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و ر د
General Root Meaning
to be present, arrive at (any water to drink), go down into, draw near to (a place).
Warada (prf. 3rd. p. m. sing.): Came; Arrived.
Waraduu (prf. 3rd. plu. m. sing.): One who reached, one who shall come, Water-drawer.
Waariduuna (act. pic. m. plu.) Those who shall enter, go down.
Mauruud (act. pic. m. sing. ): Decended into, place to be arrived at.
Wird (n.): Arriving place.
Aurada (prf. 3rd. p. m. sing. IV): led into, land thou down.
Wardatun (n.): bloom, bud, rose, hide.
Wariid (n.): jugular vein.
l-mawrūdu   (1)

He will precede his people (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection and lead them (into) the Fire. And wretched (is) the place to which (they are) led.

l-wir'du   (1)

He will precede his people (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection and lead them (into) the Fire. And wretched (is) the place to which (they are) led.

l-warīdi   (1)

And certainly We created man and We know what whispers to him his soul, and We (are) nearer to him than (his) vein jugular.

fa-awradahumu   (1)

He will precede his people (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection and lead them (into) the Fire. And wretched (is) the place to which (they are) led.

wāriduhā   (1)

And (there is) not (any) of you but (will be) passing over it. (This) is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed.

wāridahum   (1)

And there came a caravan and they sent their water drawer then he let down his bucket. He said, "O good news! This (is) a boy." And they hid him (as) a merchandise. And Allah (is) All-Knower of what they do.

wāridūna   (1)

Indeed, you and what you worship from besides Allah (are) firewood (of) Hell. You to it will come.

warada   (1)

And when he came (to the) water (of) Madyan, he found on it a group of men watering, and he found from besides them two women keeping back. He said, "What (is the) matter with both of y They said, "Not we can water until take away the shepherds; and our father (is) old man aged."

wir'dan   (1)

And We will drive the criminals to Hell thirsty.

wardatan   (1)

Then when is split the heaven, and it becomes rose-colored like murky oil.

waradūhā   (1)

If were these gods, not they (would) have come to it. And all therein will abide forever.

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