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ر ه ب
General Root Meaning
he became a rahib [or monk], fearing god, or feared god with reverence or awe: or he devoted himself to religious services or exercises.
rahibun (pl. ruhban) - monk, monasticism, monkery.
tarahhab = he became a rahib [or monk], fearing god, or feared god with reverence or awe: or he devoted himself to religious services or exercises.
l-rahbi   (1)

Insert your hand in your bosom it will come forth white from without any harm. And draw to yourselves your hand against fear. So these (are) two evidences from your Lord, to Firaun and his chiefs. Indeed, they are a people defiantly disobedient."

tur'hibūna   (1)

And prepare for them whatever you able (to) of force and of tethered horses (cavalry) (to) terrify therewith (the) enemy of Allah, and your enemy and others from besides them, not (do) you know them (but) Allah knows them. And whatever you spend from (any) thing in (the) way (of) Allah it will be fully repaid to you, and you (will) not be wronged.

rahbatan   (1)

Certainly you(r) more intense fear in their breasts than Allah's. That (is) because they (are) a people not (who do) understand.

fa-ir'habūni   (2)

O Children (of) Israel! Remember My Favor which I bestowed upon you and fulfill, My Covenant I will fulfill your covenant and Me Alone fear [Me].

And has said Allah, "(Do) not take [two] gods two, only He (is) God One, so Me Alone you fear [Me]."

wa-is'tarhabūhum   (1)

He said, "Throw." Then when they threw, they bewitched (the) eyes (of) the people, and terrified them and came (up) with a magic great.

wal-ruh'bāni   (1)

O you who believe! Indeed, many of the rabbis and the monks surely eat (the) wealth (of) the people in falsehood, and hinder from (the) way (of) Allah. And those who hoard the gold and the silver, and (do) not spend it in (the) way (of) Allah, [so] give them tidings of a punishment painful.

warahaban   (1)

So We responded to him, and We bestowed on him Yahya, and We cured for him his wife. Indeed, they used (to) hasten in good deeds, and they supplicate to Us (in) hope and fear, and they were to Us humbly submissive.

waruh'bānan   (1)

Surely you will find strongest (of) the people (in) enmity to those who believe, the Jews and those who (are) polytheists; and surely you will find nearest of them (in) affection to those who believe, those who say, "We (are) Christians." That (is) because among them (are) priests and monks, and that they (are) not arrogant.

waruh'bānahum   (1)

They have taken their rabbis and their monks (as) Lords from besides Allah and the Messiah, son (of) Maryam. And not they were commanded except that they worship God One. (There) is no god except Him. Glory be to Him from what they associate (with Him).

warahbāniyyatan   (1)

Then We sent on their footsteps Our Messengers and We followed with Isa, son (of) Maryam, and We gave him the Injeel. And We placed in (the) hearts (of) those who followed him compassion and mercy. But monasticism they innovated - not We prescribed it for them - only seeking (the) pleasure (of) Allah, but not they observed it (with) right observance. So We gave those who believed among them their reward, but most of them (are) defiantly disobediently.

yarhabūna   (1)

And when was calmed from Musa the anger, he took (up) the tablets and in their inscription (was) guidance and mercy for those who [they] of their Lord (are) fearful.

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