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ذ ل ك
General Root Meaning
adhālika   (1)

Say, "Is that better or Garden (of) Eternity, which is promised (to) the righteous? It will be for them a reward and destination.

Is that better (as) hospitality or (the) tree (of) Zaqqum?

bidhālika   (3)

And they say, "If had willed the Most Gracious, that we would not have worshipped t Not they have about that any knowledge. Nothing they (do) but lie.

Ask them, which of them for that (is) responsible.

And they say, "Not it (is) but our life (of) the world, we die and we live, and not destroys us except the time." And not for them of that any knowledge; not, they (do) but guess.

dhālika   (12)

Cruel, after (all) that utterly useless.

And not (is) that on Allah great.

O you who believe! (Do) not kill the game while you (are in) Ihram. And whoever killed it among you intentionally, then penalty (is) similar (to) what he killed of the cattle, judging it two men, just, among you (as) an offering reaching the Kabah or an expiation - feeding needy people or equivalent (of) that (in) fasting, that he may taste (the) consequence (of) his deed. pardoned Allah what (has) passed, but whoever returned, then will take retribution Allah from him. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, Owner (of) Retribution.

But will protect them Allah (from the) evil (of) that Day and will cause them to meet radiance and happiness.

Nay, you thought that (would) never return the Messenger and the believers to their families ever, was made fair-seeming (that) in your hearts. And you assumed an assumption evil, and you became a people ruined."

For them from above them coverings of the Fire and from below them coverings. (With) that threatens Allah [with it] His slaves, "O My slaves! So fear Me."

And We conveyed to him [that] the matter that (the) root (of) these would be cut off (by) early morning.

Is not [that] (He) Able [over] to give life (to) the dead?

That (is) the book no doubt in it, a Guidance for the God-conscious.

Then We forgave you from after that, so that you may (be) grateful.

And when you said, "O Musa! Never (will) we endure [on] food (of) one (kind), so pray for us (to) your Lord to bring forth for us out of what grows the earth, of its herbs, [and] its cucumbers, [and] its garlic, [and] its lentils, and its onions." He said, "Would you exchange that which [it] (is) inferior for that which [it] (is) better? Go down (to) a city, so indeed for you (is) what you have asked (for)." And were struck on them the humiliation and the misery and they drew on themselves wrath of Allah That (was) because they used to disbelieve in (the) Signs (of) Allah and kill the Prophets without (any) [the] right. That (was) because they disobeyed and they were transgressing.

Then you turned away from after that. So if not (for the) Grace (of) Allah upon you and His Mercy, surely you would have been of the losers.

They said, "Pray for us (to) your Lord to make clear to us what it (is)." He said, "Indeed, He says, "[Indeed] it (is) a cow not old and not young, middle aged between that," so do what you are commanded."

Then hardened your hearts from after that so they (became) like [the] stones or stronger (in) hardness. And indeed, from the stones certainly (there are some) whi gush forth from it [the] rivers, and indeed, from them certainly (there are some) whi split, so comes out from it [the] water, and indeed, from them certainly (there are some) whi fall down from fear (of) Allah. And not (is) Allah unaware of what you do.

Then you (are) those (who) kill yourselves and evict a party of you from their homes, you support one another against them in sin and [the] transgression. And if they come to you (as) captives, you ransom them, while it (was) forbidden to you their eviction. So do you believe in part (of) the Book and disbelieve in part? Then what (should be the) recompense (for the one) who does that among you, except disgrace in the life (of) the world; and (on the) Day of [the] Resurrection they will be sent back to (the) most severe punishment? And not (is) Allah unaware of what you do.

That (is) because Allah revealed the Book with [the] Truth. And indeed, those who differed in the Book (are) surely in schism far.

O you who believe[d]! Prescribed for you (is) the legal retribution in (the matter of) the murdered, the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever is pardoned [for it] from his brother anything, then follows up with suitable [and] payment to him with kindness. That (is) a concession from your Lord and mercy. Then whoever transgresses after that, then for him (is) a punishment painful.

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

And when you divorce the women and they reach their (waiting) term, then retain them in a fair manner or release them in a fair manner. And (do) not retain them (to) hurt so that you transgress. And whoever does that, then indeed, he wronged himself. And (do) not take (the) Verses (of) Allah (in) jest, and remember (the) Favors (of) Allah upon you and what (is) revealed to you of the Book and [the] wisdom; He instructs you with it. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) of every thing All-Knower.

And when you divorce [the] women and they reached their (waiting) term, then (do) not hinder them [that] (from) marrying their husbands when they agree between themselves in a fair manner. That is admonished with it whoever [is] among you believes in Allah and the Day [the] Last; that (is) more virtuous for you and more purer. And Allah knows and you (do) not know.

And the mothers shall suckle their children (for) two years complete, for whoever wishes to complete the suckling. And upon the father (on) him (is) their provision and their clothing in a fair manner. Not is burdened any soul except its capacity. Not made to suffer (the) mother because of her child and not (the) father (be) because of his child. And on the heirs (is a duty) like that. Then if they both desire weaning through mutual consent of both of them and consultation, then no blame on both of them. And if you want to ask another women to suckle your child then (there is) no blame on you, when you pay what you give in a fair manner. And fear Allah and know that Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

And said to them their Prophet, "Indeed, a sign (of) his kingship (is) that will come to you the ark, in it (is) tranquility from your Lord, and a remnant of what (was) left (by the) family (of) Musa and family (of) Harun will carry it the Angels. Indeed, in that (is) surely a sign for you if you are believers."

Those who consume [the] usury not they can stand except like stands the one who, confounds him the Shaitaan with (his) touch. That (is) because they say, "Only the trade (is) like [the] usury." While has permitted Allah [the] trade but (has) forbidden [the] usury. Then whoever - comes to him (the) admonition from His Lord and he refrained, then for him what (has) passed, and his case (is) with Allah, and whoever repeated then those (are the) companions (of) the Fire, they in it will abide forever.

Surely it was for you a sign in (the) two hosts which met - one group fighting in (the) way (of) Allah and another disbelievers. They were seeing them twice of them with the sight (of) their eyes. And Allah supports with His help whom He wills. Indeed, in that surely (is) a lesson for the owners (of) vision.

Beautified for mankind (is) love (of) the (things they) desire of [the] women and [the] sons and [the] heaps [the] stored up of [the] gold and [the] silver, and [the] horses [the] branded, and [the] cattle and [the] tilled land. That (is) provision (of) life (of) the world but Allah - with Him (is an) excellent [the] abode to return.

That (is) because they say, "Never will touch us the Fire except (for) days numbered." And deceived them in their religion what they were inventing.

(Let) not take the believers, the disbelievers (as) allies from instead of the believers. And whoever does that, then not he (has) from Allah in anything except that you fear from them, (as) a precaution. And warns you Allah (of) Himself, and to Allah (is) the final return.

That (is) from (the) news (of) the unseen - We reveal it to you. And not you were with them when they cast their pens (as to) which of them takes charge (of) Maryam; and not you were with them when they (were) disputing.

And (make him) a Messenger to (the) Children (of) Israel, "Indeed, I [surely] [I] (have) come (to) you with a sign from your Lord that I [I] design for you from [the] clay like the form (of) the bird, then I breath into it and it becomes a bird by (the) permission (of) Allah. And I cure the blind, and the leper, and I give life (to) the dead by (the) permission (of) Allah. And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed, in that (is) surely a sign for you, if you are believers.

That (is what) We recite [it] to you of the Verses and the Reminder - [the] Wise.

And from (the) People (of) the Book (is he) who, if you entrust him with a great amount of wealth he will return it to you. And from them (is he) who, if you entrust him with a single coin not he will return it to you except that you keep constantly over him standing. That (is) because they said, "Not on us concerning the unlettered people any [way] (accountability)." And they say about Allah the lie while they know.

Then whoever turns away after that, then those they (are) the defiantly disobedien

Except those who repent from after that, and reform[ed] themselves. Then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Then whoever fabricates about Allah [the] lie from after that, then those - they (are) the wrongdoers.

Struck on them the humiliation wherever that they are found except with a rope from Allah and a rope from the people. And they incurred wrath from Allah and struck on them the poverty. That (is) because they used to disbelieve in (the) Verses (of) Allah and they killed the Prophets without right. That (is) because they disobeyed and they used to transgress.

Struck on them the humiliation wherever that they are found except with a rope from Allah and a rope from the people. And they incurred wrath from Allah and struck on them the poverty. That (is) because they used to disbelieve in (the) Verses (of) Allah and they killed the Prophets without right. That (is) because they disobeyed and they used to transgress.

O you who believe[d]! (Do) not be like those who disbelieved and they said about their brothers when they traveled in the earth or they were fighting, "If they had been with us, not they (would have) died and not they would have been killed." So makes Allah that a regret in their hearts. And Allah gives life and causes death, and Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

That (is) because (of what) sent forth your hands and that Allah is not unjust to (His) slaves.

You will certainly be tested in your wealth and yourselves. And you will certainly hear from those who were given the Book from before you and from those who associate partners with Allah hurtful things many, and if you are patient and fear (Allah) then indeed, that (is) of the matters (of) determination.

And if you fear that not you will be able to do justice with the orphans, then marry what seems suitable to you from the women two, or three, or four. But if you fear that not you can do justice then (marry) one or what possesses your right hand. That (is) more appropriate that (may) not you oppress.

And for you (is) half (of) what (is) left by your wives if not is for them a child. But if is for them a child, then for you (is) the fourth of what they left, from after any will they have made [for which] or any debt. And for them (is) the fourth of what you left, if not is for you a child. But if is for you a child, then for them (is) the eighth of what you left from after any will you have made [for which] or any debt. And if [is] a man (whose wealth) is to be inheri (has) no parent or child or a women and for him (is) a brother or a sister, then for each one of (the) two (is) the sixth. But if they are more than that, then they (are) partners in the third, from after any will was made [for which] or any debt without (being) harmful. An ordinance from Allah. And Allah (is) All-Knowing, All-Forbearing.

And whoever (is) not able to among you afford to marry the free chaste [the] believing women then (marry) from what possess[ed] your right hands of your girls - (of) the believers. And Allah knows best about your faith. You (are) from (one) another. So marry them with (the) permission (of) their family and give them their bridal due in a fair manner. (They should be) chaste not those who commit immorality and not those who take secret lovers. Then when they are married and if they commit adultery then for them (is) half (of) what (is) on the free chaste women of the punishment. That (is) for whoever fears committing sin among you and that you be patient (is) better for you. And Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And whoever does that (in) aggression and injustice, then soon We (will) cast him (into) a Fire. And is that for Allah easy.

