those who are wrapped up in (the) way (of) Allah, not they are able (to) move about in the earth. Think (about) them, the ignorant one, (that they are) self-sufficien (because) of (their) restraint, you recognize them by their mark. Not (do) they ask the people with importunity. And whatever you spend of good, then indeed, Allah of it (is) All-Knower.

Never will you attain [the] righteousness until you spend from what you love. And whatever you spend of a thing then indeed, Allah of it (is) All-Knowing.

Never will you attain [the] righteousness until you spend from what you love. And whatever you spend of a thing then indeed, Allah of it (is) All-Knowing.

And prepare for them whatever you able (to) of force and of tethered horses (cavalry) (to) terrify therewith (the) enemy of Allah, and your enemy and others from besides them, not (do) you know them (but) Allah knows them. And whatever you spend from (any) thing in (the) way (of) Allah it will be fully repaid to you, and you (will) not be wronged.

And what (is) for you that not you spend in (the) way (of) Allah? while for Allah (is the) heritage (of) the heavens and the earth? Not are equal among you (those) who spent from before the victory and fought. Those (are) greater (in) degree than those who spent from afterwards and fought. But to all, has promised Allah the best. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Aware.

tunfiqūna   (1)

O you who believe[d]! Spend from (the) good things that you have earned and whatever We brought forth for you from the earth. And (do) not aim (at) the bad of it, you spend, while you (would) not take it except [that] (with) close(d) eyes [in it], and know that Allah (is) Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.

Not on you (is) their guidance [and] but Allah guides whom He wills. And whatever you spend of good then it is for yourself, and not you spend except seeking (the) face (of) Allah. And whatever you spend of good, will be repaid in full to you and you (will) not be wronged.

fa-anfiqū   (1)

Lodge them from where you dwell, (out) of your means and (do) not harm them to distress [on] them. And if they are (in a) state (of) pregnancy, then spend on them until they deliver their burden. Then if they suckle for you, then give them their payment, and consult among yourselves with kindness, but if you disagree, then may suckle for him another (women).

fasayunfiqūnahā   (1)

Indeed, those who disbelieve, they spend their wealth to hinder (people) from (the) way (of) Allah. So they will spend it, then it will be for them a regret, then they will be overcome. And those who disbelieve, to Hell they will be gathered.

falyunfiq   (1)

Let spend owner of ample means from his ample means, and (he) who, is restricted on him his provision, let him spend from what has given him Allah. not does burden Allah any soul except (with) what He has given it. will bring about Allah after hardship ease.

litunfiqū   (1)

Here you are - these, called to spend in (the) way (of) Allah - but among you (are some) who withhold, and whoever withholds, then only he withholds from himself. But Allah (is) Free of need, while you (are) the needy. And if you turn away He will replace you (with) a people other than you, then not they will be (the) likes of you.

liyunfiq   (1)

Let spend owner of ample means from his ample means, and (he) who, is restricted on him his provision, let him spend from what has given him Allah. not does burden Allah any soul except (with) what He has given it. will bring about Allah after hardship ease.

munāfiqūna   (1)

And among those around you of the bedouins (are) hypocrites and (also) from people (of) the Madinah. They persist in the hypocrisy, not you know them, We [We] know them. We will punish them twice then they will be returned to a punishment great.

nāfaqū   (2)

And that He (might) make evide those who (are) hypocrites. And it was said to them, "Come, fight in (the) way (of) Allah or defend." They said, "If we knew fighting certainly we (would have) foll They - to disbelief that day (were) nearer than [them] to the faith, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah (is) Most Knowing of what they conceal.

Do not you see [to] those who (were) hypocrites, saying to their brothers, those who disbelieved, among the People (of) the Scripture, "If you are expelled, surely we will leave with you, and not we will obey concerning you anyone, ever; and if you are fought, certainly we will help you." And Allah bears witness that they (are) surely liars.

nifāqan   (1)

So He penalized them (with) hypocrisy in their hearts until the day when they will meet Him, because they broke (the covenant with) Allah what they had promised Him, and because they used to lie.

nafaqan   (1)

And if is difficult for you their aversion then if you are able to seek a tunnel in the earth or a ladder into the sky so that you bring to them a Sign. But if (had) willed Allah surely He (would) have gathere on the guidance. So (do) not be of the ignorant.

nafaqātuhum   (1)

