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و ى ل
General Root Meaning
word of interjection, dispraise or threat, woe!
Wailaka (comp. of Waila and ka=thee). Woe to thee.
Wailanaa (comp. of Walla and naa=us) Woe to us.
Wailakum (comp. of Waila and kum=you): Woe for you.
Waila-nii (comp. of Walla and nii=me): Woe to me!
Wailun laka: Woe to thee!
Wailun: Woe!
l-waylu   (1)

Nay, We hurl the truth against [the] falsehood, and it breaks its head, behold, it (is) vanishing. And for you (is) destruction for what you ascribe.

fawaylun   (2)

So woe to those who write the book with their (own) hands then, they say, "This (is) from Allah," to barter with it (for) a price little. So woe to them for what have written their hands and woe to them for what they earn.

So woe to those who write the book with their (own) hands then, they say, "This (is) from Allah," to barter with it (for) a price little. So woe to them for what have written their hands and woe to them for what they earn.

But differed the sects from among them, so woe to those who disbelieve from (the) witnessing (of) a Day great.

And not We created the heaven and the earth and whatever (is) between them without purpose. That (is the) assumption (of) those who disbelieve. So woe to those who disbelieve, from the Fire.

So is (one for) whom has expanded Allah his breast for Islam so he (is) upon a light from his Lord. So woe to (those are) hardened their hearts from (the) remembrance (of) Allah. Those (are) in error clear.

But differed the factions from among them, so woe to those who wronged from (the) punishment (of the) Day painful.

So woe to those who pray,

Then woe to those who disbelieve from their Day which they are promised.

Then woe, that Day, to the deniers,

wawaylun   (1)

So woe to those who write the book with their (own) hands then, they say, "This (is) from Allah," to barter with it (for) a price little. So woe to them for what have written their hands and woe to them for what they earn.

Allah (is) the One to Him (belongs) whatever (is) in the heavens and whatever (is) in the earth. And woe to the disbelievers from the punishment severe.

Say, "Only I am a man like you, it is revealed to me that your god (is) God One; so take a Straight Path to Him and ask His forgiveness." And woe to the polytheists,

waylun   (1)

Woe to every liar sinful

Woe that Day to the deniers

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe that Day to the deniers.

Woe to those who give less,

Woe that Day to the deniers,

Woe to every slanderer backbiter!

waylaka   (1)

But the one who says to his parents, "Uff to both of you! Do you promise me that I will be brought forth, and have already passed away the generations from before me?" And they both seek help (of) Allah. "Woe to you! Believe! Indeed, (the) Promise (of) Allah (is) true." But he says, "Not (is) this but (the) stories (of) the former (people)."

waylakum   (1)

Said to them Musa, "Woe to you! (Do) not invent against Allah a lie, lest He will destroy you with a punishment. And verily, he failed who invented."

But said those who were given the knowledge, "Woe to you! (The) reward (of) Allah (is) better for (he) who believes and does righteous (deeds). And not it is granted except (to) the patient ones."

yāwaylatanā   (1)

And (will) be placed the Book and you will see the criminals fearful of what (is) in it, and they will say, "Oh, woe to us! What (is) for this [the] Book, not leaves a small and not a great except has enumerated it?" And they will find what they did presented. And not deals unjustly your Lord (with) anyone.

yāwaylatā   (2)

O woe to me! I wish not I had taken that one (as) a friend.

Then sent Allah a crow, it (was) scratching in the earth to show him how to hide (the) dead body (of) his brother. He said, "Woe to me! Am I unable that I can be like this [the] crow and hide (the) dead body (of) my brother?" Then he became of the regretful.

She said, "Woe to me! Shall I bear a child while I am an old woman and this, my husband, (is) an old man? Indeed, this (is) surely a thing amazing."

yāwaylanā   (1)

They said, "O woe to us! Indeed, [we] we were wrongdoers."

And if touches them a whiff of (the) punishment (of) your Lord, surely they will say, "O woe to us! Indeed, we [we] were wrongdoers."

And has approached the promise [the] true then behold, [it] (are) staring (the) eyes (of) those who disbelieved, "O woe to us! Verily, we had been in heedlessness of this; nay, we were wrongdoers."

They [will] say, "O woe to us! Who has raised us from our sleeping place?" "This (is) what (had) promised the Most Gracious, and told (the) truth the Messengers."

And they will say, "O woe to us! This (is the) Day (of) the Recompense."

They said, "O woe to us! Indeed, we [we] were transgressors.

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