And whoever does that (in) aggression and injustice, then soon We (will) cast him (into) a Fire. And is that for Allah easy.

Indeed, Allah (does) not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives from other than that for whom He wills. And whoever associates partners with Allah, then surely he has fabricated a sin - tremendous.

O you who believe[d]! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those (having) authority among you. Then if you disagree in anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Day [the] Last. That (is) best and more suitable (for final) determination.

That (is) the Bounty of Allah, and sufficient (is) Allah, (as) All-Knower.

(There is) no good in much of their secret talk except (he) who orders charity or kindness or conciliation between the people. And who does that seeking pleasure (of) Allah then soon We will give him a reward great.

Indeed, Allah does not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives [what] other than that for whom He wills. And whoever associates partners with Allah then surely he lost (the) way, straying far away.

If He wills He can take you away O people, and bring others. And is Allah over that All-Powerful.

Wavering between that, not to these and not to those. And whoever lets go astray Allah- then never you will find for him a way.

Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and they wish that they differentiate between Allah and His Messengers and they say, "We believe in some and we disbelieve in others." And they wish that they take between that a way.

Ask you (the) People (of) the Book that you bring down to them a book from the heaven. Then indeed, they (had) asked Musa greater than that for they said, "Show us Allah manifestly," so struck them the thunderbolt for their wrongdoing. Then they took the calf (for worship) from after [what] came to them the clear proofs, then We forgave them for that. And We gave Musa an authority clear.

Ask you (the) People (of) the Book that you bring down to them a book from the heaven. Then indeed, they (had) asked Musa greater than that for they said, "Show us Allah manifestly," so struck them the thunderbolt for their wrongdoing. Then they took the calf (for worship) from after [what] came to them the clear proofs, then We forgave them for that. And We gave Musa an authority clear.

Except (the) way (to) Hell, abiding in it forever. And is that for Allah easy.

And certainly took Allah a Covenant (from the) Children (of) Israel and We appointed among them two (and) ten (i.e twelve) leaders. And said Allah, "Indeed, I (am) with you, if you establish the prayer and give the zakah and you believe in My Messengers and you assist them and you loan (to) Allah a loan goodly, surely I will remove from you your evil deeds and I will surely admit you (to) gardens flow from underneath them the rivers. But whoever disbelieved after that among you, then certainly he strayed (from) the way, the right.

From time that, We ordained on (the) Children (of) Israel that he who kills a soul other than (for) a soul or (for) spreading corruption in the earth then (it) is as if he has killed [the] mankind all. and whoever saves it then (it) is as if he has saved [the] mankind all. And surely came to them Our Messengers with clear Signs yet, indeed, many of them after that in the earth (are) surely those who commit

From time that, We ordained on (the) Children (of) Israel that he who kills a soul other than (for) a soul or (for) spreading corruption in the earth then (it) is as if he has killed [the] mankind all. and whoever saves it then (it) is as if he has saved [the] mankind all. And surely came to them Our Messengers with clear Signs yet, indeed, many of them after that in the earth (are) surely those who commit

Only (the) recompense (for) those who wage war (against) Allah and His Messenger and strive in the earth spreading corruption (is) that they be killed or they be crucified or be cut off their hands and their feet of opposite sides or they be exiled from the land. That (is) for them disgrace in the world and for them in the Hereafter (is) a punishment great.

But how can they appoint you a judge while they (have) with them the Taurat, in it (is the) Command (of) Allah? Then they turn away from after that, and not those (are) the believers.

O you who believe! Whoever turns back among you from his religion, then soon (will) bring Allah a people whom He loves and they love Him, humble towards the believers (and) stern towards the disbelievers; striving in (the) way (of) Allah and not fearing the blame (of) a critic. That (is the) Grace (of) Allah, He grants whom He wills. And Allah (is) All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.

And when you make a call for the prayer, they take it (in) ridicule and fun. That (is) because they (are) a people (who do) not understand.

Say, "Shall I inform you (of) worse than that (as) recompense from Allah? Whom has cursed Allah and He became angry with him and made of them [the] apes and [the] swines, and (who) worshipped the false deities. Those (are) worse (in) position and farthest astray from (the) even way."

not will call you to account Allah for the thoughtless utterances in your oaths but He will call you to account for what you contracted (of) the oath. So its expiation (is) feeding (of) ten needy people of average (of) what you feed your families or clothing them or freeing a slave. But whoever (does) not find (that), then fasting (for) three days. That (is the) expiation (of) your oaths when you have sworn. And guard your oaths. Thus makes clear Allah to you His Verses so that you may (be) grateful.

O you who believe! Surely will test you Allah through something of the game - can reach it your hands and your spears that may make evident Allah who fears Him in the unseen. And whoever transgressed after that, then for him (is) a punishment painful.

That (is) closer that they will give the testimony in its (true) form or they would fear that will be refuted their oaths after their (others) oaths. And fear Allah and listen; and Allah (does) not guide the people, defiantly disobedient ,

will say Allah, "This Day will profit the truthful their truthfulness." For them (are) Gardens flows from underneath it the rivers will abide in it forever." is pleased Allah with them and they are pleased with Him. That (is) the success, the great.

That (is the) Guidance (of) Allah, He guides with it whom He wills of His slaves. But if they (had) associated partners surely (would be) worthless for them what they used to do.

(He is the) Cleaver (of) the daybreak and He has made the night (for) rest and the sun and the moon (for) reckoning. That (is the) ordaining (of) the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.

And to those who are Jews We forbade every (animal) with claws, and of the cows and the sheep We forbade to them their fat except what carried their backs or the entrails or what (is) joined with the bone. That (is) their recompense for their rebellion. And indeed, We [surely] are truthful.

O Children (of) Adam! Verily We have sent down to you clothing, it covers your shame and (as) an adornment. But the clothing (of) [the] righteousness - that (is) best. That (is) from (the) Signs (of) Allah so that they may remember.

O Children (of) Adam! Verily We have sent down to you clothing, it covers your shame and (as) an adornment. But the clothing (of) [the] righteousness - that (is) best. That (is) from (the) Signs (of) Allah so that they may remember.

I will turn away from My Signs those who are arrogant in the earth without [the] right; and if they see every sign, not they will believe in it. And if they see (the) way (of) the righteousness, not they will take it (as) a way, but if they see (the) way (of) [the] error, they will take it (as) a way. That (is) because they denied Our Signs and they were of them heedless.

And We divided them in the earth (as) nations. Among them (are) the righteous and among them (are) other than that. And We tested them with the good and the bad, so that they may return.

And if We willed surely, We (could) have raised with these [and] but he adhered to the earth and followed his (vain) desires. So his example (is) like (the) example (of) the dog, if you attack [on] him, he lolls out his tongue or if you leave him, he lolls out his tongue. That (is the) example (of) the people who denied [in] Our Signs. So relate the story so that they may reflect.

That (is) because they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, then indeed, Allah (is) severe in [the] penalty.

That (is) for what sent forth your hands. And indeed, Allah (is) not unjust to His slaves.

That (is) because Allah not is One Who changes a favor which He had bestowed on a people until they change what (is) in themselves. And indeed, Allah (is) All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

And if anyone of the polytheists seek your protection then grant him protection until he hears (the) Words (of) Allah. Then escort him (to) his place of safety. That (is) because they (are) a people not (who) do know.

Then accepts repentance Allah from after that for whom He wills. And Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And said the Jews, "Uzair (is) son (of) Allah." And said the Christians, "Messiah (is) son (of) Allah." That (is) their saying with their mouths, they imitate the saying (of) those who disbelieved from before. (May) destroy them Allah How deluded are they!

Indeed, (the) number (of) the months with Allah (is) two ten (i.e twelve) months in (the) ordinance (of) Allah (from the) Day He created the heavens and the earth; of them, four (are) sacred. That (is) the religion the upright, so (do) not wrong therein yourselves. And fight the polytheists all together, as they fight you all together. And know that Allah (is) with the righteous.

Do not they know that he who opposes Allah and His Messenger, [then] that, for him (is the) Fire (of) Hell, (will) abide forever in it? That (is) the disgrace the great.

has promised Allah the believing men and the believing women Gardens, flow from underneath it the rivers (will) abide forever in it and dwellings blessed in Gardens (of) everlasting bliss. But the pleasure of Allah (is) greater. That, it (is) the success great.

Ask forgiveness for them or (do) not ask forgiveness for them. If you ask forgiveness for them seventy times, never will forgive Allah [for] them. That (is) because they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and Allah (does) not guide the people, the defiantly disobedient.

has prepared Allah for them Gardens flows from underneath it the rivers, (will) abide forever in it. That (is) the success the great.

And the forerunners, the first among the emigrants and the helpers and those who followed them in righteousness, is pleased Allah with them, and they are pleased with Him. And He has prepared for them Gardens flows underneath it the rivers, will abide in it forever. That (is) the success the great.

He (is) the One Who made the sun a shining light, and the moon a reflected light and determined for it phases, that you may know (the) number (of) the years and the count (of time). Not created Allah that except in truth. He explains the Signs for a people (who) know.

And not you are [in] any situation, and not you recite of it from (the) Quran and not you do any deed except We are over you witnesses when you are engaged in it. And not escapes from your Lord of (the) weight (of) an atom in the earth, and not in the heavens and not smaller than that and not greater but (is) in a Record clear.

For them (are) the glad tidings in the life (of) the world and in the Hereafter. no (There can be) change in the Words (of) Allah That is the success the great.

He (is) the One Who made for you the night that you may rest in it and the day giving visibility. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people (who) listen.

But they hamstrung her. So he said, "Enjoy (yourselves) in your home(s) (for) three days. That (is) a promise not (to) be belied."

That (is) from (the) news (of) the cities (which) We relate to you; of them, some are standing and (some) mown.

Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for (those) who fear (the) punishment (of) the Hereafter. That (is) a Day (will) be gathered on it the mankind, and that (is) a Day witnessed.

Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for (those) who fear (the) punishment (of) the Hereafter. That (is) a Day (will) be gathered on it the mankind, and that (is) a Day witnessed.

And establish the prayer (at the) two ends (of) the day and (at) the approach of the night. Indeed, the good deeds remove the evil deeds. That (is) a reminder for those who remember.

And I follow (the) religion (of) my forefathers, Ibrahim, and Ishaq and Yaqub. Not was for us that we associate with Allah any thing. That (is) from (the) Grace (of) Allah upon us, and upon the mankind but most (of) the men (are) not grateful.

Not you worship from besides Him but names which you have named, you and your forefathers, not (has) sent down Allah for it any authority. Not (is) the command but for Allah. He has commanded that not you worship but Him Alone. That (is) the religion the right, but most [the] men (do) not know.

