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س ل م
General Root Meaning
safety/security/freedom/immunity, to escape, salutation/greeting/peace, deliver/acknowledge, pay in advance, submit, sincerity, humility, submission/conformance/obedience, resign/quit/relinquish, to be in sound condition, well without blemish, gentle/tender/soft/elegant.
a-aslamtum   (1)

Then if they argue with you, then say, "I have submitted myself to Allah and (those) who follow me." And say to those who were given the Book, and the unlettered people, "Have you submitted yourselves Then if they submit then surely they are guided. But if they turn back then only on you (is) to [the] convey. And Allah (is) All-Seer of [His] slaves.

is'lāmakum   (1)

They consider (it) a favor to you that they have accepted Islam. Say, "(Do) not consider a favor on me - your Islam. Nay, Allah has conferred a favor upon you that He has guided you to the faith, if you are truthful.

is'lāmihim   (1)

They swear by Allah nothing (that) they said , while certainly they said (the) word (of) the disbelief and disbelieved after their (pretense of) Islam, and planned [of] what not they could attain. And not they were resentful except that had enriched them Allah and His Messenger of His Bounty. So if they repent, it is better for them, and if they turn away, will punish them Allah (with) a punishment painful, in the world and (in) the Hereafter. And not for them in the earth any protector and not a helper.

aslama   (3)

So is (it) other than (the) religion (of) Allah they seek? While to Him (have) submitted whatever (is) in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and towards Him they will be returned.

Yes, whoever submits his face to Allah and he (is) a good-doer, so for him (is) his reward with his Lord. And no fear (will be) on them and not they (will) grieve.

And who (is) better (in) religion than (one) who submits his face to Allah and he (is) a good-doer and follows (the) religion (of) Ibrahim (the) upright? And was taken (by) Allah Ibrahim (as) a friend.

And that we, among us (are) Muslims and among us (are) unjust. And whoever submits, then those have sought (the) right path.

Say, "Is it other than Allah I (should) take (as) a protector, Creator, (of) the heavens and the earth, while (it is) He Who feeds and not He is fed?" Say, "Indeed I [I] am commanded that I be (the) first who submits (to Allah) and not be of the polytheists."

aslim   (1)

When said to him his Lord "Submit (yourself)," he said, "I (have) submitted to (the) Lord (of) the worlds."

us'lima   (1)

Say, "Indeed, I [I] have been forbidden to worship those whom you call from besides Allah when have come to me the clear proofs from my Lord, and I am commanded to submit to (the) Lord (of) the worlds.

aslamā   (1)

Then when both of them had submitted and he put him down upon his forehead,

aslamtu   (2)

When said to him his Lord "Submit (yourself)," he said, "I (have) submitted to (the) Lord (of) the worlds."

Then if they argue with you, then say, "I have submitted myself to Allah and (those) who follow me." And say to those who were given the Book, and the unlettered people, "Have you submitted yourselves Then if they submit then surely they are guided. But if they turn back then only on you (is) to [the] convey. And Allah (is) All-Seer of [His] slaves.

aslamnā   (1)

Say the Bedouins, "We believe." Say, "Not you believe; but say, "We have submitted," and has not yet entered the faith in your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger, not He will deprive you of your deeds anything. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

aslamū   (3)

Indeed, We revealed the Taurat in it (was) Guidance and light; judged by it the Prophets, those who had submitted (to Allah) for those who were Jews, and the Rabbis, and the scholars, with what they were entrusted of (the) Book (of) Allah and they were to it witnesses. So (do) not fear the people but fear Me, and (do) not sell My Verses (for) a price, little. And whoever (does) not judge by what has revealed Allah, then those [they] (are) the disbelievers.

They consider (it) a favor to you that they have accepted Islam. Say, "(Do) not consider a favor on me - your Islam. Nay, Allah has conferred a favor upon you that He has guided you to the faith, if you are truthful.

