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ط م ن
General Root Meaning
to rest from, rely upon, bend down, still, a thing quiet, tranquillize.
itma'anna (vb. 4) - to be quiet, rest securely in, satisfied by, be free from disquieted, in tranquillity, secure from danger.
mutma'innun - one who rests securely, enjoys peace and quiet, contend and satisfaction, rests at ease, is peaceful.
itmi'naan - he was in a state of quietness and tranquillity.
iṭ'ma-anna   (1)

And among the mankind (is he) who worships Allah on an edge. And if befalls him good, he is content with it, and if befalls him a trial he turns on his face. He has lost the world and the Hereafter. That [it] (is) the loss clear.

iṭ'manantum   (1)

Then when you (have) finished the prayer, then remember Allah standing and sitting and (lying) on your sides. But when you are secure then establish the (regular) prayer. Indeed, the prayer is on the believers prescribed (at) fixed times.

l-muṭ'ma-inatu   (1)

"O soul! who is satisfied,

taṭma-innu   (1)

Those who believed and find satisfaction their hearts in the remembrance (of) Allah. No doubt, in the remembrance (of) Allah find satisfaction the hearts."

liyaṭma-inna   (1)

And when said Ibrahim, "My Lord show me how You give life (to) the dead." He said, "Have not you believed?" He said, "Yes [and] but to satisfy my heart." He said "Then take four of the birds and incline them towards you, then put on each hill of them a portion; then call them, they will come to you (in) haste. And know that Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise.

muṭ'ma-innun   (1)

Whoever disbelieves in Allah from after his belief, except (one) who is forced while his heart (is) content with the faith. But (one) who opens to disbelief (his) breast, then upon them (is) a wrath of Allah and for them (is) a punishment great.

muṭ'ma-innatan   (1)

And sets forth Allah a similitude (of) a town (that) was secure and content, coming to it its provision (in) abundance from every place, but it denied (the) Favors (of) Allah, so made it taste Allah (the) garb (of) the hunger and the fear for what they used (to) do.

muṭ'ma-innīna   (1)

Say, "If (there) were in the earth Angels walking securely, surely We (would) have sent do to them from the heaven an Angel (as) a Messenger."

wa-iṭ'ma-annū   (1)

Indeed, those who (do) not expect the meeting with Us and are pleased with the life (of) the world, and feel satisfied with it and those - they (are) of Our Signs, heedless.

wataṭma-inna   (1)

They said, "We wish that we eat from it and satisfy our hearts and we know that certainly you have spoken the truth to u and we be over it among the witnesses.

wataṭma-innu   (1)

Those who believed and find satisfaction their hearts in the remembrance (of) Allah. No doubt, in the remembrance (of) Allah find satisfaction the hearts."

walitaṭma-inna   (2)

And not made it Allah but good tidings and so that might be at rest with it your hearts. And (there is) no [the] victory except from (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise.

And not made it Allah except (as) good news for you and to reassure your hearts with it. And (there is) no [the] victory except from [near] Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

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