Then will come from after that seven hard (years) (which will) consume what you advanced for them, except a little of what you (will) store.

Then will come from after that a year in it will be given abundant rain the people and in it they will press."

That he may know that I not [I] betray him in secret, and that Allah (does) not guide (the) plan (of) the betrayers."

And when they opened their baggage, they found their merchandise returned to them. They said, "O our father! What (could) we desire? This (is) our merchandise returned to us. And we will get provision (for) our family, and we will protect our brother and get an increase measure (of) a camel's (load). That (is) a measurement easy."

That (is) from the news (of) the unseen which We reveal to you. And not you were with them when they put together their plan while they (were) plotting.

And He (is) the One Who spread the earth, and placed in it firm mountains and rivers, and from all (of) the fruits He made in it pairs two. He covers the night (with) the day. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people who ponder.

And in the earth are tracks neighboring, and gardens of grapevines and crops and date-palms trees (growing) from a single and not trees (growing) from a single watered with water one; but We cause to exceed some of them over others in the fruit. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people who use reason.

And verily We sent Musa with Our Signs, that "Bring out your people from the darkness[es] to the light. And remind them of the days (of) Allah." Indeed, in that surely (are) the signs for everyone patient and thankful.

And surely We will make you dw (in) the land from after them. That (is) for whoever fears standing before Me and fears My Threat."

(The) example (of) those who disbelieve in their Lord, their deeds (are) like ashes blows furiously on it the wind in a day stormy. No control (they have) of what they have earned on anything. That, [it] (is) the straying far.

Indeed, in that (are) the Signs for those who discern.

Indeed, in that surely (is) a Sign for the believers.

He causes to grow for you with it, the crops and the olives and the date-palms and the grapes and of every kind (of) fruits. Indeed, in that surely (is) a sign for a people who reflect.

And He has subjected for you the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, and the stars (are) subjected by His command. Indeed, in that surely (are) signs for a people who use reason.

And whatever He multiplied for you in the earth (of) varying colors. Indeed, in that surely (is) a sign for a people who remember.

And Allah sends down from the sky water, then gives life by it (to) the earth after its death. Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for a people who listen.

And from fruits the date-palm, and the grapes, you take from it intoxicant and a provision good. Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for a people who use reason.

Then eat from all the fruits and follow (the) ways (of) your Lord made smooth." Comes forth from their bellies a drink (of) varying colors, in it (is) a healing for the mankind. Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for a people who reflect.

Do not they see towards the birds controlled in the midst (of) the sky? None holds them up except Allah. Indeed, in that (are) Signs for a people who believe.

Then indeed, your Lord, to those who did evil in ignorance, then repented from after that, and corrected themselves - indeed, your Lord, from after that (is) surely Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And give full [the] measure when you measure, and weigh with the balance the straight. That (is) good and best (in) result.

All that is [its] evil near your Lord, hateful.

That (is) from what (was) revealed to you (from) your Lord of the wisdom. And (do) not make with Allah god other lest you should be thrown in Hell, blameworthy, abandoned.

And not (is) any town but We (will) destroy it before (the) Day (of) the Resurrection or punish it with a punishment severe. (it) is that in the Book written.

That (is) their recompense because they disbelieved in Our Verses and said, "When we are bones and crumbled particles, will we surely (be) resurrected (as) a creation new."

Say, "Invoke Allah or invoke the Most Gracious. By whatever (name) you invoke, to Him (belongs) the Names the Most Beautiful. And (do) not be loud in your prayers and not be silent therein, but seek between that a way."

And you (might) have seen the sun, when it rose, inclining away from their cave to the right, and when it set, passing away from them to the left while they (lay) in the open space thereof. That (was) from (the) Signs (of) Allah. Whoever guides Allah and he (is) the guided one, and whoever He lets go astray then never you will find for him a protector, a guide.

And (do) not say of anything, "Indeed, I will do that tomorrow."

He said, "That (is) what we were seeking." So they returned on their footprints, retracing.

And as for the wall, it was for two boys orphan, in the town, and was underneath it a treasure for them and was their father righteous. So intended your Lord that they reach their maturity, and bring forth their treasure (as) a mercy from your Lord. And not I did it on my (own) accord. That (is the) interpretation (of) what not you were able on it (to have) patience."

That (is) their recompense - Hell - because they disbelieved, and took My Verses and My Messengers (in) ridicule.

That (was) Isa, (the) son (of) Maryam, a statement (of) truth that which about it they dispute.

And not we descend except by (the) Command (of) your Lord. To Him (belongs) what (is) between our hands and what (is) behind us, and what (is) between that. And not is your Lord forgetful

Eat and pasture your cattle. Indeed, in that, surely (are) Signs for possessors (of) intelligence.

Then has not it guided [for] them how many We (have) destroyed before them, of the generations, (as) they walk in their dwellings? Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for possessors (of) intelligence.

And of the devils (were some) who would dive for him and would do work other than that. And We were of them Guardians.

That (is) because, Allah - He (is) the Truth. And that He [He] gives life (to) the dead, and that He (is) over every thing All-Powerful.

That (is) for what have sent forth your hands, and that Allah is not unjust to His slaves.

And among the mankind (is he) who worships Allah on an edge. And if befalls him good, he is content with it, and if befalls him a trial he turns on his face. He has lost the world and the Hereafter. That [it] (is) the loss clear.

He calls from besides Allah what not harms him and what not benefits him. That [it] (is) the straying far away.

That and whoever honors (the) sacred rites (of) Allah, then it (is) best for him near his Lord. And are made lawful to you the cattle except what is recited to you. So avoid the abomination of the idols and avoid (the) word false.

That, and whoever honors (the) Symbols (of) Allah then indeed, it (is) from (the) piety (of) the hearts.

That, and whoever has retaliated, with the like (of) that he was made to suffer by it, then he was oppressed [on him], will surely help him Allah Indeed, Allah (is) surely Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

That, (is) because Allah causes to enter the night in (to) the day, and causes to enter the day in (to) the night. And indeed, Allah (is) All-Hearer, All-Seer.

Do not you know that Allah knows what (is) in the heaven and the earth? Indeed, that (is) in a Record, indeed, that (is) for Allah easy.

Do not you know that Allah knows what (is) in the heaven and the earth? Indeed, that (is) in a Record, indeed, that (is) for Allah easy.

Then whoever seeks beyond that then those [they] (are) the transgressors.

Then indeed, you after that surely (will) die.

Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs, and indeed, We are surely testing.

Nay, their hearts (are) in confusion over this, and for them (are) deeds from besides that, they for it (are) doers

The fornicator (will) not marry except a fornicatress, or a polytheist woman, and the fornicatress - (will) not marry her except a fornicator or a polytheist man. And is forbidden that to the believers.

Except those who repent from after that and reform. Then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Say to the believing men they should lower from their gaze and they should guard their chastity. That (is) purer for them. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Aware of what they do.

alternates Allah the night and the day. Indeed, in that surely is a lesson for those who have the vision.

And they say, "We believe in Allah and in the Messenger and we obey." Then turns away a party of them from after that. And not those (are) believers.

(has) promised Allah those who believe among you and do righteous deeds, He will grant them succession in the earth, as He gave succession to those who from (were) before them, and He will surely establish for them their religion which He has approved for them, and surely He will change for from after their fear, security (for) they worship Me, not they associate with Me anything. But whoever disbelieved after that, then those [they] (are) the defiantly disobedien

Blessed is He Who if He willed (could have) made for you better than that - gardens - flow from underneath it the rivers and He (could) make for you palaces.

And Ad and Thamud and (the) dwellers (of) Ar-rass and generations between that many.

And those who, when they spend, (are) not extravagant and not are stingy but are between that - moderate.

And those who (do) not invoke with Allah god another, and (do) not [they] kill the soul which has forbidden Allah except by right and (do) not commit adultery. And whoever does that will meet a penalty.

Indeed, in that surely (is) a sign, but not are most of them believers.

Indeed, in that surely (is) a Sign, but not are most of them believers.

Indeed, in that surely is a Sign, but not are most of them believers.

Indeed, in that surely, (is) a sign but not are most of them believers.

So they denied him, then We destroyed them. Indeed, in that surely, is a sign, but not are most of them believers.

So seized them the punishment. Indeed, in that surely is a sign, but not are most of them believers.

Indeed, in that surely is a sign, but not are most of them believers.

Indeed, in that surely, is a sign but not are most of them believers.

So, these (are) their houses, ruined because they wronged. Indeed, in that surely, is a sign for a people who know.

Do not they see that We [We] have made the night that they may rest in it, and the day giving visibility? Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people who believe.

He said, "That (is) between me and between you. Whichever (of) the two terms I complete then no injustice to me, and Allah, over what we say (is) a Witness."

Do not they see how originates Allah the creation then repeats it? Indeed, that for Allah (is) easy.

And not was (the) answer (of) his people except that they said, "Kill him or burn him." But saved him Allah from the fire. Indeed, in that, surely (are) Signs for a people who believe.

created Allah the heavens and the earth in truth. Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for the believers.

And is (it) not sufficient for them that We revealed to you the Book (which) is recited to them? Indeed, in that, surely is a mercy and a reminder for a people who believe.

And among His Signs (is) that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you love and mercy. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people who reflect.

And among His Signs (is the) creation (of) the heavens and the earth, and the diversity (of) your languages and your colors. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for those of knowledge.

And among His Signs (is) your sleep by night and the day [and] your seeking of His Bounty. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people who listen.

And among His Signs He shows you the lightning (causing) fear and hope, and He sends down from the sky water and gives life therewith (to) the earth after its death. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people who use intellect.

So set your face to the religion upright. Nature (made by) Allah (upon) which He has created mankind [on it]. No change (should there be) in the creat (of) Allah. That (is) the religion the correct, but most men (do) not know.

Do not they see that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills and straitens (it). Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for a people who believe.

So give (from) the relative his right and the poor and the wayfarer. That (is) best for those who desire (the) Countenance (of) Allah. And those, they (are) the successful ones.

So look at (the) effects (of the) Mercy (of) Allah, how He gives life (to) the earth after its death. Indeed, that surely He (will) give life (to) the dead. And He (is) on every thing All-Powerful.

O my son! Establish the prayer and enjoin [with] the right and forbid from the wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, that (is) of the matters (of) determination.

That (is) because Allah, He (is) the Truth, and that what they call from besides Him (is) [the] falsehood, and that Allah, He (is) the Most High, the Most Great.

Do not you see that the ships sail through the sea by (the) Grace (of) Allah that He may show you of His Signs? Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for everyone (who is) patient, grateful.

