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ص و م
General Root Meaning
to fast/abstain.
l-ṣiyāma   (1)

Permitted for you (in the) nights (of) fasting (is) the approach to your wives. They (are) garments for you and you (are) garments for them. Knows Allah that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned towards you and He forgave [on] you. So now have relations with them and seek what has ordained Allah for you. And eat and drink until becomes distinct to you the thread [the] white from the thread [the] black of [the] dawn. Then complete the fast till the night. And (do) not have relations with them while you (are) secluded in the masajid. These (are the) limits (set by) Allah, so (do) not approach them. Thus makes clear Allah His verses for [the] people so that they may (become) righteous.

l-ṣiyāmu   (1)

O you who believe[d]! Is prescribed for you [the] fasting as was prescribed to those from before you, so that you may (become) righteous.

l-ṣiyāmi   (1)

Permitted for you (in the) nights (of) fasting (is) the approach to your wives. They (are) garments for you and you (are) garments for them. Knows Allah that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned towards you and He forgave [on] you. So now have relations with them and seek what has ordained Allah for you. And eat and drink until becomes distinct to you the thread [the] white from the thread [the] black of [the] dawn. Then complete the fast till the night. And (do) not have relations with them while you (are) secluded in the masajid. These (are the) limits (set by) Allah, so (do) not approach them. Thus makes clear Allah His verses for [the] people so that they may (become) righteous.

taṣūmū   (1)

(Fasting for) days numbered. So whoever is among you sick or on a journey, then a prescribed number of days other. And on those who can afford it, a ransom (of) feeding a poor. And whoever volunteers good then it (is) better for him. And to fast (is) better for you, if you know.

ṣawman   (1)

So eat and drink and cool (your) eyes. And if you see from human being anyone then say, "Indeed, I [I] have vowed to the Most Gracious a fast, so not I will speak today (to any) human being."

ṣiyāmin   (1)

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

ṣiyāman   (1)

O you who believe! (Do) not kill the game while you (are in) Ihram. And whoever killed it among you intentionally, then penalty (is) similar (to) what he killed of the cattle, judging it two men, just, among you (as) an offering reaching the Kabah or an expiation - feeding needy people or equivalent (of) that (in) fasting, that he may taste (the) consequence (of) his deed. pardoned Allah what (has) passed, but whoever returned, then will take retribution Allah from him. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, Owner (of) Retribution.

faṣiyāmu   (3)

not will call you to account Allah for the thoughtless utterances in your oaths but He will call you to account for what you contracted (of) the oath. So its expiation (is) feeding (of) ten needy people of average (of) what you feed your families or clothing them or freeing a slave. But whoever (does) not find (that), then fasting (for) three days. That (is the) expiation (of) your oaths when you have sworn. And guard your oaths. Thus makes clear Allah to you His Verses so that you may (be) grateful.

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

And not is for a believer that he kills a believer except (by) mistake. And whoever killed a believer (by) mistake, then freeing (of) a slave believing and blood money (is to be) paid to his family unless that they remit (as) charity. But if (he) was from a people hostile to you and he was a believer then freeing (of) a slave believing. And if (he) was from a people between you and between them, (is) a treaty, then blood money (is to be) paid to his family, and freeing (of) a slave believing. And whoever (does) not find, then fasting (for) two months consecutively, (seeking) repentance from Allah, and is Allah All-Knowing, All-Wise.

Then whoever (does) not find, then fasting (for) two months consecutively from before [that] they both touch each other. But (he) who not is able then (the) feeding (of) sixty needy one(s). That - so that you may believe in Allah and His Messenger, and these (are the) limits (of) Allah, and for the disbelievers (is) a punishment painful.

falyaṣum'hu   (1)

Month (of) Ramadhaan (is) that was revealed therein the Quran, a Guidance for mankind and clear proofs of [the] Guidance and the Criterion. So whoever witnesses among you the month, then he should fast in it, and whoever is sick or on a journey then prescribed number (should from days other. Intends Allah for you [the] ease and not intends for you [the] hardship, so that you complete the prescribed period and that you magnify Allah for [what] He guided you so that you may (be) grateful.

wal-ṣāimāti   (1)

Indeed, the Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men who give charity and the women who give charity and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their chastity and the women who guard (it), and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember has prepared Allah for them forgiveness and a reward great.

wal-ṣāimīna   (1)

Indeed, the Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men who give charity and the women who give charity and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their chastity and the women who guard (it), and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember has prepared Allah for them forgiveness and a reward great.

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