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ذ و ق
General Root Meaning
to taste/experience/try/perceive. One who tastes, cause to taste.
adhāqahum   (1)

And when touches people hardship, they call their Lord turning to Him. Then when He causes them to taste from Him Mercy behold! A party of them with their Lord associate partners

adhaqnā   (3)

And when We cause to taste (the) people mercy, they rejoice therein. But if afflicts them an evil for what have sent forth their hands, behold! They despair.

Then if they turn away, then not We have sent you over them (as) a guardian. Not (is) on you except the conveyance. And indeed, when We cause to taste [the] man from Us Mercy, he rejoices in it. But if befalls them evil, for what have sent forth their hands then indeed, [the] man (is) ungrateful.

And if We give a taste (to) the man from Us (of) Mercy, then We withdraw it from him, indeed, he (is) despairing (and) ungrateful.

And when We let [them] taste [the] mankind mercy from after adversity has touched them, behold! They have a plot against Our Verses. Say, "Allah (is) more swift (in) planning." Indeed, Our Messengers write down what you plot.

adhaqnāhu   (2)

But if We give him a taste (of) favor after hardship (has) touched him, surely, he will say, "Have gone the evils from me." Indeed, he (is) exultant (and) boastful.

And verily, if We let him taste mercy from Us from after an adversity (has) touched him, he will surely say, "This (is) (due) to me and not I think the Hour (will be) established, and if I am returned to my Lord, indeed, for me with Him (will be) the best." But We will surely inform those who disbelieved about what they did, and We will make them taste of a punishment severe.

dhāiqatu   (1)

Every soul (will) taste [the] death, and only you will be paid in full your reward (on the) Day (of) [the] Resurrection. Then whoever is drawn away from the Fire and admitted (to) Paradise then surely he is successful. And not (is) the life (of) the world except enjoyment (of) delusion.

Every soul (will) taste [the] death. And We test you with [the] bad and [the] good (as) a trial; and to Us you will be returned.

Every soul (will) taste the death. Then to Us you will be returned.

dhāqā   (1)

So he made both of them fall by deception. Then when they both tasted the tree, became apparent to both of them their shame, and they began (to) fasten over themselves from (the) leaves (of) the Garden. And called them both their Lord, "Did not I forbid you both from this [the] tree and [I] say to both of you, that [the] Shaitaan (is) to both of you an enemy open?"

dhāqū   (1)

Will say those who associate partners (with Allah "If had willed Allah, not we (would) have associated par and not our forefathers and not we (would) have forbidden [of] anything." Likewise denied those who from (were) before them until they tasted Our wrath. Say, "Is with you [of] any knowledge then produce it for us? Not you follow except the assumption, and not you (do) but guess."

Like (the) example (of) those from before them shortly, they tasted (the) evil result (of) their affair, and for them (is) a punishment painful.

dhuq   (1)

Taste! Indeed, you [you] (were) the mighty, the noble.

dhūqū   (1)

Certainly, heard Allah (the) saying (of) those who said, "Indeed Allah (is) poor while we (are) rich." We will record what they said and their killing the Prophets without (any) right, and We will say, "Taste (the) punishment (of) the Burning Fire."

Then it will be said to those who wronged, "Taste punishment the everlasting. Are you (being) recompensed except for what you used (to) earn?"

On (the) Day will cover them the punishment from above them and from below their feet, and He will say, "Taste what you used (to) do."

But as for those who are defiantly disobedient then their refuge (is) the Fire. Every time they wish to come out from it, they (will) be returned in it, and it (will) be said to them, "Taste (the) punishment (of) the Fire which you used (to) [in it] deny."

But today not possess power some of you on others to benefit and not to harm, and We will say to those who wronged, "Taste (the) punishment (of) the Fire which you used to [it] deny."

Then (is) he who will shield with his face (the) worst punishment (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection? And it will be said to the wrongdoers, "Taste what you used to earn."

"Taste your trial. This (is) what you were for it seeking to hasten."

(The) Day they will be dragged into the Fire on their faces, "Taste (the) touch (of) Hell."

fa-adhāqahā   (1)

And sets forth Allah a similitude (of) a town (that) was secure and content, coming to it its provision (in) abundance from every place, but it denied (the) Favors (of) Allah, so made it taste Allah (the) garb (of) the hunger and the fear for what they used (to) do.

fa-adhāqahumu   (1)

So made them Allah the disgrace in the life (of) the world, and certainly (the) punishment (of) the Hereafter (is) greater, if they knew.

fadhāqat   (1)

So it tasted (the bad) consequence (of) its affair, and was (the) end (of) its affair loss.

fadhāqū   (1)

Has not come to you (the) news (of) those who disbelieved from before? So they tasted (the bad) consequence (of) their affair, and for them (is) a punishment painful.

fadhūqū   (2)

And if you (could) see when they will be made to stand before their Lord. He (will) say, "Is not this the truth?" They will say, "Yes, by our Lord." He (will) say, "So taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve."

And (will) say (the) first of them to (the) last of them, "Then not is for you upon us any superiority, so taste the punishment for what you used to earn."

And not was their prayer at the House except whistling and clapping. So taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve.

(The) Day it will be heated (on it) in the Fire (of) Hell, and will be branded with it their foreheads and their flanks and their backs, "This (is) what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard."

So taste because you forgot (the) meeting, (of) this Day of yours. Indeed, We have forgotten you. And taste (the) punishment (of) eternity for what you used (to) do."