That (is the) Knower (of) the hidden and the witnessed, the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful,

Does it not guide [for] them, (that) how many We have destroyed before them from of the generations, they walk about in their dwellings. Indeed, in that surely, are Signs. Then do not they hear?

The Prophet (is) closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives (are) their mothers. And possessors (of) relationships, some of them (are) closer to another in (the) Decree (of) Allah than the believers and the emigrants, except that you do to your friends a kindness. (It) is that in the Book written.

Miserly towards you. But when comes the fear, you see them looking at you, revolving their eyes like one who faints (on him) from [the] death. But when departs the fear, they smite you with tongues sharp miserly towards the good. Those - not they have believed, so made worthless Allah their deeds. And is that for Allah easy.

O wives (of) the Prophet! Whoever commits from you immorality clear, will be doubled for her the punishment two fold. And is that for Allah easy.

You may defer whom you will of them or you may take to yourself whom you will. And whoever you desire of those whom you (had) set aside - then (there is) no blame upon you. That (is) more suitable that may be cooled their eyes and not they grieve and they maybe pleased with what you have given them - all of them. And Allah knows what (is) in your hearts. And is Allah All-Knower, Most Forbearing.

O Prophet! Say to your wives and your daughters and (the) women (of) the believers to draw over themselves [of] their outer garments. That (is) more suitable that they should be known and not harmed. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

But say those who disbelieve, "Not will come to us the Hour." Say, "Nay, by my Lord surely it will come to you. (He is the) Knower (of) the unseen." Not escapes from Him (the) weight (of) an atom in the heavens and not in the earth and not smaller than that and not greater, but (is) in a Record Clear.

Then, do not they see towards what (is) between their hands and what (is) behind them of the heaven and the earth? If We will We (could) cause to swallow them the earth or cause to fall upon them fragments from the sky. Indeed, in that surely, is a Sign for every slave who turns (to Allah).

That We recompensed them because they disbelieved. And not We recompense except the ungrateful.

But they said, "Our Lord lengthen (the distance) between our journeys." And they wronged themselves, so We made them narrations and We dispersed them (in) a total dispersion. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for everyone, patient (and) grateful.

And Allah created you from dust, then from a semen-drop; then He made you pairs. And not conceives any female and not gives birth except with His knowledge. And not is granted life any aged person and not is lessened from his life but (is) in a Register. Indeed, that for Allah (is) easy.

And not that (is) on Allah difficult.

Then We caused to inherit the Book those whom We have chosen of Our slaves; and among them (is he) who wrongs himself, and among them (is he who is) moderate, and among them (is he who is) foremost in good deeds by permission (of) Allah. That is the Bounty the great.

And the sun runs to a term appointed for it. That (is the) Decree (of) the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.

So We forgave for him that. And indeed, for him with Us surely is a near access and a good place of return.

And not We created the heaven and the earth and whatever (is) between them without purpose. That (is the) assumption (of) those who disbelieve. So woe to those who disbelieve, from the Fire.

Indeed, that (is) surely (the) truth - (the) quarreling (of the) people (of) the Fire.

So worship what you will from besides Him." Say, "Indeed, the losers (are) those who (will) lose themselves and their families (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Unquestionably, that - it (is) the loss the clear."

Do not you see that Allah sends down from the sky water and He makes it flow (as) springs in the earth; then He produces with it crops (of) different colors; then they wither and you see it turn yellow; then He makes them debris? Indeed, in that surely, (is) a reminder for those of understanding.

Allah has revealed (the) best (of) [the] statement - a Book (its parts) resembling each ot oft-repeated. Shiver from it (the) skins (of) those who fear their Lord, then relax their skins and their hearts at (the) remembrance (of) Allah. That (is the) guidance (of) Allah, He guides with it whom He wills. And whoever lets go astray Allah then not for him any guide.

For them (is) what they wish with their Lord. That (is the) reward (of) the good-doers

Allah takes the souls (at the) time (of) their death, and the one who (does) not die in their sleep. Then He keeps the one whom, He has decreed for them the death, and sends the others for a term specified. Indeed, in that surely (are) signs for a people who ponder.

Do not they know that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills and restricts. Indeed, in that surely (are) signs for a people who believe.

That (was) because [they] used to come to them their Messengers with clear proofs but they disbelieved, So seized them Allah. Indeed, He (is) All-Strong, severe (in) punishment.

Say, "Do you indeed [surely] disbelieve in the One Who created the earth in two periods and you set up with Him rivals? That (is the) Lord (of) the worlds."

Then He completed them (as) seven heavens in two periods and He revealed in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the heaven, [the world] with lamps and (to) guard. That (is the) Decree (of) the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

That (is the) recompense (of the) enemies (of) Allah - the Fire; for them therein (is the) home (of) the eternity (as) recompense for what they used to, of Our Verses, reject.

You will see the wrongdoers fearful of what they earned, and it (will) befall [on] them. And those who believe and do righteous deeds (will be) in flowering meadows (of) the Gardens, for them (is) whatever they wish with their Lord. That - it (is) the Bounty the Great.

That (is of) which gives glad tidings Allah (to) His slaves - those who believe and do righteous deeds. Say, "Not I ask you for it any payment except the love among the relatives." And whoever earns any good, We increase for him therein good. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, All-Appreciative.

If He wills, He can cause to become still the wind then they would remain motionless on its back. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for everyone patient (and) grateful.

And whoever (is) patient and forgives, indeed, that (is) surely of matters of determination.

And ornaments of gold. And not (is) all that but an enjoyment (of) the life (of) the world. And the Hereafter with your Lord (is) for the righteous.

A Bounty from your Lord. That - it (will be) the success the great.

And He has subjected to you whatever (is) in the heavens and whatever (is) in the earth - all from Him. Indeed, in that surely are Signs for a people who give thought.

Then as for those who believed and did [the] righteous deeds, will admit them their Lord in(to) His mercy. That [it] (is) the success clear.

That (is) because those who disbelieve follow falsehood and that those who believe follow (the) truth from their Lord. Thus presents Allah to the people their similitudes.

So when you meet those who disbelieve, then strike the necks until when you have subdued them, then bind firmly the bond, then either a favor afterwards or ransom until lays down the war its burdens. That. And if had willed Allah surely, He could have taken re from them, but to test some of you with others. And those who are killed in (the) way (of) Allah, then never He will cause to be lost their deeds.

That (is) because they hate what Allah has revealed Allah, so He has made worthless their deeds.

That (is) because Allah (is the) Protector (of) those who believe, and that the disbelievers - (there is) no protector for them.

That (is) because they [they] said to those who hate what has revealed, Allah, "We will obey you in part (of) the matter." But Allah knows their secrets.

That (is) because they followed what angered Allah and hated His pleasure, so He made worthless their deeds.

That He may admit the believing men and the believing women (to) Gardens flow from underneath them the rivers (to) abide forever therein, and (to) remove from them their misdeeds, and is that with Allah a success great.

Certainly, has fulfilled Allah His Messenger's vision in truth. Surely, you will enter Al-Masjid Al-Haraam if wills Allah, secure, having shaved your heads and shortened, not fearing. But He knew what not you knew, and He made from besides that a victory near.

Muhammad (is the) Messenger (of) Allah. and those who (are) with him (are) firm against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking Bounty from Allah and pleasure. Their mark (is) on their faces from (the) trace (of) the prostration. That (is) their similitude in the Taurat And their similitude in the Injeel (is) like a seed (which) sends forth its shoot then strengthens it, then it becomes thick and it stands upon its stem delighting the sowers that He (may) enrage by them the disbelievers. has promised Allah those who believe and do righteous deeds among them, forgiveness and a reward great.

What! When we die and have become dust. That (is) a return far."

And will come (the) stupor (of) death in truth, "That (is) what you were [from it] avoiding."

And will be blown [in] the trumpet. That (is the) Day (of) the Warning.

Enter it in peace. That (is) a Day (of) Eternity."

Indeed, in that surely, is a reminder for (one) who, is - for him a heart or (who) gives ear while he (is) a witness.

(The) Day they will hear the Blast in truth. That (is the) Day (of) coming forth.

(The) Day will split the earth from them, hurrying. That (is) a gathering for Us easy.

Taking what has given them their Lord. Indeed, they were before that good-doers.

And indeed, for those who do wrong, (is) a punishment before that, but most of them (do) not know.

That (is) their sum of knowledge. Indeed, your Lord (is) He (Who) knows best (he) who strays from His Path, and He knows best (he) who is guided.

Indeed, they were before that indulging in affluence.

(On the) Day you will see the believing men and the believing women, running, their light (from) between their hands and on their right, "Glad tidings for you this Day - gardens flowing from underneath it the rivers, abiding forever therein. That [it] (is) the success the great."

Race to (the) forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden its width (is) like (the) width (of) the heaven and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. That (is the) Bounty (of) Allah, He gives (to) whom He wills. And Allah (is) the Possessor (of) Bounty, the Great.

Not strikes any disaster in the earth and not in yourselves, but in a Register from before that We bring it into existence. Indeed, that for Allah (is) easy.

Then whoever (does) not find, then fasting (for) two months consecutively from before [that] they both touch each other. But (he) who not is able then (the) feeding (of) sixty needy one(s). That - so that you may believe in Allah and His Messenger, and these (are the) limits (of) Allah, and for the disbelievers (is) a punishment painful.

Do not you see that Allah knows whatever (is) in the heavens and whatever (is) in the earth? Not there is any secret counsel (of) three but He (is) (the) fourth of them, and not five but He (is) (the) sixth of them, and not less than that and not more but He (is) with them wherever that they are. Then He will inform them of what they did (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Indeed, Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.

O you who believe! When you privately consult the Messenger, then offer (from) between hands your private consultation, charity. That (is) better for you and purer. But if not you find, then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

That (is) because [they] they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah then indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) penalty.

Certainly you(r) more intense fear in their breasts than Allah's. That (is) because they (are) a people not (who do) understand.

Not they will fight you all except in towns fortified or from behind walls. Their violence among themselves (is) severe. You think they (are) united, but their hearts (are) divided. That (is) because they (are) a people, not they reason.

He will forgive for you your sins and admit you (in) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers and dwellings pleasant in Gardens (of) Eternity. That (is) the success the great.

That (is the) Bounty (of) Allah, He gives it (to) whom He wills. And Allah (is the) Possessor (of) Bounty the Great.

That (is) because they believed, then they disbelieved; so were sealed [upon] their hearts, so they (do) not understand.

O you who believe! (Let) not divert you your wealth and not your children from (the) remembrance (of) Allah. And whoever does that, then those [they] (are) the losers.

