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ظ ن ن
General Root Meaning
To think, suppose, doubt, assume, deem, believe, know, imagine, suspect, conjunctive, be sure of something in view of one's observations. As a general rule often this verb is succeeded by 'anna or 'an, that means to be sure about.
Zanna (prf. 3rd. p.m. sing, assim.): He thought, imagined, deemed, assumed, believed, conjectured, suspected; He was sure.
Zanantu (prf. 1st, p.m. sing.): I was sure.
Zannaa (prf. 3rd. p.m. dual.): The twain thought.
Zannuu (prf. 3rd. p.m. plu.): They imagined.
Zanantum (prf. 2nd p.m. plu.): Ye thought.
Zananna (prf. 1st. p. plu.): We thought.
Yazunnu (imp. 3rd. p.m. sing.): He thinks.
Tazunnu (imp. 3rd. p. f. sing.): She thinks.
Azunnu (imp. 1st. P. sing.): I think.
Yazunnuuna (imp. 3rd, p. in. plu.): They know, believe, conjuncture.
Tazunnuuna (imp. 2nd. p.m. plu.): You entertained wrong thoughts.
Nazunnu (imp. 1st. p. plu.): We deem.
Zannun/Zannan (nom./acc.n.): Thinking; Conjecture.
Zunuuna (n. plu.): Diverse thoughts.
Zaanniina (act. pic. n. plu.): Entertainers of evil thought.
aẓunnu   (1)

And he entered his garden while he (was) unjust to himself. He said, "Not I think that will perish this ever.

And not I think the Hour will occur. And if I am brought back to my Lord, I will surely find better than this (as) a return."

And verily, if We let him taste mercy from Us from after an adversity (has) touched him, he will surely say, "This (is) (due) to me and not I think the Hour (will be) established, and if I am returned to my Lord, indeed, for me with Him (will be) the best." But We will surely inform those who disbelieved about what they did, and We will make them taste of a punishment severe.

l-ẓānīna   (1)

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

l-ẓana   (3)

And if you obey most of (those) in the earth they will mislead you from (the) way (of) Allah. Not they follow except [the] assumption, and not they (do) except guess.

Not they (are) except names you have named them, you and your forefathers, not has sent down Allah for it any authority. Not they follow except assumption and what desire the(ir) souls. And certainly has come to them from their Lord the guidance.

And not for them about it any knowledge. Not they follow but assumption. And indeed, the assumption (does) not avail against the truth anything.

Will say those who associate partners (with Allah "If had willed Allah, not we (would) have associated par and not our forefathers and not we (would) have forbidden [of] anything." Likewise denied those who from (were) before them until they tasted Our wrath. Say, "Is with you [of] any knowledge then produce it for us? Not you follow except the assumption, and not you (do) but guess."

And not follow most of them except assumption. Indeed, the assumption (does) not avail against the truth anything. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Knower of what they do.

No doubt! Indeed, to Allah (belongs) whoever (is) in the heavens and whoever (is) in the earth. And not follow those who invoke from other than Allah partners. Not they follow but the assumption and not they but guess.

And not for them about it any knowledge. Not they follow but assumption. And indeed, the assumption (does) not avail against the truth anything.

l-ẓani   (3)

And for their saying, "Indeed, we killed the Messiah, Isa, son (of) Maryam, (the) Messenger (of) Allah." And not they killed him and not they crucified him but it was made to appear (so) to them. And indeed, those who differ in it (are) surely in doubt about it. Not for them about it [of] (any) knowledge except (the) following (of) assumption. And not they killed him, certainly.

O you who believe! Avoid much of the assumption. Indeed, some assumption (is) sin. And (do) not spy and (do) not backbite some of you (to) others. Would like one of you to eat (the) flesh (of) his brother, dead? Nay, you would hate it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

O you who believe! Avoid much of the assumption. Indeed, some assumption (is) sin. And (do) not spy and (do) not backbite some of you (to) others. Would like one of you to eat (the) flesh (of) his brother, dead? Nay, you would hate it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

l-ẓunūnā   (1)

When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when grew wild the eyes and reached the hearts the throats, and you assumed about Allah the assumptions.

taẓunnu   (1)

Thinking that will be done to them backbreaking.

ẓanna   (5)

Indeed, he (had) thought that never he would return.

Then He sent down upon you from after the distress security - slumber overcoming a group of you, while a group certainly worried [them] (about) themselves thinking about Allah other than the truth - (the) thought (of) [the] ignorance. saying, "Is (there) for us from the matter any thing?" Say, "Indeed the matter all (of) it (is) for Allah." They hide in themselves what not they reveal to you, They say, "If was for us from the matter anything not we would have been killed here." Say, "If you were in your houses, surely (would have) come out those who - was decreed upon them [the] death towards their places of death. And that might test Allah what (is) in your breasts and that He may purge what (is) in your hearts. And Allah (is) All-Aware of what (is in) the breasts.

