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ش د د
General Root Meaning
to bind tightly, strap, strengthen firmly, run, establish, make firm, hard, strong, be advanced (day), be intense. ushdud - harden, strengthen.
shadiid (pl. shidaad & ashidda'u - great, firm, strict, vehement, strong, violent, severe, mighty, terrible, stern, grievous, miserly, niggardly. (adj. of the forms fa'iil and fiaal are used indifferently for both m. and f.):
ashuddun: age of full strength, maturity.
ishtadda (vb. 8) - to act with violence, become hard.
ashadda   (7)

The Fire; they are exposed to it morning and evening. And (the) Day (will be) established the Hour, "Cause to enter (the) people (of) Firaun (in the) severest punishment."

Then when you complete[d] your acts of worship then remember Allah as you remember your forefathers or (with) greater remembrance. And from the people who say, "Our Lord! Grant us in the world." And not for him in the Hereafter [of] any share.

Like those from before you they were mightier than you (in) strength, and more abundant (in) wealth and children. So they enjoyed their portion, and you have enjoyed your portion like enjoyed those from before you their portion, and you indulge like the one who indulges (in idle talk). Those, worthless, (are) their deeds in the world and (in) the Hereafter. And those, they (are) the losers.

Have not they traveled in the earth and observed how was (the) end (of) those from before them? They were mightier than them (in) strength, and they dug the earth and built (on) it more than what they have built (on) it. And came (to) them their Messengers with clear proofs. So not was Allah to wrong them but they were themselves (doing) wrong.

Have not you seen [towards] those who (when) it was said to them, "Restrain your hands and establish the prayer and give the zakah?" Then when was ordained on them the fighting, then a group of them [they] fear the people as (they) fear Allah or more intense fear, and they said, "Our Lord why have You ordained upon us [the] fighting? Why not You postpone (it for) us to a term, near." Say, "Enjoyment (of) the world (is) little and the Hereafter (is) better for whoever fears (Allah) and not you will be wronged (even as much as) a hair on a

Have they not traveled in the land and seen how was (the) end (of) those who (were) from before them? And they were stronger than them (in) power. But not is Allah that can escape (from) Him any thing in the heavens and not in the earth. Indeed, He is All-Knower, All-Powerful.

Then We destroyed stronger than them (in) power and has passed (the) example (of) the former (people).

Surely you will find strongest (of) the people (in) enmity to those who believe, the Jews and those who (are) polytheists; and surely you will find nearest of them (in) affection to those who believe, those who say, "We (are) Christians." That (is) because among them (are) priests and monks, and that they (are) not arrogant.

Do not they travel in the earth and see how was (the) end (of) those who were before them? from They were [they] superior to them (in) strength and (in) impressions in the land, but seized them Allah for their sins, and not was for them against Allah any protector.

ashaddu   (14)

And among the mankind who takes from besides Allah equals. They love them as (they should) love Allah. And those who believe[d] (are) stronger (in) love for Allah. And if would see those who wronged, when they will see the punishment that the power (belongs) to Allah all and [that] Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.

The bedouins (are) stronger (in) disbelief and hypocrisy, and more likely that not they know (the) limits (of) what (has) revealed Allah to His Messenger. And Allah (is) All-Knower, All-Wise.

Then as for Aad, they were arrogant in the land without [the] right and they said, "Who (is) mightier than us (in) strength?" Do not they see that Allah, the One Who created them, He (is) Mightier than them (in) strength? But they used to, in Our Signs, deny.

Then as for Aad, they were arrogant in the land without [the] right and they said, "Who (is) mightier than us (in) strength?" Do not they see that Allah, the One Who created them, He (is) Mightier than them (in) strength? But they used to, in Our Signs, deny.

Rejoice those who remained behind in their staying behind (the) Messenger (of) Allah, and they disliked to strive with their wealth and their lives in (the) way (of) Allah and they said, "(Do) not go forth in the heat." Say, "(The) Fire (of) Hell (is) more intense (in) heat." If (only) they could understand.