That (is) because had come to them their Messengers with clear proofs, but they said, "Shall human beings guide us?" So they disbelieved and turned away. And can do without them Allah. And Allah (is) Self-sufficient, Praiseworthy.

(The) Day He will assemble you for (the) Day (of) the Assembly, that (will be the) Day (of) mutual loss and gain. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds He will remove from him his evil deeds and He will admit him (to) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers, abiding therein forever. That (is) the success the great.

(The) Day He will assemble you for (the) Day (of) the Assembly, that (will be the) Day (of) mutual loss and gain. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds He will remove from him his evil deeds and He will admit him (to) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers, abiding therein forever. That (is) the success the great.

O Prophet! When you divorce [the] women, then divorce them for their waiting period, and keep count (of) the waiting period, and fear Allah, your Lord. (Do) not expel them from their houses, and not they should leave except that they commit an immorality clear. And these (are the) limits (of) Allah. And whoever transgresses (the) limits (of) Allah then certainly he has wronged himself. Not you know; Perhaps Allah will bring about, after that, a matter.

That (is the) Command (of) Allah, which He has sent down to you; and whoever fears Allah, He will remove from him his evil deeds and make great for him (his) reward.

If you both turn to Allah, so indeed, (are) inclined your hearts; but if you backup each other against him, then indeed, Allah, He (is) his Protector, and Jibreel, and (the) righteous believers, and the Angels, after that (are his) assistants.

But whoever seeks beyond that, then those [they] (are) the transgressors -

Humbled their eyesights, will cover them humiliation. That (is) the Day which they were promised.

And that [we] among us (are) the righteous and among us (are) other than that. We (are on) ways different.

That (is) the Day the True. So whoever wills let him take towards his Lord a return.

Indeed, in that surely (is) a lesson for whoever fears.

And the earth after that He spread it.

Its seal (will be of) musk. And for that let aspire the aspirers.

Indeed, those who believe and do the righteous deeds, for them (will be) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers. That (is) the success the great.

Is in that (not) an oath for those who understand?

Their reward (is) with their Lord - Gardens (of) Eternity, flow from underneath them the rivers, will abide therein forever. (will be) pleased Allah with them and they (will be) pleased with Him. That (is) for whoever feared his Lord.

And indeed, he on that surely (is) a witness,

That (is because) [that] not is your Lord one who destroys the cities for (their) wrongdoing while their people (are) unaware.

O you who believe[d]! Prescribed for you (is) the legal retribution in (the matter of) the murdered, the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever is pardoned [for it] from his brother anything, then follows up with suitable [and] payment to him with kindness. That (is) a concession from your Lord and mercy. Then whoever transgresses after that, then for him (is) a punishment painful.

Surely you will find strongest (of) the people (in) enmity to those who believe, the Jews and those who (are) polytheists; and surely you will find nearest of them (in) affection to those who believe, those who say, "We (are) Christians." That (is) because among them (are) priests and monks, and that they (are) not arrogant.

has made Allah the Kabah, the House, the Sacred, an establishment for mankind and the month(s) [the] sacred and the (animals) for offering and the garlands. That (is) so that you may know that Allah knows what (is) in the heavens and what (is) in the earth, and that Allah of every thing (is) All-Knowing.

That (is) because they preferred the life (of) the world over the Hereafter and that Allah (does) not guide the people the disbelievers.

That (is), because Allah, He (is) the Truth, and that what they invoke from besides Him, it (is) the falsehood. And that Allah, He (is) the Most High, the Most Great.

And the women who are divorced shall wait concerning themselves (for) three monthly periods. And (it is) not lawful for them that they conceal what (has been) created (by) Allah in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Day [the] Last. And their husbands (have) better right to take them back in that (period) if they wish (for) reconciliation. And for them (is the) like (of) that which (is) on them in a reasonable manner, and for the men over them (is) a degree. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise.

And when you said, "O Musa! Never (will) we endure [on] food (of) one (kind), so pray for us (to) your Lord to bring forth for us out of what grows the earth, of its herbs, [and] its cucumbers, [and] its garlic, [and] its lentils, and its onions." He said, "Would you exchange that which [it] (is) inferior for that which [it] (is) better? Go down (to) a city, so indeed for you (is) what you have asked (for)." And were struck on them the humiliation and the misery and they drew on themselves wrath of Allah That (was) because they used to disbelieve in (the) Signs (of) Allah and kill the Prophets without (any) [the] right. That (was) because they disobeyed and they were transgressing.

Were cursed those who disbelieved from (the) Children (of) Israel by (the) tongue (of) Dawood and Isa, son (of) Maryam, that (was) because they disobeyed and they were transgressing.

Not it was (for) the people of the Madinah and who were around them of the bedouins, that they remain behind after the Messenger of Allah, and not they prefer their lives to his life. That is because [they] (does) not afflict them thirst and not fatigue and not hunger in (the) way (of) Allah, and not they step any step that angers the disbelievers and not they inflict on an enemy an infliction except is recorded for them in it (as) a deed righteous. Indeed, Allah (does) not allow to be lost the reward (of) the good-doers.

dhālikumu   (2)

(It is) only that the Shaitaan frightens (you) (of) his allies. So (do) not fear them, but fear Me, if you are believers.

Indeed, Allah (is the) Cleaver (of) the grain and the date-seed. He brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living. That (is) Allah, so how are you deluded?

That (is) Allah your Lord, (there is) no god except Him, (the) Creator (of) every thing, so worship Him. And He (is) on every thing a Guardian.

Indeed, your Lord (is) Allah the One Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, then He established on the Throne, disposing the affairs. Not (is) any intercessor except from after His permission. That (is) Allah, your Lord, so worship Him. Then will not you remember?

And when are recited to them Our Verses clear, you will recognize on (the) faces (of) those who disbelieve the denial. They almost attack those who recite to them Our Verses. Say, "Then shall I inform you of worse than that? The Fire, (has) promised it Allah (for) those who disbelieve, and wretched (is) the destination."

He created you from a soul single. Then He made from it its mate. And He sent down for you of the cattle eight kinds. He creates you in (the) wombs (of) your mothers, creation from after creation, in darkness[es] three. That (is) Allah your Lord; for Him (is) the dominion. (There is) no god except He. Then how are you turning away?

That (is) Allah your Lord, (the) Creator (of) all things, (there is) no god except Him. So how are you deluded?

Allah (is) the One Who made for you the earth a place of settlement and the sky a canopy and He formed you and perfected your forms, and provided you of the good things. That (is) Allah, your Lord. Then blessed (is) Allah, (the) Lord (of) the worlds.

And whatever you differ in it of a thing, then its ruling (is) to Allah. That (is) Allah, my Lord, upon Him I put my trust and to Him I turn.

He causes to enter the night in (to) the day and He causes to enter the day in (to) the night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon each running for a term appointed. That (is) Allah, your Lord, for Him (is) the Dominion. And those whom you invoke from besides Him, not they possess even (as much as) the membrane of a

dhālikum   (4)

And when We saved you from (the) people (of) Firaun (who were) afflicting you (wit horrible torment, slaughtering your sons and letting live your women. And in that (was) a trial from your Lord great.

And when said Musa to his people, "O my people! Indeed, you [you] have wronged yourselves by your taking the calf. So turn in repentance to your Creator, and kill yourselves. That (is) better for you with your Creator." Then He turned towards you. Indeed He! He (is) the-returning, the Most Merciful.

And when you divorce [the] women and they reached their (waiting) term, then (do) not hinder them [that] (from) marrying their husbands when they agree between themselves in a fair manner. That is admonished with it whoever [is] among you believes in Allah and the Day [the] Last; that (is) more virtuous for you and more purer. And Allah knows and you (do) not know.

O you who believe[d]! When you contract with one another any debt for a term fixed then write it. And let write between you a scribe in justice. And not (should) refuse a scribe that he writes as (has) taught him Allah. So let him write and let dictate the one on whom (is) the right and let him fear Allah, his Lord, and (let him) not diminish from it anything. Then if is the one on him (is) the right, (of) limited understanding, or weak, or not capable that (can) dictate he, then let dictate his guardian with justice. And call for evidence two witnesses among your men. And if not there are two men then one man and two women of whom you agree of [the] witnesses, (so) that (if) [she] errs, one of the two, then will remind one of the two the other. And not (should) refuse the witnesses when that they are called. And not (be) weary that you write it - small or large for its term. That (is) more just near Allah, and more upright for evidence and nearer that not you (have) doubt, except that be a transaction present, you carry out among you, then not on you any sin that not you write it. And take witness when you make commercial transactio And not (should) be harmed (the) scribe and not (the) witness, and if you do, then indeed it (is) sinful conduct for you, and fear Allah. And teaches Allah. And Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.

Say, "Shall I inform you of better than that. For those who fear[ed], with their Lord, (are) Gardens flows from underneath them [the] rivers - abiding forever in it, and spouses pure and approval from Allah. And Allah (is) All-Seer of (His) slaves."

And (prohibited are) the ones of the women except whom you possess rightfully. Decree (of) Allah upon you. And are lawful to you what (is) beyond that; that you seek with your wealth desiring to be chaste not (to be) lustful. So what you benefit[ed] of it from them, so you give them their bridal due (as) an obligation. And (there is) no sin on you concerning what you mutually agree of it from beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

Are made unlawful on you the dead animals, and the blood, and flesh (of) the swine, and what has been dedicated to other than Allah, [on it], and that which is strangled (t and that which is hit fatally, and that which has a fatal fal and that which is gored by hor and that which ate (it) the wild animal except what you slaughtered, and what is sacrificed on the stone altars, and that you seek division by divining arrows - that (is) grave disobedience. This day (have) despaired those who disbelieved of your religion, so (do) not fear them, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and I have completed upon you My Favor and I have approved for you [the] Islam (as) a religion. But whoever (is) forced by hunger (and) not inclining to sin, then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And He (is) the One Who sends down from the sky water, then We bring forth with it vegetation (of) every thing. Then We bring forth from it green plant, We bring forth from it grain - thick clustered. And from the date-palm, from its spathe clusters of dates hanging low. And gardens of grapes and the olives and the pomegranates resembling and not resembling. Look at its fruit when it bears fruit and its ripening. Indeed, in that (are) signs for a people (who) believe.

Say, "Come, I will recite what has prohibited your Lord to you. That (do) not associate with Him anything, and with the parents (be) good, and (do) not kill your children (out) of poverty, We provide for you and for them. And (do) not go near [the] immoralities what (is) apparent of them and what (is) concealed. And (do) not kill the soul which has forbidden Allah except by (legal) right. That (He) has enjoined on you with it, so that you may use reason."

