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و ه ن
General Root Meaning
to be weak/feeble/faint/infirm, remiss, languid.
Wahana (prf 3rd. p. m.sing.): Waxed; Feeble.
Wahanuu (prf 3rd. p. m. plu.): Nerved; Slackened, Lose hearted.
LaaTahinuu (prt. neg. n. plu.): Slacken not O ye men!
Wahnun/Wahnan (acc/ v. n. ): Weakness.
Auhana (n. elative): Weakest, Frailest.
Muuhinu (ap-der. m. sing. IV.): One who makes weak.
awhana   (1)

(The) example (of) those who take from besides Allah protectors (is) like the spider who takes a house. And indeed, the weakest (of) houses (is) surely (the) house (of) the spider, if (only) they know.

tahinū   (2)

And (do) not be weak in pursuit (of) the people. If you are suffering, then indeed, they are (also) suffering like what you are suffering, while you (have) hope from Allah what not they hope. And is Allah All-Knowing, All-Wise.

And (do) not weaken and (do) not grieve and you (will be) [the] superior, if you are believers.

So (do) not weaken and call for peace while you (are) superior, and Allah (is) with you and never will deprive you (of) your deeds.

mūhinu   (1)

That (is the case) and that, Allah (is) one who makes weak (the) plan (of) the disbelievers.

wahana   (1)

He said, "My Lord! Indeed, [I] (have) weakened (the) bones mine, and flared (my) head (with) white, and not I have been in (my) supplication (to) You my Lord unblessed.

wahnin   (1)

And We have enjoined (upon) man for his parents - carried him his mother (in) weakness upon weakness, and his weaning (is) in two years that "Be grateful to Me and to your parents; towards Me (is) the destination.

wahnan   (1)

And We have enjoined (upon) man for his parents - carried him his mother (in) weakness upon weakness, and his weaning (is) in two years that "Be grateful to Me and to your parents; towards Me (is) the destination.

wahanū   (1)

And how many from a Prophet fought; with him (were) religious scholars many. But not they lost heart for what befell them in (the) way (of) Allah and not they weakened and not they gave in. And Allah loves the patient ones.

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