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ش ر ب
General Root Meaning
to drink, swallow, sunk in, absorb.
shirbun - portion of water, time of drinking.
shurbun - drinking. shaaribun - one who drinks.
sharaabun - drink, beverage, portion. mashrabun - drinking place.
ashraba (vb. 4) - to give to drink, make to drink, permeate as.
ushribu fi-qalbihi - love of such and such a thing permeated his heart, the word is so used because love is like alcohol that intoxicates one who partakes of it.
l-sharābu   (1)

And say, "The truth (is) from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a Fire, will surround them its walls. And if they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like molten brass, (which) scalds the faces. Wretched (is) the drink, and evil (is) the resting place.

tashrabūna   (1)

And said the chiefs of his people who disbelieved and denied (the) meeting (of) the Hereafter, while We had given them luxury in the life (of) the world, "Not (is) this but a man like you. He eats of what you eat [from it], and he drinks of what you drink.

Do you see the water, which you drink?

sharābun   (3)

He (is) the One Who sends down from the sky water for you of it (is) drink, and from it (grows) vegetation in which you pasture your cattle.

And leave those who take their religion (as) a play and amusement and deluded them the life (of) the world. But remind with it, lest is given up to destruction a soul for what it (has) earned, not (is) for it from besides Allah any protector and not any intercessor. And if it offers ransom - every ransom, not will it be taken from it. Those (are) ones who are given to destruction for what they earned. For them (will be) a drink of boiling water and a punishment painful because they used to disbelieve.

To Him, (will be) your return [all]. Promise (of) Allah (is) true. Indeed, He originates the creation, then He repeats it, that He may reward those who believed and did the good deeds, in justice. But those who disbelieved, for them (will be) a drink of boiling fluids and a punishment painful, because they used (to) disbelieve.

Then eat from all the fruits and follow (the) ways (of) your Lord made smooth." Comes forth from their bellies a drink (of) varying colors, in it (is) a healing for the mankind. Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for a people who reflect.

sharāban   (2)

Upon them (will be) garments (of) fine silk green and heavy brocade. And they will be adorned (with) bracelets of silver, and will give them to drink their Lord, a drink pure.

Not they will taste therein coolness and not any drink,

sharābuhu   (1)

And not are alike the two seas. This (is) fresh, sweet, pleasant its drink, and this salty (and) bitter. And from each you eat meat fresh and you extract ornaments you wear them, and you see the ships in it, cleaving, so that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be grateful.

shariba   (1)

Then when set out Talut with the forces he said, "Indeed, Allah will test you with a river. So whoever drinks from it then he is not from me, and whoever (does) not taste it then indeed, he (is) from me except whoever takes (in the) hollow (of) his hand." Then they drank from it except a few of them. Then when he crossed it, he and those who believed with him, they said, "No strength for us today against Jalut and his troops." Said those who were certain that they (would) meet Allah, "How many of a company small overcame a company large by (the) permission (of) Allah. And Allah (is) with the patient ones."

shur'ba   (1)

And will drink (as) drinking (of) the thirsty camels."

shir'bun   (1)

He said, "This (is) a she-camel. For her (is a share of) drink, and for you (is a share of) drink (on) a day known.

shir'bin   (1)

And inform them that the water (is) to be shared between them, each drink attended.

shir'bu   (1)

He said, "This (is) a she-camel. For her (is a share of) drink, and for you (is a share of) drink (on) a day known.

fashāribūna   (2)

And drink over it [from] the scalding water,

And will drink (as) drinking (of) the thirsty camels."

fasharibū   (1)

Then when set out Talut with the forces he said, "Indeed, Allah will test you with a river. So whoever drinks from it then he is not from me, and whoever (does) not taste it then indeed, he (is) from me except whoever takes (in the) hollow (of) his hand." Then they drank from it except a few of them. Then when he crossed it, he and those who believed with him, they said, "No strength for us today against Jalut and his troops." Said those who were certain that they (would) meet Allah, "How many of a company small overcame a company large by (the) permission (of) Allah. And Allah (is) with the patient ones."

lilshāribīna   (3)

A parable (of) Paradise which is promised (to) the righteous. Therein (are) rivers of water not polluted, and rivers of milk not changes its taste, and rivers of wine delicious for (the) drinkers, and rivers of honey purified, and for them therein of all fruits and forgiveness from their Lord like he who (will) abide forever in the Fire and they will be given to drin water boiling so it cuts into pieces their intestines.

