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ث ل ث
General Root Meaning
to become three in division or number, a third part of a thing, one third, by threes, the third of any number.
l-thālithata   (1)

And Manat the third, the other?

l-thalāthati   (1)

And on the three (of) those who were left behind, until when (was) straitened for them the earth, though it was vast. And (was) straitened for them their own souls and they were certain that (there is) no refuge from Allah except to Him. Then He turned (in mercy) to them that they may repent. Indeed, Allah, He (is) the Acceptor of repentanc the Most Merciful.

l-thuluthu   (1)

Instructs you Allah concerning your children - for the male like (the) portion (of) two females. But if there are (only) women more (than) two, then for them two thirds (of) what he left. And if (there) is (only) one, then for her (is) half. And for his parents, for each one of them a sixth of what (is) left, if is for him a child. But if not is for him any child and inherit[ed] him his parents, then for his mother (is) one third. And if are for him brothers and sisters, then for his mother (is) the sixth from after any will he has made [of which] or any debt. Your parents and your children - not you know which of them (is) nearer to you (in) benefit. An obligation from Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

l-thuluthi   (1)

And for you (is) half (of) what (is) left by your wives if not is for them a child. But if is for them a child, then for you (is) the fourth of what they left, from after any will they have made [for which] or any debt. And for them (is) the fourth of what you left, if not is for you a child. But if is for you a child, then for them (is) the eighth of what you left from after any will you have made [for which] or any debt. And if [is] a man (whose wealth) is to be inheri (has) no parent or child or a women and for him (is) a brother or a sister, then for each one of (the) two (is) the sixth. But if they are more than that, then they (are) partners in the third, from after any will was made [for which] or any debt without (being) harmful. An ordinance from Allah. And Allah (is) All-Knowing, All-Forbearing.

l-thuluthāni   (1)

They seek your ruling. Say, "Allah gives you a ruling concerning them (no parent or child) if a man died (and) not he has a child and he has a sister, then for her (is) a half (of) what he left. And he will inherit from her if not is for her a child. But if there were two females then for them two thirds of what he left. But if they were brothers and sisters men and women, then the male will have like share (of) the two females. makes clear Allah to you lest you go astray. And Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.

bithālithin   (1)

When We sent to them two (Messengers) but they denied both of them, so We strengthened them with a third, and they said, "Indeed, We to you (are) Messengers."

bithalāthati   (1)

When you said to the believers, "Is it not enough for you that reinforces you your Lord with three thousand[s] [of] [the] Angels [the ones] sent down?

thālithu   (1)

Certainly disbelieved those who say, "Indeed Allah (is the) third (of) three." And (there is) no [of] god except (the) God (the) One. And if not they desist from what they are saying surely will afflict those who disbelieved among them, a punishment painful.

thalāthin   (1)

He created you from a soul single. Then He made from it its mate. And He sent down for you of the cattle eight kinds. He creates you in (the) wombs (of) your mothers, creation from after creation, in darkness[es] three. That (is) Allah your Lord; for Him (is) the dominion. (There is) no god except He. Then how are you turning away?

thalātha   (2)

O you who believe! Let ask your permission those whom possess your right hands and those who (have) not reached puberty among you (at) three times, from before (the) prayer (of) dawn, and when you put aside your garments at noon and from after (the) prayer (of) night. (These) three (are) times of privacy for you. Not on you and not on them any blame after that (as) moving about among you, some of you among others. Thus makes clear Allah for you the Verses, and Allah (is) All-Knower, All-Wise.

And they remained in their cave (for) three hundred years and add nine.

He said, "My Lord! Make for me a sign." He said, "Your sign (is) that not you will speak (to) the people, (for) three nights sound."

thalāthu   (1)

O you who believe! Let ask your permission those whom possess your right hands and those who (have) not reached puberty among you (at) three times, from before (the) prayer (of) dawn, and when you put aside your garments at noon and from after (the) prayer (of) night. (These) three (are) times of privacy for you. Not on you and not on them any blame after that (as) moving about among you, some of you among others. Thus makes clear Allah for you the Verses, and Allah (is) All-Knower, All-Wise.

thalāthi   (1)

Proceed to a shadow having three columns

thalāthatan   (1)

And you will become kinds three.

thalāthatun   (2)

They say, (they were) three, the forth of them their dog; and they say (they were) five the sixth of them their dog - guessing about the unseen; and they say, (they were) seven and the eight of them their dog. Say, "My Lord, knows best their number. None knows them except a few. So (do) not argue about them except (with) an argument obvious, and (do) not inquire about them among them (from) anyone."

O People (of) the Book! (Do) not commit excess in your religion and (do) not say about Allah except the truth. Only the Messiah, Isa, son (of) Maryam, (was) a Messenger (of) Allah and His word which He conveyed to Maryam and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His Messengers. And (do) not say, "Three;" desist (it is) better for you. Only Allah (is) God One. Glory be to Him! That He (should) have for Him a son. To Him (belongs) whatever (is) in the heavens and whatever (is) in the earth. And sufficient (is) Allah (as) a Disposer of affairs.

thalāthatin   (1)

Certainly disbelieved those who say, "Indeed Allah (is the) third (of) three." And (there is) no [of] god except (the) God (the) One. And if not they desist from what they are saying surely will afflict those who disbelieved among them, a punishment painful.