And (do) not go near wealth (of) the orphans except with that which (is) best until he reaches his maturity. And give full [the] measure and the weight with justice. Not We burden any soul except (to) its capacity. And when you speak then be just even if he is (one of) a near relative. And (the) Covenant (of) Allah fulfil. That (He) has enjoined on you with it so that you may remember.

And that, this (is) my path straight, so follow it. And (do) not follow the (other) paths, then they will separate you from His path. That (He) has enjoined on you [with it] so that you may become righteous.

And to Madyan, his brother Shuaib. He said, "O my people! Worship Allah, not for you any god other than Him. Verily, has came to you a clear proof from your Lord. So give full [the] measure and the weight and (do) not deprive [the] people in their things and (do) not cause corruption in the earth after its reformation. That (is) better for you if you are believers.

And when We saved you from (the) people (of) Firaun who were afflicting you (with) worst (of) torment, they were killing your sons and letting live your women. And in that (was) a trial from your Lord great.

That - "So taste it." And that, for the disbelievers (is the) punishment (of) the Fire.

Go forth, light or heavy and strive with your wealth and your lives in (the) way (of) Allah. That (is) better for you, if you know.

And when said Musa to his people, "Remember (the) Favor (of) Allah upon you, when He saved you from (the) people (of) Firaun, they were afflicting you (with) evil torment and were slaughtering your sons and letting live your women. And in that (was) a trial from your Lord great."

He said, "Nay, your Lord (is the) Lord (of) the heavens and the earth, the One Who created them and I am to that of the witnesses.

O you who believe! (Do) not enter houses other (than) your houses until you have asked permission and you have greeted [on] its inhabitants. That (is) best for you so that you may pay heed.

And Ibrahim - when he said to his people, "Worship Allah and fear Him. That (is) better for you if you know.

Allah (is) the One Who created you, then He provided (for) you, then He will cause you to die then He will give you life. Is (there) any (of) your partners who does of that any thing? Glory be to Him and exalted is He above what they associate.

Not (has) made Allah for any man [of] two hearts in his interior. And not He (has) made your wives whom you declare unlawful [of them] (as) your mothers. And not He has made your adopted sons your sons. That (is) your saying by your mouths, but Allah says the truth, and He guides (to) the Way.

O you who believe! (Do) not enter (the) houses (of) the Prophet except when permission is given to you for a meal, without awaiting its preparation. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, then disperse and not seeking to remain for a conversation. Indeed, that was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of (dismissing) you. But Allah not is shy of the truth. And when you ask them (for) anything then ask them from behind a screen. That (is) purer for your hearts and their hearts. And not is for you that you trouble (the) Messenger (of) Allah and not that you should marry his wives from after him, ever. Indeed, that is near Allah an enormity.

O you who believe! (Do) not enter (the) houses (of) the Prophet except when permission is given to you for a meal, without awaiting its preparation. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, then disperse and not seeking to remain for a conversation. Indeed, that was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of (dismissing) you. But Allah not is shy of the truth. And when you ask them (for) anything then ask them from behind a screen. That (is) purer for your hearts and their hearts. And not is for you that you trouble (the) Messenger (of) Allah and not that you should marry his wives from after him, ever. Indeed, that is near Allah an enormity.

O you who believe! (Do) not enter (the) houses (of) the Prophet except when permission is given to you for a meal, without awaiting its preparation. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, then disperse and not seeking to remain for a conversation. Indeed, that was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of (dismissing) you. But Allah not is shy of the truth. And when you ask them (for) anything then ask them from behind a screen. That (is) purer for your hearts and their hearts. And not is for you that you trouble (the) Messenger (of) Allah and not that you should marry his wives from after him, ever. Indeed, that is near Allah an enormity.

"That (is) because, when was invoked Allah Alone you disbelieved; but if (others) were associated with Him, you believed. So the judgment (is) with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great."

That (is) because you took (the) Verses (of) Allah (in) ridicule and deceived you the life (of) the world." So this Day not they will be brought forth from it and not they will be asked to appease.

And those who pronounce zihar [from] (to) their wives then go back on what they said, then freeing (of) a slave from before [that] they touch each other. That you are admonished to it. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Aware.

O you who believe! When come to you the believing women (as) emigrants, then examine them. Allah (is) most knowing of their faith. And if you know them (to be) believers, then (do) not return them to the disbelievers. Not they (are) lawful for them and not they are lawful for them. But give them what they have spent. And not any blame upon you if you marry them when you have given them their (bridal) dues. And (do) not hold to marriage bonds (with) disbelieving women, but ask (for) what you have spent, and let them ask what they have spent. That (is the) Judgment (of) Allah. He judges between you. And Allah (is) All-Knowing, All-Wise.

Believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in (the) way (of) Allah with your wealth and your lives. That (is) better for you if you know.

O you who believe! When (the) call is made for (the) prayer on (the) day (of) Friday, then hasten to (the) remembrance (of) Allah and leave the business. That (is) better for you, if you know.

Then when they have reached their term, then retain them with kindness or part with them with kindness. And take witness two men just among you and establish the testimony for Allah. That is instructed, with it, whoever [is] believes in Allah and the Day the Last. And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out,

And when took Allah covenant (of) the Prophets, "Certainly, whatever I (have) given you of (the) Book and wisdom then comes to you a Messenger confirming that which (is) with you, you must believe in him and you must help him." He said, "Do you affirm and take on that (condition) My Covenant?" They said, "We affirm." He said, "Then bear witness, and I (am) with you among the witnesses."

That (is the case) and that, Allah (is) one who makes weak (the) plan (of) the disbelievers.

"That was because you used to rejoice in the earth without right and because you used to be insolent.

dhālikumā   (1)

He said, "Not (will) come to both of you food you are provided with but I will inform both of you of its interpretation, before [that] [it] comes to both of you. That (is) of what has taught me my Lord. Indeed, I [I] abandon (the) religion (of) a people, not they believe in Allah, and they in the Hereafter [they] (are) disbelievers.

fabidhālika   (1)

Say, "In the Bounty (of) Allah and in His Mercy so in that let them rejoice." It (is) better than what they accumulate.

fadhānika   (1)

Insert your hand in your bosom it will come forth white from without any harm. And draw to yourselves your hand against fear. So these (are) two evidences from your Lord, to Firaun and his chiefs. Indeed, they are a people defiantly disobedient."

fadhālika   (2)

That Day, (will be) a Day difficult,

And whoever says of them, "Indeed, I am a god from besides Him." Then that We will recompense (with) Hell. Thus We recompense the wrongdoers.

Then that (is) the one who repulses the orphan,

fadhālikumu   (1)

For that (is) Allah, your Lord, the true. So what (can be) after the truth except the error? So how (are) you turned away.

fadhālikunna   (1)

She said, "That (is) the one, you blamed me about him. And certainly I sought to seduce him, [from] [himself] but he saved himself, and if not he does what I order him, surely, he will be imprisoned and certainly will be of those who are disgraced."

fakadhālika   (1)

They said, "Not we broke promise to you by our will, but we [we] were made to carry burdens from ornaments (of) the people, so we threw them and thus threw the Samiri."

falidhālika   (1)

So to that then invite, and stand firm as you are commanded and (do) not follow their desires, but say, "I believe in what has sent down Allah of (the) Book, and I am commanded that I do justice between you. Allah (is) our Lord and your Lord. For us our deeds and for you your deeds. (There is) no argument between us and between you. Allah will assemble [between] us, and to Him (is) the final return."

kadhālika   (5)

And said the Jews, "Not the Christians (are) on anything," and said the Christians, "Not the Jews (are) on anything," although they recite the Book. Like that said those who (do) not know, similar their saying. [So] Allah will judge between them (on the) Day (of) Resurrection in what they were [in it] differing.

And said those who (do) not know, "Why not speaks to us Allah or comes to us a sign?" Like that said those from before them similar their saying. Became alike their hearts. Indeed, We have made clear the signs for people (who) firmly believe.

O you who believe[d]! When you go forth in (the) way (of) Allah then investigate, and (do) not say to (the one) who offers to you (a greeting of) peace, "You are not a believer," seeking transitory gains (of) the life (of) the world, for with Allah (are) booties abundant. Like that you were from before, then conferred favor Allah upon you; so investigate. Indeed, Allah is of what you do All-Aware.

They said, "Nay, but we found our forefathers like that - doing."

So We said, "Strike him with a part of it." Like this revives Allah the dead, and shows you His Signs, perhaps you may use your intellect.

Will say those who associate partners (with Allah "If had willed Allah, not we (would) have associated par and not our forefathers and not we (would) have forbidden [of] anything." Likewise denied those who from (were) before them until they tasted Our wrath. Say, "Is with you [of] any knowledge then produce it for us? Not you follow except the assumption, and not you (do) but guess."

And among men and moving creatures and the cattle (are) various [their] colors likewise. Only fear Allah among His slaves those who have knowledge. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Mighty, Oft-Forgiving.

Likewise not came (to) those from before them any Messenger but they said, "A magician or a madman."

And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out, and [the] oppression (is) worse than [the] killing. And (do) not fight them near Al-Masjid Al-Haraam until they fight you in it. Then if they fight you, then kill them. Such (is the) reward (of) the disbelievers.

Such (is) the punishment. And surely the punishment (of) the Hereafter (is) greater, if they know.

And said those who followed, "(Only) if [that] for us a return, then we will disown [from] them as they disown [from] us." Thus will show them Allah their deeds (as) regrets for them. And not they will come out from the Fire.

Permitted for you (in the) nights (of) fasting (is) the approach to your wives. They (are) garments for you and you (are) garments for them. Knows Allah that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned towards you and He forgave [on] you. So now have relations with them and seek what has ordained Allah for you. And eat and drink until becomes distinct to you the thread [the] white from the thread [the] black of [the] dawn. Then complete the fast till the night. And (do) not have relations with them while you (are) secluded in the masajid. These (are the) limits (set by) Allah, so (do) not approach them. Thus makes clear Allah His verses for [the] people so that they may (become) righteous.

They ask you about [the] intoxicants and [the] games of chance Say, "In both of them (is) a sin great, and (some) benefits for [the] people. But sin of both of them (is) greater than (the) benefit of (the) two." And they ask you what they (should) spend. Say, "The surplus." Thus makes clear Allah to you [the] Verses so that you may ponder,

Thus makes clear Allah for you His Verses so that you may use your intellect.

Would like any of you that it be for him a garden, of date-palms and grapevines flowing [from] underneath it the rivers, for him in it of all (kinds) (of) [the] fruits, and strikes him [the] old age and [for] his children (are) weak then falls on it whirlwind, in it (is) fire then it is burnt. Thus makes clear Allah for you (His) Signs so that you may ponder.