He said, "You believe [to] him before [that] I gave permission to you. Indeed, he (is) your chief, the one who taught you the magic. So surely I will cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides, and surely I will crucify you on (the) trunks (of) date-palms and surely you will know which of us (is) more severe (in) punishment and more lasting."

And thus We recompense (he) who transgresses, and not believes in (the) Signs (of) his Lord. And surely (the) punishment (of) the Hereafter (is) more severe and more lasting.

So fight in (the) way (of) Allah; not you are responsible except (for) yourself. And encourage the believers, perhaps Allah will restrain (the) might (of) those who disbelieved. And Allah (is) Stronger (in) Might and Stronger (in) punishment.

Indeed, (the) rising (at) the night, it (is) very hard and most potent and more suitable (for) Word.

And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out, and [the] oppression (is) worse than [the] killing. And (do) not fight them near Al-Masjid Al-Haraam until they fight you in it. Then if they fight you, then kill them. Such (is the) reward (of) the disbelievers.

And how many of a town, which (was) stronger (in) strength than your town which has driven you out? We destroyed them, so no helper for them.

He said, "Only I have been given it on (account) (of) knowledge I have." Did not he know that Allah indeed destroyed from before him of the generations who [they] (were) stronger than him (in) strength and greater (in) accumulation. And not will be questioned about their sins the criminals.

And how many We destroyed before them of a generation, they (were) stronger than them (in) power. so they explored throughout the lands. Is (there) any place of escape?

Then surely, We will drag out from every sect, those of them (who were) worst against the Most Gracious (in) rebellion.

Are you a more difficult creation or the heaven. He constructed it?

Then ask them, "Are they a stronger creation or (those) whom We have created?" Indeed, We created them from a clay sticky.

Certainly you(r) more intense fear in their breasts than Allah's. That (is) because they (are) a people not (who do) understand.

Then hardened your hearts from after that so they (became) like [the] stones or stronger (in) hardness. And indeed, from the stones certainly (there are some) whi gush forth from it [the] rivers, and indeed, from them certainly (there are some) whi split, so comes out from it [the] water, and indeed, from them certainly (there are some) whi fall down from fear (of) Allah. And not (is) Allah unaware of what you do.

ashaddi   (1)

Then you (are) those (who) kill yourselves and evict a party of you from their homes, you support one another against them in sin and [the] transgression. And if they come to you (as) captives, you ransom them, while it (was) forbidden to you their eviction. So do you believe in part (of) the Book and disbelieve in part? Then what (should be the) recompense (for the one) who does that among you, except disgrace in the life (of) the world; and (on the) Day of [the] Resurrection they will be sent back to (the) most severe punishment? And not (is) Allah unaware of what you do.

ashiddāu   (1)

Muhammad (is the) Messenger (of) Allah. and those who (are) with him (are) firm against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking Bounty from Allah and pleasure. Their mark (is) on their faces from (the) trace (of) the prostration. That (is) their similitude in the Taurat And their similitude in the Injeel (is) like a seed (which) sends forth its shoot then strengthens it, then it becomes thick and it stands upon its stem delighting the sowers that He (may) enrage by them the disbelievers. has promised Allah those who believe and do righteous deeds among them, forgiveness and a reward great.

ashuddakum   (2)

O mankind! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then indeed, We We created you from dust, then from a semen-drop then from a clinging substance then from an embryonic lump, formed and without form, that We may make clear to you. And We cause to remain in the wombs what We will for a term appointed, then We bring you out (as) a child, [then] that you may reach [your] maturity. And among you (is he) who dies, and among you (is he) who is returned to the most abject age, so that not he knows, from after having known, anything. And you see the earth barren then when We send down on it water, it gets stirred and it swells and grows of every kind beautiful.

He (is) the One Who created you from dust, then from a semen-drop, then from a clinging substance, then He brings you out (as) a child; then lets you reach your maturity, then lets you become old - and among you (is he) who dies from before - and lets you reach a term specified, and that you may use reason.

ashuddahu   (2)

And when he reached his full strength and became mature, We bestowed upon him wisdom and knowledge. And thus We reward the good-doers.