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

Nay, you thought that (would) never return the Messenger and the believers to their families ever, was made fair-seeming (that) in your hearts. And you assumed an assumption evil, and you became a people ruined."

And he said to the one whom he thought that he (would be) saved of both of them, "Mention me to your master." But made him forget the Shaitaan (the) mention (to) his master, so he remained in the prison several years.

Why not, when you heard it, think the believing men and the believing women of themselves good and say, "This (is) a lie clear?"

ẓannu   (2)

And not We created the heaven and the earth and whatever (is) between them without purpose. That (is the) assumption (of) those who disbelieve. So woe to those who disbelieve, from the Fire.

And what (will be the) assumption (of) those who invent against Allah the lie (on) the Day (of) the Judgment? Indeed, Allah (is) surely Full (of) Bounty to the mankind, but most of them (are) not grateful.

ẓannan   (2)

And when it was said, "Indeed (the) Promise (of) Allah (is) true and the Hour - (there is) no doubt about it, you said, "Not we know what the Hour (is). Not we think except an assumption, and not we (are) convinced."

And not follow most of them except assumption. Indeed, the assumption (does) not avail against the truth anything. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Knower of what they do.

ẓannā   (1)

Then if he divorces her, then (she is) not lawful for him from after (that) until she marries a spouse other than him. Then if he divorces her then no sin on them if they return to each other if they believe that they (will be able to) keep (the) limits. (of) Allah. And these (are the) limits. (of) Allah. He makes them clear to a people who know.

ẓanantu   (1)

Indeed, I was certain that I (will) meet my account."

ẓanantum   (3)

And not you were covering yourselves lest testify against you your hearing and not your sight and not your skins, but you assumed that Allah (does) not know much of what you do.

And that (was) your assumption which you assumed about your Lord. It has ruined you, and you have become of the losers.

He (is) the One Who expelled those who disbelieved from (the) People (of) the Scripture from their homes at (the) first gathering. Not you think that they would leave, and they thought that [they] would defend them their fortresses against Allah. But came to them Allah from where not they expected, and He cast into their hearts [the] terror, they destroyed their houses with their hands and the hands (of) the believers. So take a lesson, O those endowed (with) insight!

Nay, you thought that (would) never return the Messenger and the believers to their families ever, was made fair-seeming (that) in your hearts. And you assumed an assumption evil, and you became a people ruined."

And that they thought as you thought that never will raise Allah anyone.

ẓannukumu   (1)

And that (was) your assumption which you assumed about your Lord. It has ruined you, and you have become of the losers.

ẓannukum   (1)

Then what (do) you think about (the) Lord (of) the worlds?"

ẓanannā   (2)

And that we [we] have become certain that never we will cause failure (to) Allah in the earth and never we can escape Him (by) flight.

And that we thought that never will say the men and the jinn, against Allah any lie.

ẓannahu   (1)

And certainly, found true about them Iblis his assumption, so they followed him except a group of the believers.

ẓannū   (1)

And that they thought as you thought that never will raise Allah anyone.

faẓanna   (1)

And Dhul Nun when he went (while) angry and thought that never We would decree upon him. Then he called in the darkness(es) that, "(There is) no god except You, Glory be to You! Indeed, [I] I am of the wrongdoers."

faẓannū   (1)

And will see the criminals the Fire, and they (will be) certain that they are to fall in it. And not they will find from it a way of escape.

la-aẓunnuka   (2)

He said, "Verily, you have known none has sent down these except (the) Lord (of) the heavens and the earth (as) evidence, and indeed, I [I] surely think you O Firaun! (you are) destroyed."

And certainly We had given Musa nine Signs clear, so ask (the) Children (of) Israel when he came to them, then said to him Firaun, "Indeed, I [I] think you - O Musa! (you are) bewitched."

la-aẓunnuhu   (2)

(The) ways (to) the heavens so I may look at (the) God (of) Musa; and indeed, I [I] surely think him (to be) a liar." And thus was made fair-seeming to Firaun (the) evil (of) his deed, and he was averted from the way. And not (was the) plot (of) Firaun except in ruin.

And said Firaun "O chiefs! Not I know for you any god other than me. So kindle for me O Haman! Upon the clay and make, for me a lofty tower so that [I] I may look at (the) God (of) Musa. And indeed, I [I] think that he (is) of the liars."

lanaẓunnuka   (1)

Said the chiefs (of) those who disbelieved from his people, "Indeed, we surely, see you in foolishness and indeed, we [we] think you (are) of the liars."

naẓunnu   (1)

And when it was said, "Indeed (the) Promise (of) Allah (is) true and the Hour - (there is) no doubt about it, you said, "Not we know what the Hour (is). Not we think except an assumption, and not we (are) convinced."

naẓunnuka   (1)

And not you (are) except a man like us, and indeed, we think you surely (are) of the liars.

naẓunnukum   (1)

So said the chiefs (of) those who disbelieved from his people, "Not we see you but a man like us, and not we see you followed [you] except those who [they] (are) the lowest of us slaves immature in opinion. And not we see in you over us any merit; nay, we think you (are) liars."

wataẓunnūna   (2)

When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when grew wild the eyes and reached the hearts the throats, and you assumed about Allah the assumptions.