He said, "My Lord how can (there) be for me a son, and verily has reached me [the] old age and my wife (is) [a] barren?" He said, "Thus; Allah does what He wills."

And hold firmly to (the) rope (of) Allah all together and (do) not be divided. And remember (the) Favor (of) Allah on you when you were enemies then He made friendship between your hearts then you became by His Favor brothers. And you were on (the) brink (of) pit of the Fire then He saved you from it. Thus makes clear Allah for you His Verses so that you may (be) guided.

not will call you to account Allah for the thoughtless utterances in your oaths but He will call you to account for what you contracted (of) the oath. So its expiation (is) feeding (of) ten needy people of average (of) what you feed your families or clothing them or freeing a slave. But whoever (does) not find (that), then fasting (for) three days. That (is the) expiation (of) your oaths when you have sworn. And guard your oaths. Thus makes clear Allah to you His Verses so that you may (be) grateful.

And (do) not insult those whom they invoke from other than Allah, lest they insult Allah (in) enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made fair-seeming to every community their deed. Then to their Lord (is) their return, then He will inform them about what they used to do.

Is (one) who was dead and We gave him life and We made for him light, he walks whereby among the people, like (one) who [similar to him] (is) in the darknesses, not he comes out of it? Thus is made fair-seeming to the disbelievers what they were doing.

So whoever wants Allah that He guides him - He expands his breast to Islam; and whoever He wants that He lets him go astray He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he (were) climbing into the sky. Thus places Allah the filth on those who (do) not believe.

Say, "Who has forbidden (the) adornment (from) Allah which He has brought forth for His slaves, and the pure things of sustenance?" Say, "They (are) for those who believe during the life (of) the world, exclusively (for them) (on the) Day (of) Resurrection. Thus We explain the Signs for (the) people who know."

And He (is) the One Who sends the winds (as) glad tidings between (his) mercy Mercy, until, when they have carried clouds - heavy, We drive them to a land dead then We send down from it the water then We bring forth from it of all (kinds) [the] fruits. Thus We will bring forth the dead so that you may take heed.

And the land - [the] pure, comes forth its vegetation by (the) permission (of) its Lord, but which is bad - (does) not come forth except (with) difficulty. Thus We explain the Signs for a people who are grateful.

These (were) the cities - We relate to you of their news. And certainly came to them their Messengers with clear proofs, but not they were to believe in what they (had) denied from before. Thus put a seal Allah on (the) hearts (of) the disbelievers.

And ask them about the town which was situated (by) the sea, when they transgressed in the (matter of) Sabbath, when came to them their fish (on the) day (of) their Sabbath visibly and (on the) day not they had Sabbath (they did) not come to them. Thus We test them because they were defiantly disobeying.

And when touches the man the affliction he calls Us, (lying) on his side or sitting or standing. But when We remove from him his affliction he passes on as if he (had) not called Us for (the) affliction (that) touched him. Thus (it) is made fair seeming to the extravagant what they used (to) do.

And verily We destroyed the generations from before you when they wronged, and came to them their Messengers with clear proofs, but not they were to believe. Thus We recompense the people (who are) criminals.

Only (the) example (of) the life (of) the world (is) like (the) water which We sent down from the sky, so absorbs [with] it, (the) plants (of) the earth from which eat the men and the cattle, until when takes the earth its adornment and is beautified and think its people that they have the power over it, comes (to) it Our command (by) night or (by) day, and We make it a harvest clean-mown, as if not it had flourished yesterday. Thus We explain the Signs for a people who reflect.

Thus (is) proved true (the) Word (of) your Lord upon those who defiantly disobeyed, that they (will) not believe.

Nay, they denied what not they could encompass (of) its knowledge and not has come (to) them its interpretation. Thus denied those from before them, then see how was (the) end (of) the wrongdoers.

Then We sent from after him Messengers to their people, and they came to them with clear proofs. But not they were to believe what they had denied [it] from before. Thus We seal [on] the hearts (of) the transgressors.

Then We will save Our Messengers and those who believe. Thus, (it is) an obligation upon Us (that) We save the believers.

And certainly she did desire him, and he would have desired her, if not that he saw the proof (of) his Lord. Thus, that We might avert from him the evil and the immorality. Indeed, he (was) of Our slaves the sincere.

They said, "Its recompense (is that one) who, it is found in his bag, then he (will be) his recompense. Thus (do) we recompense the wrongdoers."

So he began with their bags before (the) bag (of) his brother; then he brought it out from (the) bag (of) his brother. Thus (did) We plan for Yusuf. Not he could take his brother by the law (of) the king, except that willed Allah We raise (in) degrees whom We will, but over every possessor (of) knowledge (is) the All-Knower.

He sends down from the sky water and flows the valleys according to their measure, and carries the torrent a foam rising. And from what they heat [on] it in the fire in order to make ornaments or utensils, a foam like it. Thus sets forth Allah the truth and the falsehood. Then as for the foam it passes away (as) scum, and as for what benefits the mankind, remains in the earth. Thus sets forth Allah the examples.

He sends down from the sky water and flows the valleys according to their measure, and carries the torrent a foam rising. And from what they heat [on] it in the fire in order to make ornaments or utensils, a foam like it. Thus sets forth Allah the truth and the falsehood. Then as for the foam it passes away (as) scum, and as for what benefits the mankind, remains in the earth. Thus sets forth Allah the examples.

Thus We have sent you to a nation verily have passed away from before it nations, so that you might recite to them what We revealed to you, while they disbelieve in the Most Gracious. Say, "He (is) my Lord, (there is) no god except Him. Upon Him I put my trust and to Him (is) my return."

Thus We let it enter in (the) hearts (of) the criminals.

Gardens (of) Eden - which they will enter, flows from underneath them the rivers. For them therein (will be) whatever they wish. Thus rewards Allah the righteous,

Do they wait except that (should) come to them the Angels or (should) come (the) Command (of) your Lord? Thus did those who (were) from before them, And not wronged them Allah but they were themselves wronging.

And said those who associate partners (with Allah "If (had) willed Allah not we (would) have worshipped from other than Him any thing, we and not our forefathers and not we (would) have forbidden from other than Him from anything." Thus did those who (were) from before them, Then is (there) on the messengers except the conveyance clear?

And Allah (has) made for you from what He created, shades and (has) made for you from the mountains, shelters and (has) made for you garments to protect you (from) the heat and garments to protect you from your (mutual) violence. Thus He completes His Favor upon you so that you may submit.

Thus. And verily, We encompassed of what (was) with him (of the) information.

He said, "Thus, said your Lord, 'It (is) for Me easy, and certainly I (have) created you from before, while not you were anything.'"

Thus We relate to you from (the) news (of) what has preceded. And certainly We have given you from Us a Reminder.

He will say, "Thus came to you Our Signs, but you forgot them, and thus today you will be forgotten."

And whoever says of them, "Indeed, I am a god from besides Him." Then that We will recompense (with) Hell. Thus We recompense the wrongdoers.

And the camels and cattle - We have made them for you among (the) Symbols (of) Allah, for you therein (is) good. So mention (the) name (of) Allah over them (when) lined up; and when are down their sides, then eat from them and feed the needy who do not ask and the needy who ask. Thus We have subjected them to you so that you may be grateful.

Will not reach Allah their meat and not their blood but reaches Him the piety from you. Thus He subjected them to you so that you may magnify Allah for what He has guided you. And give glad tidings (to) the good-doers.

O you who believe! Let ask your permission those whom possess your right hands and those who (have) not reached puberty among you (at) three times, from before (the) prayer (of) dawn, and when you put aside your garments at noon and from after (the) prayer (of) night. (These) three (are) times of privacy for you. Not on you and not on them any blame after that (as) moving about among you, some of you among others. Thus makes clear Allah for you the Verses, and Allah (is) All-Knower, All-Wise.

And when reach the children among you the puberty then let them ask permission as asked permission those who (were) from (were) before them. Thus makes clear Allah for you His Verses. And Allah (is) All-Knower All-Wise.

Not is on the blind any blame and not on the lame any blame and not on the sick any blame and not on yourselves that you eat from your houses or houses (of) your fathers or houses (of) your mothers or houses (of) your brothers or houses (of) your sisters or houses (of) your paternal uncles or houses (of) your paternal aunts or houses (of) your maternal uncles or houses (of) your maternal aunts or what you possess its keys or your friend. Not is on you any blame that you eat together or separately. But when you enter houses then greet [on] yourselves a greeting from that Allah blessed (and) good. Thus makes clear Allah for you the Verses so that you may understand.

And said those who disbelieve, "Why not was revealed to him the Quran all at once?" Thus, that We may strengthen thereby your heart, and We have recited it (with distinct) recitation.

Thus. And We caused to inherit them (the) Children (of) Israel.

Thus We have inserted it into (the) hearts (of) the criminals.

He sets forth to you an example from yourselves. Is for you among what possess your right hands any partners in what We have provided you so you in it (are) equal, you fear them as you fear yourselves? Thus We explain the Verses for a people (who) use reason.

And (the) Day will (be) established the Hour will swear the criminals not they remained but an hour. Thus they were deluded.

Thus seals Allah [on] (the) hearts (of) those who (do) not know.

And Allah (is) the One Who sends the winds so that they raise (the) clouds, and We drive them to a land dead and We revive therewith the earth after its death. Thus (will be) the Resurrection.

And those who disbelieve, for them (will be the) Fire (of) Hell. Not is decreed for them that they die, and not will be lightened for them of its torment. Thus We recompense every ungrateful one.

Indeed, We thus, We deal with the criminals.

Indeed, We thus [We] reward the good-doers.

Verily, you have fulfilled the vision." Indeed, We thus [We] reward the good-doers.

Thus We reward the good-doers.

Indeed, We thus reward the good-doers.

Indeed, We thus reward the good-doers.

And indeed, came to you Yusuf from before with clear proofs, but not you ceased in doubt about what he brought to you [with it], until when he died, you said, "Never will raise Allah from after him a Messenger." Thus, lets go astray Allah who [he] (is) a transgressor, a doubter."

Those who dispute concerning (the) Signs (of) Allah without any authority (having) come to them, (it) is greatly hateful near Allah and near those who believe. Thus sets a seal Allah over every heart (of) an arrogant tyrant."

Thus were deluded those who were - (the) Signs (of) Allah, rejecting.

From other than Allah?" They will say, "They have departed from us. Nay! Not we used to [we] call from before anything." Thus lets go astray Allah the disbelievers.

Thus reveals to you, and to those from before you - Allah the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

And the One Who sends down from the sky water in (due) measure, then We revive with it a land dead, thus you will be brought forth,

Thus. And We made it (an) inherit(an (for) a people another.