Do not you see that Allah knows whatever (is) in the heavens and whatever (is) in the earth? Not there is any secret counsel (of) three but He (is) (the) fourth of them, and not five but He (is) (the) sixth of them, and not less than that and not more but He (is) with them wherever that they are. Then He will inform them of what they did (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Indeed, Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.

thalāthata   (1)

And the women who are divorced shall wait concerning themselves (for) three monthly periods. And (it is) not lawful for them that they conceal what (has been) created (by) Allah in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Day [the] Last. And their husbands (have) better right to take them back in that (period) if they wish (for) reconciliation. And for them (is the) like (of) that which (is) on them in a reasonable manner, and for the men over them (is) a degree. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise.

He said, "My Lord make for me a sign." He said, your sign (is) that not you will speak (to) the people (for) three days except (with) gestures. And remember your Lord much, and glorify (Him) in the evening and (in) the morning."

But they hamstrung her. So he said, "Enjoy (yourselves) in your home(s) (for) three days. That (is) a promise not (to) be belied."

thalāthatu   (1)

And those who have despaired of the menstruation among your women, if you doubt, then their waiting period (is) three months, and the ones who not [they] menstruated. And those who (are) pregnant, their term until they deliver their burdens. And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him of his affair ease.

thalāthati   (2)

not will call you to account Allah for the thoughtless utterances in your oaths but He will call you to account for what you contracted (of) the oath. So its expiation (is) feeding (of) ten needy people of average (of) what you feed your families or clothing them or freeing a slave. But whoever (does) not find (that), then fasting (for) three days. That (is the) expiation (of) your oaths when you have sworn. And guard your oaths. Thus makes clear Allah to you His Verses so that you may (be) grateful.

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

thalāthūna   (1)

And We have enjoined (on) man to his parents kindness. Carried him his mother (with) hardship and gave birth to him (with) hardship. And (the) bearing of him and (the) weaning of him (is) thirty month(s) until, when he reaches his maturity and reaches forty year(s), he says, "My Lord, grant me (the) power that I may be grateful (for) Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and that I do righteous (deeds) which please You, and make righteous for me among my offspring, indeed, I turn to You and indeed, I am of those who submit."

thalāthīna   (1)

And We appointed (for) Musa thirty nights and We completed them with ten (more), so was completed (the) set term (of) his Lord (of) forty night(s). And said Musa to his brother Harun, "Take my place in my people, and do right and (do) not follow (the) way (of) the corrupters."

thuluthā   (1)

Instructs you Allah concerning your children - for the male like (the) portion (of) two females. But if there are (only) women more (than) two, then for them two thirds (of) what he left. And if (there) is (only) one, then for her (is) half. And for his parents, for each one of them a sixth of what (is) left, if is for him a child. But if not is for him any child and inherit[ed] him his parents, then for his mother (is) one third. And if are for him brothers and sisters, then for his mother (is) the sixth from after any will he has made [of which] or any debt. Your parents and your children - not you know which of them (is) nearer to you (in) benefit. An obligation from Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

thuluthayi   (1)

Indeed, your Lord knows that you stand (a little) less than two-thirds (of) the night, and half of it and a third of it and (so do) a group of those who (are) with you. And Allah determines the night and the day. He knows that not you count it, so He has turned to you, so recite what is easy of the Quran. He knows that there will be among you sick and others traveling in the land seeking of (the) Bounty (of) Allah, and others fighting in (the) way (of) Allah. So recite what is easy of it, and establish the prayer and give the zakah and loan Allah a loan goodly. And whatever you send forth for yourselves of good, you will find it with Allah. It (will be) better and greater (in) reward. And seek forgiveness (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

wathulātha   (1)

And if you fear that not you will be able to do justice with the orphans, then marry what seems suitable to you from the women two, or three, or four. But if you fear that not you can do justice then (marry) one or what possesses your right hand. That (is) more appropriate that (may) not you oppress.

All praises (be) to Allah, Originator (of) the heavens and the earth, (Who) makes the Angels messengers having wings two or three or four. He increases in the creation what He wills. Indeed, Allah (is) on every thing All-Powerful.

wathuluthahu   (1)

Indeed, your Lord knows that you stand (a little) less than two-thirds (of) the night, and half of it and a third of it and (so do) a group of those who (are) with you. And Allah determines the night and the day. He knows that not you count it, so He has turned to you, so recite what is easy of the Quran. He knows that there will be among you sick and others traveling in the land seeking of (the) Bounty (of) Allah, and others fighting in (the) way (of) Allah. So recite what is easy of it, and establish the prayer and give the zakah and loan Allah a loan goodly. And whatever you send forth for yourselves of good, you will find it with Allah. It (will be) better and greater (in) reward. And seek forgiveness (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

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