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ى س ر
General Root Meaning
become gentle/tractable/manageable/easy/submissive/liberal, become little in quantity/paltry / no weight or worth, come from left, divide into parts/portions, make easy/smooth, adapt/accommodate, play with gaming arrows (al maysiri), a game for stakes/wagers involving risk.
For those who always wanted to know what "arrows of chance / gaming arrows" were. Lane gives quite a detailed description of what was involved. I'll explain my take on it: a group of 10 (or however many there are) buys an animal on credit (e.g. camel), they slaughter the animal and divide it into 10 portions (equaling the number of people in the group). They assign a number to each portion of meat, e.g. portion 1 is marked 1, portion 2 is marked 2, portion 3 is marked 3 etc up to 10. They take 10 arrow heads (no feathers) and mark each arrow head with a number, arrow head 1 marked 1 (this corresponds to meat portion 1), arrow head 2 marked 2 (this corresponds to meat portion 2) etc up to 7, arrows 8, 9 and 10 are left with no mark. They assign a person to shuffle the arrow heads and distribute them to the 10 players. If someone gets arrow 1 they take meat portion 1, if someone gets arrow 2 they take meat portion 2 and so on. Whoever gets the unmarked arrows (3 people in this example) have to pay the entire value of the slaughtered animal, that was initially bought on credit.
Yassara (prf. 3rd. p. m. sing. II.): Made easy.
Yassarnaa (prf. 1st. p. plu II.): We made easy.
Noyassiru (imp. 1st. p. plu. II.): We shall ease.
Tayassara (prf. 3rd. p. m. sing V.): Became easy.
Istaisara (X.) Got easily.
Yusr (v. n.): Ease.
Yasiirun/Yasiiran (acc./act. pic. 2nd. m. sing.): Easy to bear; Light; Small.
Yusraa (elative, but used as adj.): Ease
Maisuuran (pact. plc. m. sing. acc.): Gentle; Easy.
Maisaratun (n. place and time): Easiness.
Maisir (n.): Gambling.
is'taysara   (1)

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

l-yus'ra   (1)

Month (of) Ramadhaan (is) that was revealed therein the Quran, a Guidance for mankind and clear proofs of [the] Guidance and the Criterion. So whoever witnesses among you the month, then he should fast in it, and whoever is sick or on a journey then prescribed number (should from days other. Intends Allah for you [the] ease and not intends for you [the] hardship, so that you complete the prescribed period and that you magnify Allah for [what] He guided you so that you may (be) grateful.

tayassara   (1)

Indeed, your Lord knows that you stand (a little) less than two-thirds (of) the night, and half of it and a third of it and (so do) a group of those who (are) with you. And Allah determines the night and the day. He knows that not you count it, so He has turned to you, so recite what is easy of the Quran. He knows that there will be among you sick and others traveling in the land seeking of (the) Bounty (of) Allah, and others fighting in (the) way (of) Allah. So recite what is easy of it, and establish the prayer and give the zakah and loan Allah a loan goodly. And whatever you send forth for yourselves of good, you will find it with Allah. It (will be) better and greater (in) reward. And seek forgiveness (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Indeed, your Lord knows that you stand (a little) less than two-thirds (of) the night, and half of it and a third of it and (so do) a group of those who (are) with you. And Allah determines the night and the day. He knows that not you count it, so He has turned to you, so recite what is easy of the Quran. He knows that there will be among you sick and others traveling in the land seeking of (the) Bounty (of) Allah, and others fighting in (the) way (of) Allah. So recite what is easy of it, and establish the prayer and give the zakah and loan Allah a loan goodly. And whatever you send forth for yourselves of good, you will find it with Allah. It (will be) better and greater (in) reward. And seek forgiveness (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

fasanuyassiruhu   (1)

Then We will ease him towards [the] ease.

Then We will ease him towards [the] difficulty.

lil'yus'rā   (2)

And We will ease you to the ease.