Thus. And We will marry them to fair ones (with) large eyes.

Destroying every thing by (the) command (of) its Lord. Then they became (such), not is seen except their dwellings. Thus We recompense the people [the] criminals.

That (is) because those who disbelieve follow falsehood and that those who believe follow (the) truth from their Lord. Thus presents Allah to the people their similitudes.

A provision for the slaves, and We give life therewith (to) a land dead. Thus (will be) the coming forth.

(As) a favor from Us. Thus We reward (one) who (is) grateful.

And not We have made keepers (of) the Fire except Angels. And not We have made their number except (as) a trial for those who disbelieve - that may be certain those who were given the Scripture and may increase those who believe (in) faith, and not may doubt those who were given the Scripture and the believers, and that may say those in their hearts (is) a disease and the disbelievers "What (does) intend Allah by this example?" Thus does let go astray Allah whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none knows (the) hosts (of) your Lord except Him. And not it (is) but a reminder to (the) human beings.

Thus We deal with the criminals.

Indeed, We thus reward the good-doers.

kadhāliki   (1)

She said, "My Lord how is [it] for me a boy, and (has) not touch(ed) me any man?" He said, "Thus Allah creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter then only He says to it, "Be," and it becomes.

He said, "Thus; said your Lord, 'It (is) for Me easy, and so that We will make him a sign for the mankind and a Mercy from Us. And (it) is a matter decreed.'"

They said, "Thus said your Lord. Indeed, He [He] (is) the All-Wise, the All-Knower."

kadhālikum   (1)

Will say those who remained behind when you set forth towards (the) spoils of war to take it, "Allow us (to) follow you." They wish to change (the) Words (of) Allah. Say, "Never will you follow us. Thus said Allah from before." Then they will say, "Nay, you envy us." Nay, they were not understanding except a little.

wabidhālika   (1)

No partners for Him; and with that I have been commanded. And I am (the) first (of) the ones who surrender (t

wadhālika   (1)

These (are the) limits (of) Allah, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, He will admit him (to) Gardens flows from underneath them the rivers - (will) abide forever in it. And that (is) the success [the] great.

"Indeed, I wish that you be laden with my sin and your sin so you will be among (the) companions (of) the Fire, and that (is the) recompense (of) the wrong-doers."

So rewarded them Allah for what they said (with) Gardens flows from underneath them the rivers, will abide forever in it. And that (is the) reward (of) the good-doers.

Whoever is averted from it that Day then surely He had Mercy on him. And that (is) the success (the) clear.

Then sent down Allah His tranquility on His Messenger, and on the believers and sent down forces, which you did not see and He punished those who disbelieved. And that (is) the recompense (of) the disbelievers.

Indeed, Allah (has) purchased from the believers their lives and their wealth, because for them (is) Paradise. They fight in (the) way (of) Allah, they slay and they are slain. A promise upon Him true, in the Taurat and the Injeel and the Quran. And who (is) more faithful to his promise than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted [with it]. And that it (is) the success the great.

Indeed, in that (is) surely a Sign for (those) who fear (the) punishment (of) the Hereafter. That (is) a Day (will) be gathered on it the mankind, and that (is) a Day witnessed.

Gardens (of) Eden flows from underneath them the rivers, abiding forever in it. And that (is) the reward (for him) who purifies himself.

And protect them (from) the evils. And whoever you protect (from) the evils that Day, then verily You bestowed Mercy on him. And that [it] (is) the success, the great."

Then why (did) not help them those whom they had taken from besides Allah sacrifice (to their) gods? Nay, they were lost from them. And that (was) their falsehood and what they were inventing.

So will be (the) end of both of them, that they (will be) in the Fire abiding forever therein. And that (is the) recompense (of) the wrongdoers.

Claim those who disbelieve that never will they be raised. Say, "Yes, by my Lord, surely you will be raised; then surely you will be informed of what you did. And that for Allah (is) easy."

And not they were commanded except to worship Allah (being) sincere to Him (in) the religion, upright, and to establish the prayer, and to give the zakah And that (is the) religion the correct.

wadhālikum   (1)

And that (was) your assumption which you assumed about your Lord. It has ruined you, and you have become of the losers.

wakadhālika   (3)

And likewise made pleasing to many of the polytheists - (the) killing (of) their children - their partners - so that they may ruin them and that they make confusing to them their religion. And if (had) willed Allah not they (would) have done so. So leave them and what they invent.

And similarly, We raised them that they might question among them. Said a speaker among them, "How long have you remained?" They said, "We have remained a day or a part (of) a day." They said, "Your Lord knows best how long you have remained. So send one of you with silver coin of yours this to the city, and let him see which is the purest food, and let him bring to you provision from it, and let him be cautious. And not make aware about you anyone."

And similarly, We made known about them that they might know that (the) Promise (of) Allah (is) true, and that (about) the Hour (there is) no doubt in it. When they disputed among themselves about their affair and they said, "Construct over them a structure. Their Lord knows best about them." Said those who prevailed in their matter, "Surely we will take over them a place of worship."

And thus We made you a community (of the) middle way so that you will be witnesses over the mankind, and will be the Messenger on you a witness. And not We made the direction of prayer which you were used to [on it] except that We make evident (he) who follows the Messenger from (he) who turns back on his heels. And indeed, it was certainly a great (test) except for those whom guided (by) Allah. And not will Allah let go waste your faith. Indeed, Allah (is) to [the] mankind Full of Kindness, Most Merciful.

And thus We try some of them with others that they say, "Are these (whom) has favored Allah [upon them] from among us?" Is not Allah most knowing of those who are grateful?

And thus We explain the Verses, so that becomes manifest (the) way (of) the criminals.

And thus We show(ed) Ibrahim the kingdom (of) the heavens and the earth, so that he would be among the ones who are certain.

And We bestowed to him Ishaq and Yaqub, all We guided. And Nuh, We guided from before; and of his descendents, Dawood and Sulaiman and Ayyub and Yusuf and Musa and Harun. And thus We reward the good-doers.

And thus We explain the Signs that they (may) say, "You have studied," and that We (may) make it clea for a people who know.

And thus We made for every Prophet an enemy - devils (from) the mankind and the jinn, inspiring some of them to others (with) decorative [the] speech (in) deception. But if (had) willed your Lord not they (would) have done it, so leave them and what they invent.

And thus We placed in every city greatest (of) its criminals, so that they plot therein. And not they plot except against themselves and not they perceive.

And thus We make friends, some (of) the wrongdoers (to) others for what they used to earn.

Indeed, those who denied Our Verses and (were) arrogant towards them, (will) not be opened for them (the) doors (of) the heaven, and not they will enter Paradise until passes the camel through (the) eye (of) the needle. And thus We recompense the criminals.

For them of (the) Hell (is) a bed and from over them coverings. And thus We recompense the wrongdoers.

Indeed, those who took the calf, will reach them wrath from their Lord, and humiliation in the life (of) the world. And thus We recompense the ones who invent (falsehood

And thus We explain the Verses so that they may return.

And thus (is) the seizure (of) your Lord when He seizes the cities while they (are) doing wrong. Indeed, His seizure (is) painful, (and) severe.

And thus will choose you your Lord and will teach you of (the) interpretation (of) the narratives and complete His Favor on you and on (the) family (of) Yaqub as He completed it on your two forefathers from before - Ibrahim and Ishaq. Indeed, your Lord (is) All-Knower, All-Wise."

And said the one who bought him of Egypt to his wife, "Make comfortable his stay. Perhaps that (he) will benefit us or we will take him (as) a son." And thus We established Yusuf in the land that We might teach him from (the) interpretation of the events. And Allah (is) Predominant over His affairs, but most (of) the people (do) not know.

And when he reached his maturity, We gave him wisdom and knowledge. And thus We reward the good-doers.

And thus We established [to] Yusuf in the land to settle therein where ever he willed. We bestow Our Mercy (on) whom We will. And not We let go waste (the) reward (of) the good-doers.

And thus We have revealed it (to be) a judgment of authorit (in) Arabic. And if you follow their desires after what came to you of the knowledge, not for you against Allah any protector and not defender.

He said, "I perceived what not they perceive, in it, so I took a handful from (the) track (of) the Messenger then threw it, and thus suggested to me my soul."

And thus We have sent it down, (the) Quran (in) Arabic and We have explained in it of the warnings that they may fear or it may cause [for] them remembrance.

He will say, "Thus came to you Our Signs, but you forgot them, and thus today you will be forgotten."

And thus We recompense (he) who transgresses, and not believes in (the) Signs (of) his Lord. And surely (the) punishment (of) the Hereafter (is) more severe and more lasting.

So We responded to him, and We saved him from the distress. And thus We save the believers.

And thus We sent it down (as) Verses clear, and that Allah guides whom He intends.

And thus We have made for every Prophet an enemy, among the criminals. But sufficient is your Lord, (as) a Guide and a Helper.

She said, "Indeed, the kings, when they enter a town they ruin it and make (the) most honorable (of) its people (the) lowest. And thus they do.

And when he reached his full strength and became mature, We bestowed upon him wisdom and knowledge. And thus We reward the good-doers.

And thus We (have) revealed to you the Book. So those We gave [them] the Book believe therein. And among these (are some) who believe therein. And none reject Our Verses except the disbelievers.

He brings forth the living from the dead and He brings forth the dead from the living, and He gives life (to) the earth after its death, and thus you will be brought forth.

And thus has been justified (the) Word (of) your Lord against those who disbelieved that they (are) companions (of) the Fire.

(The) ways (to) the heavens so I may look at (the) God (of) Musa; and indeed, I [I] surely think him (to be) a liar." And thus was made fair-seeming to Firaun (the) evil (of) his deed, and he was averted from the way. And not (was the) plot (of) Firaun except in ruin.

And thus We have revealed to you a Quran (in) Arabic, that you may warn (the) mother (of) the towns, and whoever (is) around it, and warn (of the) Day (of) Assembly, (there is) no doubt in it. A party (will be) in Paradise and a party in the Blazing Fire.

And thus We have revealed to you an inspiration by Our Command. Not (did) you know what the Book (is) and not the faith. But We have made it a light, We guide with it whom We will of Our slaves. And indeed, you surely guide to (the) Path Straight,

And thus not We sent from before you in a town any warner except said (the) wealthy ones of it, "Indeed, we [we] found our forefathers on a religion, and indeed, we [on] their footsteps (are) following."

walidhālika   (1)

Except (on) whom has bestowed Mercy your Lord, and for that He created them. And will be fulfilled (the) Word (of) your Lord, "Surely I will fill Hell with the Jinn and the men all together."

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