Then if they argue with you, then say, "I have submitted myself to Allah and (those) who follow me." And say to those who were given the Book, and the unlettered people, "Have you submitted yourselves Then if they submit then surely they are guided. But if they turn back then only on you (is) to [the] convey. And Allah (is) All-Seer of [His] slaves.

aslimū   (1)

And for every nation We have appointed a rite, that they may mention (the) name (of) Allah over what He (has) provided them of (the) beast (of) cattle. And your God (is) God One, so to Him submit. And give glad tidings (to) the humble ones.

l-is'lāma   (1)

Are made unlawful on you the dead animals, and the blood, and flesh (of) the swine, and what has been dedicated to other than Allah, [on it], and that which is strangled (t and that which is hit fatally, and that which has a fatal fal and that which is gored by hor and that which ate (it) the wild animal except what you slaughtered, and what is sacrificed on the stone altars, and that you seek division by divining arrows - that (is) grave disobedience. This day (have) despaired those who disbelieved of your religion, so (do) not fear them, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and I have completed upon you My Favor and I have approved for you [the] Islam (as) a religion. But whoever (is) forced by hunger (and) not inclining to sin, then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

l-is'lāmu   (1)

Indeed, the religion near Allah (is) Islam. And not differed those who were given the Book except (is) after [what] came to them [the] knowledge out of envy among them. And whoever disbelieves in (the) Verses (of) Allah, then indeed, Allah (is) swift (in taking) account.

l-is'lāmi   (2)

And whoever seeks other than [the] Islam (as) religion then never will be accepted from him, and he in the Hereafter, (will be) from the losers.

And who (is) more wrong than (one) who invents upon Allah the lie while he is invited to Islam? And Allah (does) not guide the people [the] wrongdoers.

l-salāma   (1)

O you who believe[d]! When you go forth in (the) way (of) Allah then investigate, and (do) not say to (the one) who offers to you (a greeting of) peace, "You are not a believer," seeking transitory gains (of) the life (of) the world, for with Allah (are) booties abundant. Like that you were from before, then conferred favor Allah upon you; so investigate. Indeed, Allah is of what you do All-Aware.

l-salāmu   (1)

He (is) Allah, the One Who, (there is) no god but He, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Giver of Peace, the Giver of Security, the Guardian, the All-Mighty, the Irresistible, the Supreme. Glory (be to) Allah from what they associate (with Him).

l-salāmi   (2)

For them (will be) home (of) [the] peace with their Lord. And He (will be) their protecting fri because (of what) they used to do.

Guides with it Allah (those) who seek His pleasure (to the) ways (of) the peace, and brings them out from the darknessess to the light by His permission, and guides them to (the) way, straight.

And Allah calls to (the) Home (of) the Peace, and guides whom He wills to (the) path straight.

l-salama   (2)

Except those who join [to] a group between you and between them (is) a treaty or those who come to you restraining their hearts that they fight you or they fight their people. And if (had) willed Allah, surely He (would have) given t over you, and surely they (would have) f So if they withdraw from you and (do) not fight against you and offer to you [the] peace then not (has) made Allah for you against them a way.

You will find others wishing that they be secure from you and they be secure from their people, Everytime that they are returned to the temptation, they are plunged into it. So if not they withdraw from you and offer to you [the] peace and they restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And those - We made for you against them an authority clear.

Those whom - take them in death the Angels (while) wronging themselves, then they would offer the submission, "Not we were doing any evil." Nay, indeed, Allah (is) All-Knower of what you used (to) do.

And they (will) offer to Allah (on) that Day the submission, and (is) lost from them what they used (to) invent.

l-salmi   (1)

So (do) not weaken and call for peace while you (are) superior, and Allah (is) with you and never will deprive you (of) your deeds.

l-sil'mi   (1)

O you who believe[d]! Enter in Islam completely, and (do) not follow footsteps (of) the Shaitaan. Indeed, he (is) for you an enemy open.

l-mus'limūna   (1)

And that we, among us (are) Muslims and among us (are) unjust. And whoever submits, then those have sought (the) right path.

l-mus'limīna   (6)

No partners for Him; and with that I have been commanded. And I am (the) first (of) the ones who surrender (t

And I am commanded that I be (the) first (of) those who submit."

And strive for Allah (to) Him (with the) striving due. He (has) chosen you and not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. (The) religion (of) your father Ibrahim. He named you Muslims from before and in this, that may be the Messenger a witness over you and you may be witnesses on the mankind. So establish the prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He (is) your Protector - so an Excellent [the] Protector and an Excellent [the] Helper.

