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General Root Meaning
sulaymāna   (3)

And they followed what recite(d) the devils over (the) kingdom (of) Sulaiman. And not disbelieved Sulaiman [and] but the devils disbelieved, they teach the people [the] magic and what was sent down to the two angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut. And not they both teach any one unless they [both] say, "Only we (are) a trial, so (do) not disbelieve." But they learn from those what [they] causes separation with it between the man and his spouse. And not they (could) at all [be those who] harm with it any one except by permission (of) Allah. And they learn what harms them and not profits them. And indeed they knew that whoever buys it, not for him in the Hereafter any share. And surely evil (is) what they sold with it themselves, if they were (to) know.

And We gave understanding of i (to) Sulaiman, and (to) each We gave judgment and knowledge. And We subjected with Dawud the mountains (to) glorify Our praises and the birds. And We were the Doers.

So when came (to) Sulaiman he said, "Will you provide me with wealth? But what has given me Allah (is) better than what He has given you. Nay, you in your gift rejoice.

Indeed, it (is) from Sulaiman and indeed it (is), "In the name (of) Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

It was said to her, "Enter the palace." Then when she saw it, she thought it (was) a pool, and she uncovered [on] her shins. He said, "Indeed, it (is) a palace made smooth of glass." She said, "My Lord, indeed, I [I] have wronged myself, and I submit with Sulaiman to Allah, (the) Lord (of) the worlds."

And We gave to Dawood Sulaiman, an excellent slave. Indeed, he (was) one who repeatedly turne

And certainly We tried Sulaiman, and We placed on his throne a body; then he turned.

sulaymānu   (1)

And they followed what recite(d) the devils over (the) kingdom (of) Sulaiman. And not disbelieved Sulaiman [and] but the devils disbelieved, they teach the people [the] magic and what was sent down to the two angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut. And not they both teach any one unless they [both] say, "Only we (are) a trial, so (do) not disbelieve." But they learn from those what [they] causes separation with it between the man and his spouse. And not they (could) at all [be those who] harm with it any one except by permission (of) Allah. And they learn what harms them and not profits them. And indeed they knew that whoever buys it, not for him in the Hereafter any share. And surely evil (is) what they sold with it themselves, if they were (to) know.

And inherited Sulaiman Dawood. And he said, "O people! We have been taught (the) language (of) the birds, and we have been given from every thing. Indeed, this surely, it (is) the favor evident."

Until, when they came to (the) valley (of) the ants, said an ant, "O ants! Enter your dwellings not lest crush you Sulaiman and his hosts while they not perceive."

lisulaymāna   (1)

And were gathered for Sulaiman his hosts of jinn and the men and the birds, and they (were) set in rows.

wasulaymāna   (1)

Indeed, We have revealed to you as We revealed to Nuh and the Prophets from after him, and We revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail, and Ishaq and Yaqub, and the tribes, and Isa and Ayyub, and Yunus, and Harun and Sulaiman and We gave (to) Dawood the Zaboor.

And We bestowed to him Ishaq and Yaqub, all We guided. And Nuh, We guided from before; and of his descendents, Dawood and Sulaiman and Ayyub and Yusuf and Musa and Harun. And thus We reward the good-doers.

And Dawud and Sulaiman, when they judged concerning the field, when pastured in it sheep (of) a people, and We were to their judgment witness.

And verily, We gave Dawood and Sulaiman knowledge, and they said, "Praise be to Allah the One Who has favored us over many of His servants the believers."

walisulaymāna   (1)

And to Sulaiman, the wind forcefully blowing by his command to the land which We blessed [in it]. And We are of every thing Knowers.

And to Sulaiman, the wind - its morning course (was) a month and its afternoon course (was) a month, and We caused to flow for him a spring (of) molten copper. And [of] the jinn who worked between (his) hands by the permission (of) his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our Command, We will make him taste of (the) punishment (of) the Blaze.

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