(On) the Day He will call you and you will respond with His Praise, and you will think, not you had remained except a little (while).

waẓanna   (3)

He said, "Certainly, he has wronged you by demanding your ewe to his ewes. And indeed, many of the partners certainly oppress some of them [on] another except those who believe and do righteous deeds and few (are) they." And became certain Dawood that We (had) tried him, and he asked forgiveness (of) his Lord and fell down bowing and turned in repentance.

And he is certain that it (is) the parting.

Only (the) example (of) the life (of) the world (is) like (the) water which We sent down from the sky, so absorbs [with] it, (the) plants (of) the earth from which eat the men and the cattle, until when takes the earth its adornment and is beautified and think its people that they have the power over it, comes (to) it Our command (by) night or (by) day, and We make it a harvest clean-mown, as if not it had flourished yesterday. Thus We explain the Signs for a people who reflect.

waẓanantum   (1)

Nay, you thought that (would) never return the Messenger and the believers to their families ever, was made fair-seeming (that) in your hearts. And you assumed an assumption evil, and you became a people ruined."

waẓannū   (5)

And lost from them what they were invoking from before, and they (will) be certain (that) not for them any place of escape.

He (is) the One Who enables you to travel in the land and the sea, until, when you are in the ships and they sail with them with a wind good, and they rejoice therein comes to it a wind stormy, and comes to them the waves from every place, and they assume that they are surrounded with them. They call Allah sincerely to Him (in) the religion, (saying), "If You save us from this, surely we will be among the thankful."

And when We raised the mountain above them as if it was a canopy and they thought that it (would) fall upon them, (We said), "Take what We have given you with strength and remember what (is) in it so that you may fear Allah."

And he (was) arrogant him and his hosts in the land without right, and they thought that they to Us not will be returned.

He (is) the One Who expelled those who disbelieved from (the) People (of) the Scripture from their homes at (the) first gathering. Not you think that they would leave, and they thought that [they] would defend them their fortresses against Allah. But came to them Allah from where not they expected, and He cast into their hearts [the] terror, they destroyed their houses with their hands and the hands (of) the believers. So take a lesson, O those endowed (with) insight!

And on the three (of) those who were left behind, until when (was) straitened for them the earth, though it was vast. And (was) straitened for them their own souls and they were certain that (there is) no refuge from Allah except to Him. Then He turned (in mercy) to them that they may repent. Indeed, Allah, He (is) the Acceptor of repentanc the Most Merciful.

Until when gave up hope the Messengers, and thought that they certainly were denied, then came to them Our help, and was saved whom We willed. And not (can) be repelled Our punishment from the people (who are) criminals.

yaẓunnu   (2)

Do not think those that they (will be) resurrected,

Whoever [is] thinks that not will help him Allah in the world and the Hereafter, then let him extend a rope to the sky, then let him cut off, then let him see whether will remove his plan what enrages.

yaẓunnūna   (4)

Those who believe that they will meet their Lord and that they to Him will return.

And among them (are) unlettered ones, (who) do not know the book except wishful thinking and not they (do anything) except guess.

And they say, "Not it (is) but our life (of) the world, we die and we live, and not destroys us except the time." And not for them of that any knowledge; not, they (do) but guess.

Then He sent down upon you from after the distress security - slumber overcoming a group of you, while a group certainly worried [them] (about) themselves thinking about Allah other than the truth - (the) thought (of) [the] ignorance. saying, "Is (there) for us from the matter any thing?" Say, "Indeed the matter all (of) it (is) for Allah." They hide in themselves what not they reveal to you, They say, "If was for us from the matter anything not we would have been killed here." Say, "If you were in your houses, surely (would have) come out those who - was decreed upon them [the] death towards their places of death. And that might test Allah what (is) in your breasts and that He may purge what (is) in your hearts. And Allah (is) All-Aware of what (is in) the breasts.

Then when set out Talut with the forces he said, "Indeed, Allah will test you with a river. So whoever drinks from it then he is not from me, and whoever (does) not taste it then indeed, he (is) from me except whoever takes (in the) hollow (of) his hand." Then they drank from it except a few of them. Then when he crossed it, he and those who believed with him, they said, "No strength for us today against Jalut and his troops." Said those who were certain that they (would) meet Allah, "How many of a company small overcame a company large by (the) permission (of) Allah. And Allah (is) with the patient ones."

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