Indeed, the Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men who give charity and the women who give charity and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their chastity and the women who guard (it), and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember has prepared Allah for them forgiveness and a reward great.

But if you turn away then not I have asked you any reward. Not (is) my reward but on Allah, and I have been commanded that I be of the Muslims."

And We took across (the) Children (of) Israel - the sea, and followed them Firaun and his hosts (in) rebellion and enmity, until when overtook him the drowning, he said, "I believe that (there is) no god except the One, Whom believe in the Children (of) Israel, and I am of the Muslims."

"Only I am commanded that I worship (the) Lord (of) this city, the One Who made it sacred and to Him (belongs) all things. And I am commanded that I be of the Muslims

But not We found therein other than a house of the Muslims.

Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals?

And who (is) better (in) speech than (one) who invites to Allah and does righteous (deeds) and says, "Indeed, I am of those who submit?"

And We have enjoined (on) man to his parents kindness. Carried him his mother (with) hardship and gave birth to him (with) hardship. And (the) bearing of him and (the) weaning of him (is) thirty month(s) until, when he reaches his maturity and reaches forty year(s), he says, "My Lord, grant me (the) power that I may be grateful (for) Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and that I do righteous (deeds) which please You, and make righteous for me among my offspring, indeed, I turn to You and indeed, I am of those who submit."

bisalāmin   (2)

"Enter it in peace, secure."

Enter it in peace. That (is) a Day (of) Eternity."

It was said, "O Nuh! Go down with peace from Us and blessings on you and on the nations from those with you. But (to other) nations We will grant enjoyment; then will touch them from Us a punishment painful."

tus'limūna   (1)

And Allah (has) made for you from what He created, shades and (has) made for you from the mountains, shelters and (has) made for you garments to protect you (from) the heat and garments to protect you from your (mutual) violence. Thus He completes His Favor upon you so that you may submit.

taslīman   (2)

But no, by your Lord, not they will believe until they make you judge about what arises between them, then not they find in themselves any discomfort about what you (have) decided and submit (in full) submission.

Indeed, Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe! Send blessings on him and greet him (with) greetings.

sālimūna   (1)

Humbled, their eyes, will cover them humiliation. And indeed, they were called to prostrate while they (were) sound.

salāmun   (5)

(Saying), "Peace (be) upon you for what you patiently endured. And excellent (is) the final attainment (of) the Home."

And will be admitted, those who believed and did righteous deeds (to) Gardens flows from underneath it the rivers (will) abide forever in it by the permission (of) their Lord; their greetings therein (will be) peace.

Their greetings (on the) Day they will meet Him (will be), "Peace." and He has prepared for them a reward noble.

And when come to you those who believe in Our Verses then say, "Peace (be) upon you. (has) Prescribed your Lord upon Himself the Mercy, that he who does among you evil in ignorance then repents from after it and reforms, then, indeed He (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

And between them (will be) a partition, and on the heights (will be) men recognizing all by their marks. And they will call out (to the) companions (of) Paradise that "Peace (be) upon you." Not they have entered it but they hope.

Their prayer therein (will be), "Glory be to You, O Allah!" And their greeting therein (will be), "Peace." And the last (of) their call (will be) [that] "All the Praise be to Allah, Lord (of) the worlds."

And certainly came Our messengers (to) Ibrahim with glad tidings, they said, "Peace." He said, "Peace," and not he delayed to bring a calf roasted.

Those whom take them in death the Angels (when they are) pure saying, "Peace (be) upon you. Enter Paradise for what you used (to) do."

"Peace." A word from a Lord Most Merciful.

So turn away from them and say, "Peace." But soon they will know.

When they entered upon him and said, "Peace." He said, "Peace, a people unknown."

Peace it (is) until (the) emergence (of) the dawn.

He said, "Peace (be) on you. I will ask forgiveness for you (from) my Lord. Indeed, He is to me Ever Gracious.

And when they hear vain talk, they turn away from it and say, "For us our deeds and for you your deeds. Peace (be) on you; not we seek the ignorant."

"Peace be upon Nuh among the worlds."

"Peace be on Ibrahim."

"Peace be upon Musa and Harun."

