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ث م ر
General Root Meaning
to bear fruit, fructify, get rich, increase or multiply, to gain more of something.
thamar - fruit, wealth, possession, profit, income.
athmara   (1)

And He (is) the One Who sends down from the sky water, then We bring forth with it vegetation (of) every thing. Then We bring forth from it green plant, We bring forth from it grain - thick clustered. And from the date-palm, from its spathe clusters of dates hanging low. And gardens of grapes and the olives and the pomegranates resembling and not resembling. Look at its fruit when it bears fruit and its ripening. Indeed, in that (are) signs for a people (who) believe.

And He (is) the One Who produced gardens trellised and other than trellised and the date-palm and the crops, diverse (are) its taste, and the olives and the pomegranates similar and other than similar. Eat of its fruit when it bears fruit, and give its due (on the) day (of) its harvest. And (do) not (be) extravagant. Indeed, He (does) not love the ones who are extravagant.

l-thamarāti   (6)

Would like any of you that it be for him a garden, of date-palms and grapevines flowing [from] underneath it the rivers, for him in it of all (kinds) (of) [the] fruits, and strikes him [the] old age and [for] his children (are) weak then falls on it whirlwind, in it (is) fire then it is burnt. Thus makes clear Allah for you (His) Signs so that you may ponder.

He causes to grow for you with it, the crops and the olives and the date-palms and the grapes and of every kind (of) fruits. Indeed, in that surely (is) a sign for a people who reflect.

And He (is) the One Who spread the earth, and placed in it firm mountains and rivers, and from all (of) the fruits He made in it pairs two. He covers the night (with) the day. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people who ponder.

And He (is) the One Who sends the winds (as) glad tidings between (his) mercy Mercy, until, when they have carried clouds - heavy, We drive them to a land dead then We send down from it the water then We bring forth from it of all (kinds) [the] fruits. Thus We will bring forth the dead so that you may take heed.

And certainly, We seized (the) people (of) Firaun with years (of famine) and a deficit of [the] fruits, so that they may receive admonition.

And when said Ibrahim, "My Lord make this a city secure and provide its people with fruits, (to) whoever believed from them in Allah and the Day the Last," He said, "And whoever disbelieved, [then] I will grant him enjoym a little; then I will force him to (the) punishment (of) the Fire, and evil (is) the destination.

A parable (of) Paradise which is promised (to) the righteous. Therein (are) rivers of water not polluted, and rivers of milk not changes its taste, and rivers of wine delicious for (the) drinkers, and rivers of honey purified, and for them therein of all fruits and forgiveness from their Lord like he who (will) abide forever in the Fire and they will be given to drin water boiling so it cuts into pieces their intestines.

The One Who made for you the earth a resting place and the sky a canopy, and sent down from the sky water, then brought forth therewith [of] the fruits (as) provision for you. So (do) not set up to Allah rivals while you [you] know.

Allah (is) the One Who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down from the sky water, then brought forth from it of the fruits (as) a provision for you, and subjected for you the ships, so that they may sail in the sea by His command, and subjected for you the rivers.

Our Lord! Indeed, I [I] have settled (some) of my offsprings in a valley not with cultivation near Your House, Sacred. our Lord! That they may establish the prayers. So make hearts of the men incline towards them, and provide them with the fruits so that they may be grateful.

Then eat from all the fruits and follow (the) ways (of) your Lord made smooth." Comes forth from their bellies a drink (of) varying colors, in it (is) a healing for the mankind. Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for a people who reflect.

bithamarihi   (1)

And were surrounded his fruits, so he began twisting his hands over what he (had) spent on it, while it (had) collapsed on its trellises, and he said, "Oh! I wish not had I associated with my Lord anyone."

thamarun   (1)

And was for him fruit, so he said to his companion while he (was) talking with him, "I am greater than you (in) wealth and stronger (in) men."

thamarātin   (1)

Do not you see that Allah sends down from the sky water, then We bring forth therewith fruits (of) various [their] colors? And in the mountains (are) tracts, white and red (of) various [their] colors, and intensely black.

To Him is referred (the) knowledge (of) the Hour. And not come out any fruits from their coverings, and not bears any female and not gives birth except with His knowledge. And (the) Day He will call them, "Where (are) My partners? They will say, "We announce (to) You, not among us any witness."

thamarātu   (1)

And they say, "If we follow the guidance with you, we would be swept from our land." Have not We established for them a sanctuary secure, are brought to it fruits (of) all things, a provision from Us? But most of them (do) not know.

thamarāti   (1)

And from fruits the date-palm, and the grapes, you take from it intoxicant and a provision good. Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for a people who use reason.

thamaratin   (1)

And give good news (to) those who believe, and do [the] righteous deeds, that for them (will be) Gardens, flow [from] under them the rivers. Every time they are provided therefrom of fruit (as) provision, they (will) say, "This (is) the one which we were provided from before." And they will be given therefrom (things) in resemblance; And for them therein spouses purified, and they therein (will) abide forever.

thamarihi   (1)

And He (is) the One Who sends down from the sky water, then We bring forth with it vegetation (of) every thing. Then We bring forth from it green plant, We bring forth from it grain - thick clustered. And from the date-palm, from its spathe clusters of dates hanging low. And gardens of grapes and the olives and the pomegranates resembling and not resembling. Look at its fruit when it bears fruit and its ripening. Indeed, in that (are) signs for a people (who) believe.

And He (is) the One Who produced gardens trellised and other than trellised and the date-palm and the crops, diverse (are) its taste, and the olives and the pomegranates similar and other than similar. Eat of its fruit when it bears fruit, and give its due (on the) day (of) its harvest. And (do) not (be) extravagant. Indeed, He (does) not love the ones who are extravagant.

That they may eat of its fruit. And not made it their hands. So will not they be grateful?

wal-thamarāti   (1)

And surely We will test you with something of [the] fear and [the] hunger and loss of [the] wealth and [the] lives and [the] fruits, but give good news (to) the patient ones.

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