And they will cry therein, "Our Lord! Bring us out; we will do righteous (deeds) other than (that) which we used (to) do." Did not We give you life long enough that (would) receive admonition therein whoever receives admonition? And came to you the warner. So taste, then not (is) for the wrongdoers any helper.

And certainly they demanded him from his guests, so We blinded their eyes. "So taste My punishment and My warnings."

So taste My punishment and My warnings.

So taste, and never We will increase you except (in) punishment.

(On the) Day would become white (some) faces and would become black (some) faces. As for those whose turn black [their] faces - "Did you disbelieve after your belief? Then taste the punishment for what you used to disbelieve."

And (the) Day, are exposed those who disbelieved to the Fire, "Is not this the truth?" They will say, "Yes by our Lord." He will say, "Then taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve."

fadhūqūhu   (1)

That - "So taste it." And that, for the disbelievers (is the) punishment (of) the Fire.

falanudhīqanna   (1)

But surely We will cause to ta those who disbelieve a punishment severe, and surely We will recompense (the) worst (of) what they used to do.

falyadhūqūhu   (1)

This (is so)! Then let them taste it, boiling fluid and purulence.

la-adhaqnāka   (1)

Then We (would) have made you taste double (in) the life, and double (after) the death. Then not you (would) have found for you against Us any helper.

ladhāiqū   (1)

Indeed, you (will) surely taste the punishment painful,

ladhāiqūna   (1)

So has been proved true against us (the) Word (of) our Lord; indeed, we (will) certainly taste.

linudhīqahum   (1)

So We sent upon them a wind furious in (the) days (of) misfortune, that We may make them taste (the) punishment (of) disgrace in the life (of) the world. And surely, (the) punishment (of) the Hereafter (is) more disgracing, and they not will be helped.

liyadhūqa   (1)

O you who believe! (Do) not kill the game while you (are in) Ihram. And whoever killed it among you intentionally, then penalty (is) similar (to) what he killed of the cattle, judging it two men, just, among you (as) an offering reaching the Kabah or an expiation - feeding needy people or equivalent (of) that (in) fasting, that he may taste (the) consequence (of) his deed. pardoned Allah what (has) passed, but whoever returned, then will take retribution Allah from him. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, Owner (of) Retribution.

liyadhūqū   (1)

Indeed, those who disbelieved in Our Signs, soon We will burn them (in) a Fire. Every time are roasted their skins We will change their skins for other (than) that, so that they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

liyudhīqahum   (1)

Has appeared the corruption in the land and the sea for what have earned (the) hands (of) people, so that He may let them taste a part (of) that which they have done so that they may return.

nudhiq'hu   (1)

Indeed, those who disbelieved and hinder from (the) way (of) Allah and Al-Masjid Al-Haraam, which We made it for the mankind, equal, (are) the resident therein and the visitor; and whoever intends therein of deviation (or) wrongdoing, We will make him taste of a punishment painful.

"So verily, they deny you in what you say, so not you are able (to) avert and not (to) help." And whoever does wrong among you, We will make him taste a punishment great.

And to Sulaiman, the wind - its morning course (was) a month and its afternoon course (was) a month, and We caused to flow for him a spring (of) molten copper. And [of] the jinn who worked between (his) hands by the permission (of) his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our Command, We will make him taste of (the) punishment (of) the Blaze.

nudhīquhumu   (1)

An enjoyment in the world, then to Us (is) their return, then We will make them taste the punishment the severe because they used to disbelieve.

watadhūqū   (1)

And (do) not take your oaths (as) a deception between you, lest, should slip a foot after it is firmly planted, and you would taste the evil for what you hindered from (the) way (of) Allah and for you (is) a punishment great.

wadhūqū   (2)

So taste because you forgot (the) meeting, (of) this Day of yours. Indeed, We have forgotten you. And taste (the) punishment (of) eternity for what you used (to) do."

And if you (could) see when take away souls (of) those who disbelieve the Angels, striking their faces and their backs "Taste (the) punishment (of) the Blazing Fire."

Every time they want to come out from it from anguish, they will be returned therein, "Taste (the) punishment (of) the Burning Fire!"

walanudhīqannahum   (2)

And surely, We will let them t of the punishment the nearer before the punishment the greater, so that they may return.

And verily, if We let him taste mercy from Us from after an adversity (has) touched him, he will surely say, "This (is) (due) to me and not I think the Hour (will be) established, and if I am returned to my Lord, indeed, for me with Him (will be) the best." But We will surely inform those who disbelieved about what they did, and We will make them taste of a punishment severe.

waliyudhīqakum   (1)

And among His Signs (is) that He sends the winds (as) bearers of glad tidings and to let you taste of His Mercy, and that may sail the ships at His Command, and that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be grateful.

wanudhīquhu   (1)

Twisting his neck to mislead from (the) way (of) Allah. For him in the world (is) disgrace, and We will make him taste (on the) Day (of) Resurrection (the) punishment (of) the Burning Fire.

wayudhīqa   (1)

Say, "He (is) All-Capable [on] to send upon you punishment from above you or from beneath your feet or (to) confuse you (into) sects and make (you) taste - some of you violence (of) others." See how We explain the Signs so that they may understand.

yadhūqū   (1)

Has been revealed to him the Message from among us?" Nay, They (are) in doubt about My Message. Nay, not yet they have tasted My punishment.

yadhūqūna   (1)

Not they will taste therein the death except the death the first. And He will protect them (from the) punishment (of) the Hellfire,

Not they will taste therein coolness and not any drink,

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