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ر ق ى
General Root Meaning
to ascend, rise gradually, mount a ladder. mirqat - stair, ladder, stepping-stone, ascent. raqin - physician, charmer.
taraqiya (pl. of tarquwutun) - collar bone(s), throat, clavicle (according to some its root is raqawa or tarqawa).
l-tarāqiya   (1)

No! When it reaches the collar bones

tarqā   (1)

Or is for you a house of ornament or you ascend into the sky. And never we will believe in your ascension until you bring down to us a book we could read it." Say, "Glorified (is) my Lord! "What am I but a human, a Messenger."

rāqin   (1)

And it is said, "Who (will) cure?"

falyartaqū   (1)

Or for them (is the) dominion (of) the heavens and the earth and whatever (is) between them? Then let them ascend by the means.

liruqiyyika   (1)

Or is for you a house of ornament or you ascend into the sky. And never we will believe in your ascension until you bring down to us a book we could read it." Say, "Glorified (is) my Lord! "What am I but a human, a Messenger."

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