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ص م م
General Root Meaning
to be deaf, cork (a bottle), stop (a flask), be obstructed (ear-hole).
l-ṣuma   (2)

So indeed, you (can) not make hear the dead and not make hear the dead the call when they turn, retreating.

And among them (are some) who listen to you. But (can) you cause to hear the deaf even though they [were] (do) not use reason?

Indeed, you (can) not cause to hear the dead and not can you cause to hear the deaf the call when they turn back retreating.

Then can you cause to hear the deaf or guide the blind and (one) who is in an error clear?

l-ṣumu   (2)

Indeed, worst (of) the living creatures near Allah (are) the deaf, the dumb - those who (do) not use (their) intellect.

Say, "Only I warn you by the revelation." But not hear the deaf the call when (that) they are warned.

ṣummun   (2)

And those who rejected Our Verses (are) deaf and dumb in the darkness[es]. Whoever wills Allah - He lets him go astray and whoever He wills - He places him on (the) way straight.

Deaf, dumb, blind, so they not [they] will not return.

And (the) example (of) those who disbelieve[d] (is) like (the) example (of) the one who shouts at what not (does) hear except calls and cries - deaf dumb, (and) blind, [so] they (do) not understand.

ṣumman   (1)

And those who, when they are reminded of (the) Verses (of) their Lord, (do) not fall upon them deaf and blind.

fa-aṣammahum   (1)

Those, (are) the ones has cursed them Allah, so He made them deaf and blinded their vision.

wal-aṣami   (1)

(The) example (of) the two parties (is) like the blind and the deaf, and the seer and the hearer. Are they equal (in) comparison? Then, will not you take heed?

waṣumman   (1)

And whoever guides Allah then he (is) the guided one; and whoever He lets go astray - then never you will find for them protectors from besides Him. And We will gather them (on) the Day (of) the Resurrection on their faces - blind and dumb and deaf. Their abode (is) Hell; every time it subsides, We (will) increase (for) them the blazing fire.

waṣammū   (1)

And they thought that not will be (for them) a trial, so they became blind and they became deaf. Then turned Allah to them, then (again) they became blind and they became deaf, many of them. And Allah (is) All-Seer of what they do.

And they thought that not will be (for them) a trial, so they became blind and they became deaf. Then turned Allah to them, then (again) they became blind and they became deaf, many of them. And Allah (is) All-Seer of what they do.

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