"Peace be upon Il yas ( Ilyas)

And (will) be driven those who feared their Lord, to Paradise (in) groups until when they reach it and (will) be opened its gates and (will) say to them its keepers, "Peace be upon you, you have done well, so enter it (to) abide eternally."

salāman   (1)

And certainly came Our messengers (to) Ibrahim with glad tidings, they said, "Peace." He said, "Peace," and not he delayed to bring a calf roasted.

When they entered upon him and said, "Peace." He said, "Indeed, we (are) of you afraid."

Not they will hear therein vain talk but peace. And for them (is) their provision therein, morning and evening.

And (the) slaves (of) the Most Gracious (are) those who walk on the earth (in) humbleness and when address them the ignorant ones, they say, "Peace."

When they entered upon him and said, "Peace." He said, "Peace, a people unknown."

Except a saying, "Peace, Peace."

Except a saying, "Peace, Peace."

sallama   (1)

When showed them to you Allah in your dream (as) few, and if He had shown them to you (as) many surely you would have lost cou and surely you would have disp in the matter, but Allah saved (you). Indeed, He (is) All-Knower of what is in the breasts.

sullamun   (1)

Or for them (is) a stairway, they listen therewith? Then let bring, their listener, an authority clear.

sullaman   (1)

And if is difficult for you their aversion then if you are able to seek a tunnel in the earth or a ladder into the sky so that you bring to them a Sign. But if (had) willed Allah surely He (would) have gathere on the guidance. So (do) not be of the ignorant.

sallamtum   (1)

And the mothers shall suckle their children (for) two years complete, for whoever wishes to complete the suckling. And upon the father (on) him (is) their provision and their clothing in a fair manner. Not is burdened any soul except its capacity. Not made to suffer (the) mother because of her child and not (the) father (be) because of his child. And on the heirs (is a duty) like that. Then if they both desire weaning through mutual consent of both of them and consultation, then no blame on both of them. And if you want to ask another women to suckle your child then (there is) no blame on you, when you pay what you give in a fair manner. And fear Allah and know that Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

salaman   (1)

sets forth Allah an example - a man about him partners quarreling and a man (belonging) exclusively to one man - are they both equal (in) comparison? All praise (be) to Allah! Nay, most of them (do) not know.

salīmin   (1)

Except (he) who comes (to) Allah with a heart sound."

When he came (to) his Lord with a heart sound,

fasalāmun   (1)

Then, peace for you; [from] (the) companions (of) the right.

fasallimū   (1)

Not is on the blind any blame and not on the lame any blame and not on the sick any blame and not on yourselves that you eat from your houses or houses (of) your fathers or houses (of) your mothers or houses (of) your brothers or houses (of) your sisters or houses (of) your paternal uncles or houses (of) your paternal aunts or houses (of) your maternal uncles or houses (of) your maternal aunts or what you possess its keys or your friend. Not is on you any blame that you eat together or separately. But when you enter houses then greet [on] yourselves a greeting from that Allah blessed (and) good. Thus makes clear Allah for you the Verses so that you may understand.

lil'is'lāmi   (2)

So is (one for) whom has expanded Allah his breast for Islam so he (is) upon a light from his Lord. So woe to (those are) hardened their hearts from (the) remembrance (of) Allah. Those (are) in error clear.

So whoever wants Allah that He guides him - He expands his breast to Islam; and whoever He wants that He lets him go astray He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he (were) climbing into the sky. Thus places Allah the filth on those who (do) not believe.

lilssalmi   (1)

And if they incline to peace, then you (also) incline to it, and put (your) trust in Allah. Indeed, He (is) All-Hearer, All-Knower.

lil'mus'limīna   (2)

And the Day We will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves. And We (will) bring you (as) a witness over these. And We sent down to you the Book (as) a clarification of every thing and a guidance and mercy and glad tidings for the Muslims.

