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س ع ى
General Root Meaning
he walked or went along, to strive/exert/labour/work, go quickly, effort, endeavour, hasten/act/run, be active, diligent, age of running or work and assist (child).
l-saʿya   (1)

Then when he reached with him the (age of) working he said, "O my son! Indeed, I have seen in the dream that I am sacrificing you, so look what you see." He said, "O my father! Do what you are commanded. You will find me, if wills Allah, of the patient ones."

tasʿā   (3)

He said, "Nay, you throw." Then behold! Their ropes and their staffs seemed to him by their magic that they (were) moving.

Indeed, the Hour (will be) coming. I almost [I] hide it that may be recompensed every soul for what it strives.

So he threw it down, and behold! It (was) a snake, moving swiftly.

saʿaw   (2)

But those who strive against Our Verses (to) cause failure - those - for them (is) a punishment of foul nature, painful.

And those who strove against Our Verses, (to) cause failure, those (are the) companions (of) the Hellfire.

saʿā   (3)

And when he turns away he strives in the earth to spread corruption [in it], and destroys the crops and progeny. And Allah (does) not love [the] corruption.

And that is not for man except what he strives (for),

(The) Day will remember man what he strove (for),

saʿyan   (1)

And when said Ibrahim, "My Lord show me how You give life (to) the dead." He said, "Have not you believed?" He said, "Yes [and] but to satisfy my heart." He said "Then take four of the birds and incline them towards you, then put on each hill of them a portion; then call them, they will come to you (in) haste. And know that Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise.

saʿyakum   (1)

Indeed, your efforts (are) surely diverse.

saʿyukum   (1)

"Indeed, this is for you a reward, and has been your effort appreciated."

saʿyahu   (1)

And that his striving will soon be seen.

saʿyahā   (1)

And whoever desires the Hereafter and exerts for it the effort, while he (is) a believer, then those [are] their effort, (is) appreciated.

saʿyuhum   (1)

And whoever desires the Hereafter and exerts for it the effort, while he (is) a believer, then those [are] their effort, (is) appreciated.

Those - is lost their effort in the life (of) the world, while they think that they (were) acquiring good (in) work."

fa-is'ʿaw   (1)

O you who believe! When (the) call is made for (the) prayer on (the) day (of) Friday, then hasten to (the) remembrance (of) Allah and leave the business. That (is) better for you, if you know.

lisaʿyihi   (1)

Then whoever does [of] [the] righteous deeds while he (is) a believer then not (will be) rejected [of] his effort. And indeed, We of it (are) Recorders.

lisaʿyihā   (1)

With their effort satisfied,

wasaʿā   (2)

And whoever desires the Hereafter and exerts for it the effort, while he (is) a believer, then those [are] their effort, (is) appreciated.

And who (is) more unjust than (one) who prevents (the) masajid (of) Allah to be mentioned in them His name, and strives for their destruction? Those! Not it is for them that they enter them except (like) those in fear. For them in the world (is) disgrace and for them in the Hereafter (is) a punishment great.

wayasʿawna   (2)

Only (the) recompense (for) those who wage war (against) Allah and His Messenger and strive in the earth spreading corruption (is) that they be killed or they be crucified or be cut off their hands and their feet of opposite sides or they be exiled from the land. That (is) for them disgrace in the world and for them in the Hereafter (is) a punishment great.

And said the Jews, "Hand Allah's (is) chained." Are chained their hands, and they have been cursed for what they said. Nay, His Hands (are) stretched out He spends how He wills. And surely increase many of them, what has been revealed to you from your Lord, (in) rebellion and disbelief. And We have cast among them [the] enmity and [the] hatred till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Every time they kindled (the) fire of [the] war, extinguished it Allah. And they strive in the earth spreading corruption. And Allah (does) not love the corrupters.

yasʿawna   (1)

And those who strive against Our Verses (to) cause failure, those into the punishment (will be) brought.

yasʿā   (3)

And came a man from (the) farthest end (of) the city running. He said, "O Musa! Indeed, the chiefs are taking counsel about you to kill you, so leave; indeed, I am to you of the sincere advisors."

And came from (the) farthest end (of) the city a man running. He said, "O my People! Follow the Messengers.

(On the) Day you will see the believing men and the believing women, running, their light (from) between their hands and on their right, "Glad tidings for you this Day - gardens flowing from underneath it the rivers, abiding forever therein. That [it] (is) the success the great."

Then he turned his back, striving,

But as for (he) who came to you striving,

O you who believe! Turn to Allah (in) repentance sincere! Perhaps your Lord [that] will remove from you your evil deeds and admit you (into) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers, (on the) Day not will disgrace Allah the Prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will run (from) between their hands and on their right; they will say, "Our Lord Perfect for us our light and grant forgiveness to us. Indeed, You (are) over every thing All-Powerful."

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