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ص ى ح
General Root Meaning
to shout/cry, make noise.
sayhatun - thunderbolt, shout, blast, terrible and mighty noise.
l-ṣayḥata   (1)

(The) Day they will hear the Blast in truth. That (is the) Day (of) coming forth.

l-ṣayḥatu   (2)

So, seized them the awful cry at sunrise.

But seized them the awful cry (at) early morning,

So seized them the awful cry in truth, and We made them (as) rubbish of dead leaves. So away with the people - the wrongdoers.

So each We seized for his sin. Then of them (was he) who, We sent on him a violent storm, and of them (was he) who, seized him the awful cry and of them (was he) who, We caused to swallow him, the earth and of them (was he) who, We drowned. And not was Allah to wrong them but they were themselves doing wrong.

And seized those who wronged, the thunderous blast then they became in their homes fallen prone.

And when came Our Command, We saved Shuaib and those who believed with him by a Mercy from Us. And seized those who wronged, the thunderous blast then they became in their homes fallen prone.

ṣayḥatan   (2)

Not it was but a shout one then behold! They (were) extinguished.

Not they await except a shout one, it will seize them while they are disputing.

Not it will be but a shout single, so behold! They all before Us (will be) brought.

And not await these but a shout one; not for it any delay.

Indeed, We [We] sent upon them thunderous blast single, and they became like dry twig fragments (used by) a fence builder.

ṣayḥatin   (1)

And when you see them pleases you their bodies, and if they speak, you listen to their speech, as if they (were) pieces of wood propped up. They think every shout (is) against them. They (are) the enemy, so beware of them. May destroy them Allah! How are they deluded?

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