Say, "Has brought it down Spirit the Holy from your Lord in truth, to make firm those who believe and (as) a guidance and glad tidings to the Muslims."

linus'lima   (1)

Say, "Shall we call from besides Allah what not benefits us and not harms us, and we turn back on our heels after [when] has guided us Allah? Like the one whom has enticed the Shaitaan in the earth, confused, he has companions who call him towards the guidance, 'Come to us.'" Say, "Indeed, (the) Guidance (of) Allah, it (is) the Guidance, and we have been commanded that we submit to (the) Lord (of) the worlds

mus'taslimūna   (1)

Nay, they (on) that Day (will) surrender.

musallamatun   (2)

And not is for a believer that he kills a believer except (by) mistake. And whoever killed a believer (by) mistake, then freeing (of) a slave believing and blood money (is to be) paid to his family unless that they remit (as) charity. But if (he) was from a people hostile to you and he was a believer then freeing (of) a slave believing. And if (he) was from a people between you and between them, (is) a treaty, then blood money (is to be) paid to his family, and freeing (of) a slave believing. And whoever (does) not find, then fasting (for) two months consecutively, (seeking) repentance from Allah, and is Allah All-Knowing, All-Wise.

And not is for a believer that he kills a believer except (by) mistake. And whoever killed a believer (by) mistake, then freeing (of) a slave believing and blood money (is to be) paid to his family unless that they remit (as) charity. But if (he) was from a people hostile to you and he was a believer then freeing (of) a slave believing. And if (he) was from a people between you and between them, (is) a treaty, then blood money (is to be) paid to his family, and freeing (of) a slave believing. And whoever (does) not find, then fasting (for) two months consecutively, (seeking) repentance from Allah, and is Allah All-Knowing, All-Wise.

He said, "Indeed, He says, "[Indeed] it (is) a cow not trained to plough the earth, and not water the field; sound, no blemish in it." They said, "Now you have come with the truth." So they slaughtered it, and not they were near (to) doing (it).

mus'liman   (2)

My Lord, indeed, you have given of the sovereignty and taught me of the interpretation of the events. Creator (of) the heavens and the earth, You (are) my Protector, in the world and the Hereafter. Cause me to die (as) a Muslim, and join me with the righteous."

Not was Ibrahim a Jew and not a Christian and but he was a true Muslim, and not he was from the polytheists.

mus'limātin   (1)

Perhaps his Lord, if he divorced you, [that] He will substitute for him wives better than you submissive, faithful, obedient, repentant, who worship, who fast, previously married and virgins.

mus'limatan   (1)

Our Lord! [and] Make us both submissive to You. And from our offspring a community submissive to You. And show us our ways of worship and turn to us. Indeed You! [You] (are) the Oft-returning, the Most Merciful.

mus'limūna   (8)

Then when perceived Isa from them [the] disbelief he said, "Who (will be) my helpers to Allah." Said the disciples "We (will be the) helpers (of) Allah, we believe[d] in Allah and bear witness that we (are) Muslims.

Say, "O People (of) the Book! Come to a word equitable between us and between you - that not we worship except Allah, and not we associate partners with Him - anything and not take some of us (to) others (as) lords from besides Allah." Then if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we (are) Muslims."

And when I inspired to the disciples to believe in Me and in My Messenger they said, "We believe and bear witness that indeed we (are) Muslims.

And not (can) you guide the blind from their error. Not you can cause to hear except (those) who believe in Our Signs so they (are) Muslims.

And enjoined [it] Ibrahim (upon) his sons and Yaqub, "O my sons! Indeed, Allah has chosen for you the religion, so not (should) you die except while you (are) submissive."

Or were you witnesses when came to Yaqub [the] death, when he said to his sons, "What will you worship from after me?" They said, "We will worship your God and (the) God (of) your forefathers, Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq - God One. And we to Him (are) submissive."

Say, "We have believed in Allah and what (is) revealed to us and what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqub and the descendants, and what was given (to) Musa and Isa and what was given (to) the Prophets from their Lord. Not we make distinction between any of them. And we to Him (are) submissive."

Say, "We believed in Allah and what (is) revealed on us and what was revealed on Ibrahim, and Ismail, and Ishaq, and Yaqub, and the descendents and what was given (to) Musa, and Isa, and the Prophets from their Lord. Not we make distinction between any of them and we to Him (are) submissive.

O you who believe[d]! Fear Allah (as is His) right (that) He (should) be feared and (do) not die except [while you] (as) Muslims.

Then if not they respond to you then know that it was sent down with the knowledge , (of) Allah and that (there is) no god except Him. Then, would you (be) Muslims?

