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ر ت ل
General Root Meaning
to set in order, make even, well arranged/set together, make distinct, correct/right state of arrangement (primary usage is in relation to nice teeth), read/recite in a leisurely manner, read correctly, chant.
tartīlan   (2)

And said those who disbelieve, "Why not was revealed to him the Quran all at once?" Thus, that We may strengthen thereby your heart, and We have recited it (with distinct) recitation.

Or add to it, and recite the Quran (with) measured rhythmic recit

warattili   (1)

Or add to it, and recite the Quran (with) measured rhythmic recit

warattalnāhu   (1)

And said those who disbelieve, "Why not was revealed to him the Quran all at once?" Thus, that We may strengthen thereby your heart, and We have recited it (with distinct) recitation.

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