Then We will ease him towards [the] ease.

maysaratin   (1)

And if is the (debtor) in difficulty, then postponement until ease. And if you remit as charity (it is) better for you. If you know.

maysūran   (1)

And if you turn away from them seeking mercy from your Lord, which you expect then say to them a word gentle.

wal-maysiru   (1)

O you who believe! Verily the intoxicants and [the] games of chance and (sacrifices at) altars and divining arrows (are an) abomination from (the) work (of) the Shaitaan, so avoid it so that you may (be) successful.

wal-maysiri   (2)

They ask you about [the] intoxicants and [the] games of chance Say, "In both of them (is) a sin great, and (some) benefits for [the] people. But sin of both of them (is) greater than (the) benefit of (the) two." And they ask you what they (should) spend. Say, "The surplus." Thus makes clear Allah to you [the] Verses so that you may ponder,

Only intends the Shaitaan to cause between you [the] enmity and [the] hatred through intoxicants and gambling, and hinders you from (the) remembrance (of) Allah and from the prayer. So will you (be) the ones who abstain?

wanuyassiruka   (1)

And We will ease you to the ease.

wayassir   (1)

And ease for me my task

yus'ran   (3)

So indeed, with the hardship (is) ease.

Indeed, with the hardship (is) ease.

But as for (one) who believes and does righteous (deeds), then for him (is) a reward good. And we will speak to him from our command (with) ease."

And those sailing (with) ease,

And those who have despaired of the menstruation among your women, if you doubt, then their waiting period (is) three months, and the ones who not [they] menstruated. And those who (are) pregnant, their term until they deliver their burdens. And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him of his affair ease.

Let spend owner of ample means from his ample means, and (he) who, is restricted on him his provision, let him spend from what has given him Allah. not does burden Allah any soul except (with) what He has given it. will bring about Allah after hardship ease.

yassarnā   (1)

And certainly We have made easy the Quran for remembrance, so is (there) any who will receive admonition?

And certainly, We have made easy the Quran for remembrance, so is (there) any who will receive admonition?

And certainly We have made easy the Quran for remembrance, so is (there) any who will receive admonition?

And certainly We have made easy the Quran for remembrance, so is (there) any who will receive admonition?

yassarnāhu   (2)

So, only We (have) made it easy in your tongue, that you may give glad tidings with it (to) the righteous and warn with it a people hostile.

Indeed, We have made it easy in your tongue so that they may take heed.

yassarahu   (1)

Then the way, He made easy for him,

yasīrun   (2)

Do not they see how originates Allah the creation then repeats it? Indeed, that for Allah (is) easy.

And Allah created you from dust, then from a semen-drop; then He made you pairs. And not conceives any female and not gives birth except with His knowledge. And not is granted life any aged person and not is lessened from his life but (is) in a Register. Indeed, that for Allah (is) easy.

Not strikes any disaster in the earth and not in yourselves, but in a Register from before that We bring it into existence. Indeed, that for Allah (is) easy.

Claim those who disbelieve that never will they be raised. Say, "Yes, by my Lord, surely you will be raised; then surely you will be informed of what you did. And that for Allah (is) easy."

And when they opened their baggage, they found their merchandise returned to them. They said, "O our father! What (could) we desire? This (is) our merchandise returned to us. And we will get provision (for) our family, and we will protect our brother and get an increase measure (of) a camel's (load). That (is) a measurement easy."

Do not you know that Allah knows what (is) in the heaven and the earth? Indeed, that (is) in a Record, indeed, that (is) for Allah easy.

(The) Day will split the earth from them, hurrying. That (is) a gathering for Us easy.

yasīrin   (1)

For the disbelievers - not easy.

yasīran   (3)

And if had been entered upon them from all its sides then they had been asked the treachery, they (would) have certainly do and not they (would) have hesitated over it except a little.

And whoever does that (in) aggression and injustice, then soon We (will) cast him (into) a Fire. And is that for Allah easy.

Except (the) way (to) Hell, abiding in it forever. And is that for Allah easy.

Miserly towards you. But when comes the fear, you see them looking at you, revolving their eyes like one who faints (on him) from [the] death. But when departs the fear, they smite you with tongues sharp miserly towards the good. Those - not they have believed, so made worthless Allah their deeds. And is that for Allah easy.

O wives (of) the Prophet! Whoever commits from you immorality clear, will be doubled for her the punishment two fold. And is that for Allah easy.

Then soon his account will be taken an account, easy,

Then We withdraw it to Us, a withdrawal gradual.

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