And (do) not go near wealth (of) the orphans except with that which (is) best until he reaches his maturity. And give full [the] measure and the weight with justice. Not We burden any soul except (to) its capacity. And when you speak then be just even if he is (one of) a near relative. And (the) Covenant (of) Allah fulfil. That (He) has enjoined on you with it so that you may remember.

And when he reached his maturity, We gave him wisdom and knowledge. And thus We reward the good-doers.

And (do) not come near (the) wealth (of) the orphan, except with what [it] is best until he reaches his maturity. And fulfil the covenant. Indeed, the covenant will be questioned.

And We have enjoined (on) man to his parents kindness. Carried him his mother (with) hardship and gave birth to him (with) hardship. And (the) bearing of him and (the) weaning of him (is) thirty month(s) until, when he reaches his maturity and reaches forty year(s), he says, "My Lord, grant me (the) power that I may be grateful (for) Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and that I do righteous (deeds) which please You, and make righteous for me among my offspring, indeed, I turn to You and indeed, I am of those who submit."

ashuddahumā   (1)

And as for the wall, it was for two boys orphan, in the town, and was underneath it a treasure for them and was their father righteous. So intended your Lord that they reach their maturity, and bring forth their treasure (as) a mercy from your Lord. And not I did it on my (own) accord. That (is the) interpretation (of) what not you were able on it (to have) patience."

ish'taddat   (1)

(The) example (of) those who disbelieve in their Lord, their deeds (are) like ashes blows furiously on it the wind in a day stormy. No control (they have) of what they have earned on anything. That, [it] (is) the straying far.

ush'dud   (1)

Reinforce through him my strength.

l-shadīda   (1)

An enjoyment in the world, then to Us (is) their return, then We will make them taste the punishment the severe because they used to disbelieve.

l-shadīdi   (1)

Who made with Allah a god another; so throw him in(to) the punishment the severe."

sanashuddu   (1)

He said, "We will strengthen your arm through your brother and We will make for both of you an authority, so not they will reach to both of you. Through Our Signs you two and (those) who follow you, (will) be the dominant."

shidādun   (2)

Then will come from after that seven hard (years) (which will) consume what you advanced for them, except a little of what you (will) store.

O you who believe! Protect yourselves and your families (from) a Fire whose fuel (is) people and stones, over it (are) Angels stern, severe; not they disobey Allah (in) what He Commands them but they do what they are commanded.

shidādan   (1)

And We constructed over you seven strong,

shadīdun   (5)

And thus (is) the seizure (of) your Lord when He seizes the cities while they (are) doing wrong. Indeed, His seizure (is) painful, (and) severe.

Not they will fight you all except in towns fortified or from behind walls. Their violence among themselves (is) severe. You think they (are) united, but their hearts (are) divided. That (is) because they (are) a people, not they reason.

(The) Day you will see it, will forget every nursing mother that which she was nursing, and will deliver every full woman (pregnant) her load, and you will see [the] mankind intoxicated, while not they (are) intoxicated; but (the) punishment (of) Allah (will be) severe.

Certainly We sent Our Messengers with clear proofs and We sent down with them the Scripture and the Balance that may establish the people justice. And We sent down [the] iron, wherein (is) power mighty and benefits for the people, and so that may make evident Allah (he) who helps Him and His Messengers, unseen. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Strong All-Mighty.

(this), before (as) guidance for the mankind. And (He) revealed the Criterion. Verily, those who disbelieve[d] in (the) Verses Allah, for them (is) a punishment severe. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Able (of) retribution.

And when comes to them a Sign they say, "Never we will believe until we are given like what was given (to the) Messengers (of) Allah." Allah knows best where He places His Message. Will afflict those who committed crimes a humiliation from Allah and a punishment severe for what they used to plot.

Those who disbelieve, for them (will be) a punishment severe, and those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them (will be) forgiveness and a reward great.

Whoever (for) him desires the honor, then for Allah (is) the Honor all. To Him ascends the words good, and the deed righteous raises it. But those who plot the evil, for them (is) a punishment severe, and (the) plotting (of) those - it (will) perish.