White, delicious for the drinkers;

And indeed, for you in the cattle (is) a lesson. We give you to drink from what (is) in their bellies, from between bowels and blood, milk pure, palatable to the drinkers.

mashrabahum   (1)

And when asked (for) water Musa for his people, [so] We said, "Strike with your staff the stone." Then gushed forth from it two ten (i.e twelve) springs. Indeed knew all (the) people their drinking place. "Eat and drink from (the) provision (of) Allah, and (do) not act wickedly in the earth spreading corruption."

And We divided them (into) two ten (i.e twelve) tribes (as) communities. And We inspired to Musa, when asked him for water his people, [that] "Strike with your staff the stone." Then gushed forth from it two ten (i.e twelve) springs. Certainly, knew each people their drinking place. And We shaded [on] them (with) the clouds and We sent down upon them, the Manna and the quails. "Eat from (the) good things which We have provided you." And not they wronged Us but they were (to) themselves doing wrong.

wa-ush'ribū   (1)

And when We took your covenant and We raised over you the mount, "Hold what We gave you, with firmness and listen." They said, "We heard and we disobeyed." And they were made to drink in their hearts (love of) the calf because of their disbelief. Say, "Evil (is) that orders you (to do) it with your faith, if you are believers."

wa-ish'rabū   (1)

And when asked (for) water Musa for his people, [so] We said, "Strike with your staff the stone." Then gushed forth from it two ten (i.e twelve) springs. Indeed knew all (the) people their drinking place. "Eat and drink from (the) provision (of) Allah, and (do) not act wickedly in the earth spreading corruption."

Permitted for you (in the) nights (of) fasting (is) the approach to your wives. They (are) garments for you and you (are) garments for them. Knows Allah that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned towards you and He forgave [on] you. So now have relations with them and seek what has ordained Allah for you. And eat and drink until becomes distinct to you the thread [the] white from the thread [the] black of [the] dawn. Then complete the fast till the night. And (do) not have relations with them while you (are) secluded in the masajid. These (are the) limits (set by) Allah, so (do) not approach them. Thus makes clear Allah His verses for [the] people so that they may (become) righteous.

O Children (of) Adam! Take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink but (do) not be extravagant. Indeed, He (does) not love the extravagant ones.

"Eat and drink (in) satisfaction for what you used to do."

"Eat and drink (in) satisfaction for what you sent before you in the days past."

"Eat and drink (in) satisfaction for what you used to do."

wa-ish'rabī   (1)

So eat and drink and cool (your) eyes. And if you see from human being anyone then say, "Indeed, I [I] have vowed to the Most Gracious a fast, so not I will speak today (to any) human being."

washarābun   (1)

"Strike with your foot. This (is a spring of) water to bath cool and a drink."

washarābin   (1)

Reclining therein, they will call therein for fruit many and drink.

washarābika   (1)

Or like the one who passed by a township, and it (had) overturned on its roofs. He said, "How (will) bring to life this (town) Allah after its death?" Then he was made to die (by) Allah (for) a hundred year(s), then He raised him. He said, "How long (have) you remained?" He said, "I remained (for) a day or a part (of) a day." He said, "Nay, you (have) remained one hundred year(s). Then look at your food and your drink, (they did) not change with time, and look at your donkey, and We will make you a sign for the people. And look at the bones how We raise them, then We cover them (with) flesh." Then when became clear to him, he said, "I know that Allah (is) on every thing All-Powerful."

wamashāribu   (1)

And for them therein (are) benefits and drinks, so (will) not they give thanks?

wayashrabu   (1)

And said the chiefs of his people who disbelieved and denied (the) meeting (of) the Hereafter, while We had given them luxury in the life (of) the world, "Not (is) this but a man like you. He eats of what you eat [from it], and he drinks of what you drink.

yashrabu   (1)

A spring - will drink from it (the) slaves (of) Allah; causing it to gush forth abundantly.

A spring, will drink from it, those brought near.

yashrabūna   (1)

Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup, is its mixture (of) Kafur,

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