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س م م
General Root Meaning
to poison, penetrate, be burning hot.
sammun - hole, eye of a needle, small doorway at the side of a large gate.
samun - pestilential scorching wind which penetrate into the bodies.
l-samūmi   (2)

But conferred favor Allah upon us, and protected us (from the) punishment (of) the Scorching Fire.

And the jinn We created it from before from fire scorching.

sammi   (1)

Indeed, those who denied Our Verses and (were) arrogant towards them, (will) not be opened for them (the) doors (of) the heaven, and not they will enter Paradise until passes the camel through (the) eye (of) the needle. And thus We recompense the criminals.

samūmin   (1)

In scorching fire and scalding water,

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