"O Dawood! Indeed, We [We] have made you a vicegerent in the earth, so judge between [the] men in truth and (do) not follow the desire, for it will lead you astray from (the) way (of) Allah. Indeed, those who go astray from (the) way (of) Allah, for them (is) a punishment severe because they forgot (the) Day (of) Account."

And those who argue concerning Allah from after [what] response has been made to Him, their argument (is) invalid with their Lord, and upon them (is) wrath, and for them (is) a punishment severe.

And He answers those who believe and do righteous deeds and increases (for) them from His Bounty. And the disbelievers - for them (will be) a punishment severe.

Know that the life (of) the world (is) play and amusement and adornment and boasting among you and competition in increase of the wealth and the children, like (the) example (of) a rain, pleases the tillers its growth; then it dries and you see it turning yellow; then becomes debris. And in the Hereafter (is) a punishment severe and forgiveness from Allah and Pleasure. But not (is) the life (of) the world except (the) enjoyment (of) delusion.

shadīdin   (3)

So when came (the) promise (for) the first of the two, We raised against you servants of Ours Possessor those of military might great and they entered the inner most part (of) the homes, and (it) was a promise fulfilled.

They said, "We (are) possessors (of) strength and possessors (of) might great, and the command (is) up to you, so look what you will command."

Say to those who remained behind of the Bedouins, "You will be called to a people, possessors of military might great; you will fight them, or they will submit. Then if you obey, will give you Allah a reward good; but if you turn away as you turned away from before, He will punish you (with) a punishment painful."

Allah (is) the One to Him (belongs) whatever (is) in the heavens and whatever (is) in the earth. And woe to the disbelievers from the punishment severe.

Until when We opened for them a gate of a punishment severe, behold! They in it (will be in) despair.

Say, "Only I advise you for one (thing), that you stand for Allah (in) pairs and (as) individuals, then reflect." Not (is in) your companion any madness. Not he (is) except a warner for you between (your) hands a punishment severe."

He said, "If that I had over you power or I could take refuge in a support strong."

shadīdu   (5)

Like (the) way (of) people Firaun and those who (were) from before them. They disbelieved in (the) Signs (of) Allah, so seized them Allah for their sins. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Strong (and) severe (in) the penalty.

And glorifies the thunder with his praise - and the Angels for fear of Him. And He sends the thunderbolts and strikes with it whom He wills, yet they dispute about Allah. And He (is) Mighty (in) Strength.

And among the mankind who takes from besides Allah equals. They love them as (they should) love Allah. And those who believe[d] (are) stronger (in) love for Allah. And if would see those who wronged, when they will see the punishment that the power (belongs) to Allah all and [that] Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

Ask (the) Children (of) Israel, how many We gave them of (the) Sign(s) clear. And whoever changes Favor (of) Allah from after [what] it (has) come to him - then indeed, Allah (is) severe in [the] chastising.

Like behavior (of the) people (of) Firaun and those who (were) from before them. They denied Our Signs, so seized them Allah for their sins. And Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.

O you who believe! (Do) not violate (the) rites (of) Allah, and not the month sacred and not the sacrificial animals and not the garlanded and not (those) coming (to) the House Sacred seeking Bounty of their Lord and good pleasure. And when you come out of Ihram then (you may) hunt. And not let incite you (the) hatred (for) a people as they stopped you from Al-Masjid Al-Haraam that you commit transgression. And help one another in [the] righteousness and [the] piety, but (do) not help one another in [the] sin and [the] transgression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.

Know that Allah (is) severe (in) punishment and that Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

That (is) because they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, then indeed, Allah (is) severe in [the] penalty.

And fear a trial not which will afflict those who do wrong among you exclusively. And know that Allah (is) severe (in) the penalty.

And when made fair-seeming to them the Shaitaan their deeds and he said, "No (one) (can) overcome [to] you today from the people and indeed, I am a neighbor for you." But when came in sight the two forces he turned away on his heels and said, "Indeed, I am free of you. Indeed, I see what not (do) you see, indeed, I [I] fear Allah. And Allah (is) severe (in) the penalty."

That (is) because [they] they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah then indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) penalty.