And not prevents them that is accepted from them their contributions except that they disbelieve in Allah and in His Messenger, and not they come (to) the prayer except while they (are) lazy, and not they spend except while they (are) unwilling.

nafaqatan   (1)

And not they spend any spending small and not big, and not they cross a valley but is recorded for them, that may reward them Allah the best (of) what they used (to) do.

nafaqatin   (1)

And whatever you spend (out) of (your) expenditures or you vow of vow(s), then indeed, Allah knows it, and not for the wrongdoers any helpers.

wa-anfaqū   (2)

And those who (are) patient, seeking (the) Face (of) their Lord and establish the prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and publicly and they repel with the good the evil - those for them (is) the final attainment (of) the Home -

Indeed, those who recite (the) Book (of) Allah, and establish the prayer and spend out of what We have provided them, secretly and openly, hope (for) a commerce - never it will perish.

Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend of what He has made you trustees therein. And those who believe among you and spend, for them (is) a reward great.

And what (is) against them if they believed in Allah and the Day the Last and spent from what (has) provided them Allah? And is Allah about them All-Knower.

wa-anfiqū   (1)

And spend in (the) way (of) Allah and (do) not throw (ourselves) [with your hands] into [the] destruction. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the good-doers.

Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend of what He has made you trustees therein. And those who believe among you and spend, for them (is) a reward great.

And spend from what We have provided you from before [that] comes (to) one of you the death and he says, "My Lord! Why not You delay me for a term near so I would give charity and be among the righteous."

So fear Allah what you are able and listen and obey and spend; (it is) better for yourselves. And whoever is saved (from the) greediness (of) his soul, then those [they] (are) the successful ones.

wal-munāfiqātu   (1)

The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, some of them (are) of others. They enjoin the wrong and forbid what (is) the right, and they close their hands. They forget Allah, so He has forgotten them. Indeed, the hypocrites, they (are) the defiantly disobedient.

(On the) Day will say the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women to those who believed, "Wait for us, we may acquire of your light." It will be said, "Go back behind you and seek light." Then will be put up between them a wall, for it a gate its interior, in it (is) mercy but its exterior, from facing towards [it] the punishment.

wal-munāfiqāti   (1)

has promised Allah the hypocrite men, and the hypocrite women and the disbelievers, Fire (of) Hell, they (will) abide forever in it. It (is) sufficient for them. And has cursed them Allah, and for them (is) a punishment enduring.

So that may punish Allah the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women and will turn (in Mercy) Allah to the believing men and the believing women. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

wal-munāfiqīna   (1)

O Prophet! Strive (against) the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be stern with them. And their abode (is) Hell, and wretched (is) the destination.

O Prophet! Fear Allah and (do) not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Indeed, Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise.

And (do) not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their harm, and put your trust in Allah. And sufficient is Allah (as) a Trustee.

O Prophet! Strive (against) the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern with them. And their abode (is) Hell, and wretched is the destination.

wal-munfiqīna   (1)

The patient and the truthful and the obedient and those who spend and those who seek forgiveness [in the] before dawn.

wanifāqan   (1)

The bedouins (are) stronger (in) disbelief and hypocrisy, and more likely that not they know (the) limits (of) what (has) revealed Allah to His Messenger. And Allah (is) All-Knower, All-Wise.

wayunfiqū   (1)

Say to My slaves those who believe (to) establish the prayers, and (to) spend from what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, from before [that] comes a Day not any trade in it and not any friendship.

yunfiqu   (2)

And said the Jews, "Hand Allah's (is) chained." Are chained their hands, and they have been cursed for what they said. Nay, His Hands (are) stretched out He spends how He wills. And surely increase many of them, what has been revealed to you from your Lord, (in) rebellion and disbelief. And We have cast among them [the] enmity and [the] hatred till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Every time they kindled (the) fire of [the] war, extinguished it Allah. And they strive in the earth spreading corruption. And Allah (does) not love the corrupters.

And among the bedouins (is he) who takes what he spends (as) a loss, and he awaits for you the turns (of misfortune). Upon them (will be) the turn (of) the evil. And Allah (is) All-Hearer, All-Knower.

