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ط ف ل
General Root Meaning
baby/infant/child, to be of tenderage, young one, tiny baby, tender/soft.
l-aṭfālu   (1)

And when reach the children among you the puberty then let them ask permission as asked permission those who (were) from (were) before them. Thus makes clear Allah for you His Verses. And Allah (is) All-Knower All-Wise.

l-ṭif'li   (1)

And say to the believing women (that) they should lower [of] their gaze and they should guard their chastity, and not (to) display their adornment except what is apparent of it. And let them draw their head covers over their bosoms, and not (to) display their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers or fathers (of) their husbands or their sons or sons (of) their husbands or their brothers or sons (of) their brothers or sons (of) their sisters, or their women or what possess their right hands or the attendants having no (of) physical desire among [the] men or [the] children who (are) not aware of private aspects (of) the women. And not let them stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah altogether O believers! So that you may succeed.

ṭif'lan   (1)

O mankind! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then indeed, We We created you from dust, then from a semen-drop then from a clinging substance then from an embryonic lump, formed and without form, that We may make clear to you. And We cause to remain in the wombs what We will for a term appointed, then We bring you out (as) a child, [then] that you may reach [your] maturity. And among you (is he) who dies, and among you (is he) who is returned to the most abject age, so that not he knows, from after having known, anything. And you see the earth barren then when We send down on it water, it gets stirred and it swells and grows of every kind beautiful.

He (is) the One Who created you from dust, then from a semen-drop, then from a clinging substance, then He brings you out (as) a child; then lets you reach your maturity, then lets you become old - and among you (is he) who dies from before - and lets you reach a term specified, and that you may use reason.

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