And not he will order you that you take the Angels, and the Prophets (as) lords. Would he order you to [the] disbelief after [when] you (have become) Muslims?

And (do) not argue (with the) People (of) the Book except by which [it] (is) best, except those who (do) wrong among them, and say, "We believe in that (which) has been revealed to us and was revealed to you. And our God and your God (is) One, and we to Him submit."

Say, "Only it is revealed to me that your god (is) God One; so will you submit (to Him)?"

And not you can guide the blind from their error. Not you can make hear except (those) who believe in Our Verses so they surrender.

mus'limayni   (1)

Our Lord! [and] Make us both submissive to You. And from our offspring a community submissive to You. And show us our ways of worship and turn to us. Indeed You! [You] (are) the Oft-returning, the Most Merciful.

mus'limīna   (4)

And not you take revenge from us except that we believed in (the) Signs (of) our Lord when they came to us. Our Lord! Pour upon us patience and cause us to die (as) Muslims."

That not exalt yourselves against me, but come to me (in) submission."

He said, "O chiefs! Which of you will bring me her throne before that they come to me (in) submission?"

And said Musa, "O my people! If you have believed in Allah, then on Him put your trust, if you are Muslims."

Perhaps will wish those who disbelieved, if they had been Muslims.

So when she came, it was said, "Is like this your throne?" She said, "It is like it." "And we were given the knowledge from before her and we have been Muslims."

And when it is recited to them they say, "We believe in it. Indeed, it (is) the truth from our Lord. Indeed, we [we] were from before it Muslims."

Those who believed in Our Verses and were submissive.

wa-aslamtu   (1)

It was said to her, "Enter the palace." Then when she saw it, she thought it (was) a pool, and she uncovered [on] her shins. He said, "Indeed, it (is) a palace made smooth of glass." She said, "My Lord, indeed, I [I] have wronged myself, and I submit with Sulaiman to Allah, (the) Lord (of) the worlds."

wa-aslimū   (1)

And turn to your Lord and submit to Him from before [that] comes to you the punishment; then not you will be helped.

wal-salāmu   (2)

So go to him and say, "Indeed, we both (are) Messengers (of) your Lord, so send with us (the) Children (of) Israel, and (do) not torment them. Verily, we came to you with a Sign from your Lord. And peace on (one) who follows the Guidance.

And peace (be) on me (the) day I was born and (the) day I will die and (the) Day I will be raised alive."

wal-mus'limāti   (1)

Indeed, the Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men who give charity and the women who give charity and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their chastity and the women who guard (it), and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember has prepared Allah for them forgiveness and a reward great.

watusallimū   (1)

O you who believe! (Do) not enter houses other (than) your houses until you have asked permission and you have greeted [on] its inhabitants. That (is) best for you so that you may pay heed.

wataslīman   (1)

And when saw the believers the confederates, they said, "This (is) what promised us Allah and His Messenger, and spoke the truth Allah and His Messenger." And not it increased them except (in) faith and submission.

wasalāmun   (2)

Say, "All praise (be) to Allah, and peace (be) upon His slaves those whom He has chosen. Is Allah better or what they associate (with Him)?"

And peace be upon him (the) day he was born and (the) day he dies and (the) day he will be raised alive.

And peace be upon the Messengers.

wasalāman   (2)

Those will be awarded the Chamber because they were patient and they will be met therein (with) greetings and peace.

We said, "O fire! Be cool[ness] and safe[ty] for Ibrahim."

wasallimū   (1)

Indeed, Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe! Send blessings on him and greet him (with) greetings.

wayusallimū   (1)

But no, by your Lord, not they will believe until they make you judge about what arises between them, then not they find in themselves any discomfort about what you (have) decided and submit (in full) submission.

yus'lim   (1)

And whoever submits his face to Allah while he (is) a good-doer, then indeed, he has grasped the handhold the most trustworthy. And to Allah (is the) end (of) the matters.

yus'limūna   (1)

Say to those who remained behind of the Bedouins, "You will be called to a people, possessors of military might great; you will fight them, or they will submit. Then if you obey, will give you Allah a reward good; but if you turn away as you turned away from before, He will punish you (with) a punishment painful."

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