What restored Allah to His Messenger from (the) people (of) the towns, (it is) for Allah and His Messenger and for the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, that not it becomes a (perpetual) circulation between the rich among you. And whatever gives you the Messenger, take it and whatever he forbids you from it, refrain. And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) penalty.

That (was) because [they] used to come to them their Messengers with clear proofs but they disbelieved, So seized them Allah. Indeed, He (is) All-Strong, severe (in) punishment.

Has taught him the (one) mighty (in) power,

shadīdi   (1)

(The) Forgiver (of) the sin, and (the) Acceptor (of) [the] repentance, severe (in) the punishment, Owner (of) the abundance. (There is) no god except Him; to Him, (is) the final return.

shadīdan   (1)

Then as for those who disbelieve[d], then I will punish them (with) a punishment severe in the world and (in) the Hereafter. And not for them any helpers.

And when said a community among them, "Why (do) you preach a people, (whom) Allah (is going to) destroy them or punish them (with) a punishment severe?" They said, "To be absolved before your Lord and that they may become righteous."

And not (is) any town but We (will) destroy it before (the) Day (of) the Resurrection or punish it with a punishment severe. (it) is that in the Book written.

Straight, to warn (of) a punishment severe, from near Him, and give glad tidings (to) the believers, those who do righteous deeds, that for them (is) a reward good

I will surely punish him (with) a punishment severe or I will surely slaughter him unless he brings me a reason clear."

There - were tried the believers and shaken (with a) shake severe.

But surely We will cause to ta those who disbelieve a punishment severe, and surely We will recompense (the) worst (of) what they used to do.

has prepared Allah for them a punishment severe. Indeed, [they] evil is what they used to do.

And how many of a town rebelled against (the) Command (of) its Lord and His Messengers, so We took it to account, an account severe; and We punished it, a punishment terrible.

has prepared Allah for them a punishment severe. So fear Allah, O you of understanding, those who have believed! Indeed, has sent down Allah to you a Message.

And that we sought to touch the heaven but we found it filled (with) guards severe, and flaming fires.

fashuddū   (1)

So when you meet those who disbelieve, then strike the necks until when you have subdued them, then bind firmly the bond, then either a favor afterwards or ransom until lays down the war its burdens. That. And if had willed Allah surely, He could have taken re from them, but to test some of you with others. And those who are killed in (the) way (of) Allah, then never He will cause to be lost their deeds.

lashadīdun   (3)

And indeed he in (the) love (of) wealth (is) surely intense.

And when proclaimed your Lord, "If you are thankful, surely I will increase you; but if you are ungrateful indeed, My punishment (is) surely severe."

Indeed, (the) Grip (of) your Lord (is) surely strong.

lashadīdu   (1)

And they ask you to hasten the evil before the good and verily has occurred from before them [the] similar punishments. And indeed, your Lord (is) Full (of) Forgiveness for mankind for their wrongdoing, and indeed, your Lord (is) severe (in) the penalty.

wa-ashadda   (2)

Do they not travel through the land and see how was (the) end (of) those who (were) from before them? They were more numerous than them and mightier (in) strength and impressions in the land, but not availed them what they used to earn.

And if [that] We (had) decreed on them that, "Kill yourselves" or "Go forth from your homes," not they would have done it except a few of them. But if [that] they had done what they were advised with [it], surely (it) would have been better for them and stronger strengthen(ing).

wa-ashaddu   (1)

So fight in (the) way (of) Allah; not you are responsible except (for) yourself. And encourage the believers, perhaps Allah will restrain (the) might (of) those who disbelieved. And Allah (is) Stronger (in) Might and Stronger (in) punishment.

wa-ush'dud   (1)

And said Musa, "Our Lord! Indeed, You have given Firaun and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the life (of) the world. Our Lord! That they may lead astray from Your way. Our Lord! Destroy [on] their wealth and harden [on] their hearts, so (that) not they believe until they see the punishment - the painful."

washadadnā   (1)

And We strengthened his kingdom and We gave him [the] wisdom and decisive speech.

We, created them and We strengthened their forms, and when We will, We can change their likeness[es] (with) a change.

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