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س ب ت
General Root Meaning
to take rest, cease from work, repose, keep the Sabbath, be confused/perplexed/confounded, cut, stop, sleep, unfold, Sabbath-day, week, addicted to sleep, rest/lethargic/motionless.
l-sabtu   (1)

Only was appointed the Sabbath for those who differed in it. And indeed, your Lord will surely judge between them (on) the Day (of) the Resurrection in what they used (to) [in it] differ.

l-sabti   (3)

O you who (have) been given the Book, believe in what We (have) revealed confirming what is with you, from before [that] We efface faces and turn them on their backs or We curse them as We cursed companions (of) the Sabbath. And is (the) command (of) Allah (always) executed.

And indeed, you knew those who transgressed among you in the (matter of) Sabbath. So We said to them, "Be apes, despised."

And ask them about the town which was situated (by) the sea, when they transgressed in the (matter of) Sabbath, when came to them their fish (on the) day (of) their Sabbath visibly and (on the) day not they had Sabbath (they did) not come to them. Thus We test them because they were defiantly disobeying.

And We raised over them the mount for their covenant, and We said to them, "Enter the gate, prostrating." And We said to them. "(Do) not transgress in the Sabbath." And We took from them a covenant solemn.

subātan   (2)

And We made your sleep (for) rest,

And He (is) the One Who made for you the night (as) a covering and the sleep a rest and made the day a resurrection.

sabtihim   (1)

And ask them about the town which was situated (by) the sea, when they transgressed in the (matter of) Sabbath, when came to them their fish (on the) day (of) their Sabbath visibly and (on the) day not they had Sabbath (they did) not come to them. Thus We test them because they were defiantly disobeying.

yasbitūna   (1)

And ask them about the town which was situated (by) the sea, when they transgressed in the (matter of) Sabbath, when came to them their fish (on the) day (of) their Sabbath visibly and (on the) day not they had Sabbath (they did) not come to them. Thus We test them because they were defiantly disobeying.

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