But among the bedouins (is he) who, believes in Allah and the Day the Last, and takes what he spends (as) means of nearness with Allah and blessings (of) the Messenger. Behold! Indeed, it (is) a means of nearness for them. will admit them Allah to His Mercy. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

O you who believe[d]! (Do) not render in vain your charities with reminders (of it) or [the] hurt, like the one who spends his wealth (to) be seen (by) the people, and (does) not believe in Allah and the Day [the] Last. Then his example (is) like (that of a) smooth rock upon it (is) dust, then fell on it heavy rain, then left it bare. Not they have control on anything of what they (have) earned. And Allah (does) not guide the people [the] disbelieving.

sets forth Allah the example (of) a slave (who is) owned, not he has power on anything and (one) whom We provided him from Us a provision good, so he spends from it, secretly and publicly. Can they be equal? All praise (is) for Allah! Nay, but most of them (do) not know.

yunfiqūna   (5)

Example (of) those who spend their wealth in (the) way (of) Allah, (is) like a grain which grows seven ears, in each ear hundred grain(s). And Allah gives manifold to whom He wills. And Allah (is) All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.

Those who spend their wealth in (the) way (of) Allah then not they follow what they spend (with) reminders of generosity and not hurt - for them their reward (is) with their Lord, and (there will be) no fear on them and not they will grieve.

And (the) example (of) those who spend their wealth seeking (the) pleasure (of) Allah, and certainty from their (inner) souls, (is) like a garden on a height, fell on it heavy rain so it yielded its harvest double. Then if (does) not fall (on) it heavy rain, then a drizzle. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

Those who spend their wealth by night and day secretly and openly, then for them (is) their reward with their Lord, and no fear on them and not they will grieve.

Those who spend in [the] ease and (in) the hardship and those who restrain the anger and those who pardon [from] the people - and Allah loves the good-doers.

And those who spend their wealth to be seen (by) the people and not they believe in Allah and not in the Day the Last, and whoever has the Shaitaan for him (as) companion - then evil (is he as) a companion.

Not on the weak and not on the sick and not on those who not they find what they (can) spend any blame if they (are) sincere to Allah and His Messenger. Not (is) on the good-doers any way (for blame). And Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And not on those who, when that they came to you that you provide them with mou you said, "Not I find what to mount you on [it]. They turned back with their eyes flowing [of] (with) the tears, (of) sorrow that not they find what they (could) spend.

They ask you what they (should) spend. Say, "Whatever you spend of good, (is) for parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and (of) the wayfarer. And whatever you do of good. So indeed, Allah of it (is) All-Aware.

They ask you about [the] intoxicants and [the] games of chance Say, "In both of them (is) a sin great, and (some) benefits for [the] people. But sin of both of them (is) greater than (the) benefit of (the) two." And they ask you what they (should) spend. Say, "The surplus." Thus makes clear Allah to you [the] Verses so that you may ponder,

Those who believe in the unseen, and establish the prayer, and out of what We have provided them they spend.

Example (of) what they spend in this [the] life (of) the world (is) like (the) example (of) a wind in it (is) frost, it struck (the) harvest (of) a people who wronged themselves, then destroyed it. And not (has) wronged them Allah [and] but themselves they wronged.

Those who establish the prayer and out of what We have provided them they spend.

Indeed, those who disbelieve, they spend their wealth to hinder (people) from (the) way (of) Allah. So they will spend it, then it will be for them a regret, then they will be overcome. And those who disbelieve, to Hell they will be gathered.

And not prevents them that is accepted from them their contributions except that they disbelieve in Allah and in His Messenger, and not they come (to) the prayer except while they (are) lazy, and not they spend except while they (are) unwilling.

And not they spend any spending small and not big, and not they cross a valley but is recorded for them, that may reward them Allah the best (of) what they used (to) do.

Those when is mentioned Allah - fear their hearts, and those who are patient over whatever has afflicted them, and those who establish the prayer, and out of what We have provided them they spend.

Those will be given their reward twice because they are patient and they repel with good - the evil and from what We have provided them they spend.

Forsake their sides from (their) beds; they call their Lord (in) fear and hope, and out of what We have provided them they spend.

And those who respond to their Lord and establish prayer and their affairs (are conducted by) consultatio among them, and from what We have provided them they spend,

yunfiqūnahā   (1)

O you who believe! Indeed, many of the rabbis and the monks surely eat (the) wealth (of) the people in falsehood, and hinder from (the) way (of) Allah. And those who hoard the gold and the silver, and (do) not spend it in (the) way (of) Allah, [so] give them tidings of a punishment painful.

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