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ظ ه ر
General Root Meaning
to appear, become distinct/clear/open/manifest, come out, ascend/mount, get the better of, know, distinguish, be obvious, go forth, enter the noon, neglect, have the upper hand over, wound on the back.
zahara - to help/back/support in the sense of collaboration.
zihar - was a practice of the pre-Islamic days of the Arabs by which the wife was kept in suspense, sometimes for the whole of her life having neither the position of a wife nor that of a divorced woman free to marry elsewhere. The word zihar is derived from zahr meaning back.
l-ẓahīrati   (1)

O you who believe! Let ask your permission those whom possess your right hands and those who (have) not reached puberty among you (at) three times, from before (the) prayer (of) dawn, and when you put aside your garments at noon and from after (the) prayer (of) night. (These) three (are) times of privacy for you. Not on you and not on them any blame after that (as) moving about among you, some of you among others. Thus makes clear Allah for you the Verses, and Allah (is) All-Knower, All-Wise.

biẓāhirin   (1)

Is then He Who (is) a Maintainer of every soul for what it has earned? Yet they ascribe to Allah partners. Say, "Name them. Or (do) you inform Him of what not He knows in the earth or of the apparent of the words?" Nay, (is) made fair-seeming to those who disbelieve their plotting, and they are hindered from the Path. And whoever lets go astray Allah then not for him any guide.

taẓāharā   (2)

But when came to them the truth from us they said, "Why not he was given (the) like (of) what was given (to) Musa?" Did not they disbelieve in what was given (to) Musa from before? They said, "Two magic (works) supporting each other." And they said, "Indeed, we in all (are) disbelievers."

If you both turn to Allah, so indeed, (are) inclined your hearts; but if you backup each other against him, then indeed, Allah, He (is) his Protector, and Jibreel, and (the) righteous believers, and the Angels, after that (are his) assistants.

taẓāharūna   (1)

Then you (are) those (who) kill yourselves and evict a party of you from their homes, you support one another against them in sin and [the] transgression. And if they come to you (as) captives, you ransom them, while it (was) forbidden to you their eviction. So do you believe in part (of) the Book and disbelieve in part? Then what (should be the) recompense (for the one) who does that among you, except disgrace in the life (of) the world; and (on the) Day of [the] Resurrection they will be sent back to (the) most severe punishment? And not (is) Allah unaware of what you do.

tuẓāhirūna   (1)

Not (has) made Allah for any man [of] two hearts in his interior. And not He (has) made your wives whom you declare unlawful [of them] (as) your mothers. And not He has made your adopted sons your sons. That (is) your saying by your mouths, but Allah says the truth, and He guides (to) the Way.

tuẓ'hirūna   (1)

And for Him (are) all praises in the heavens and the earth and (at) night and when you are at noon.

ẓāhira   (1)

Forsake open [the] sins and the secret. Indeed, those who earn [the] sin they will be recompensed for what they used to commit.

ẓāhiran   (2)

They know (the) apparent of the life (of) the world, but they, about the Hereafter, [they] (are) heedless.

They say, (they were) three, the forth of them their dog; and they say (they were) five the sixth of them their dog - guessing about the unseen; and they say, (they were) seven and the eight of them their dog. Say, "My Lord, knows best their number. None knows them except a few. So (do) not argue about them except (with) an argument obvious, and (do) not inquire about them among them (from) anyone."

ẓāhiratan   (2)

Do not you see that Allah has subjected to you whatever (is) in the heavens and whatever (is) in the earth and amply bestowed upon you His Bounties apparent and hidden? But of the people (is he) who disputes about Allah without knowledge, and not guidance and not a book enlightening.

And We made between them and between the towns which We had blessed in it towns visible. And We determined between them the journey. "Travel between them (by) night and (by) day safely."

ẓāharūhum   (1)

And He brought down those who backed them among (the) People (of) the Scripture from their fortresses and cast into their hearts [the] terror, a group you killed and you took captive a group.

ẓāhirīna   (1)

O my people! For you (is) the kingdom today, dominant in the land, but who will help us from (the) punishment (of) Allah, if it came to us." Said Firaun, "Not I show you except what I see and not I guide you except (to the) path the right."

O you who believe! Be helpers (of) Allah as said Isa, son (of) Maryam, to the disciples, "Who (are) my helpers for Allah?" Said the disciples, "We (are) the helpers (of) Allah." Then believed a group of Children (of) Israel and disbelieved a group. So We supported those who believed against their enemy and they became dominant.

ẓahara   (3)

Say, "Come, I will recite what has prohibited your Lord to you. That (do) not associate with Him anything, and with the parents (be) good, and (do) not kill your children (out) of poverty, We provide for you and for them. And (do) not go near [the] immoralities what (is) apparent of them and what (is) concealed. And (do) not kill the soul which has forbidden Allah except by (legal) right. That (He) has enjoined on you with it, so that you may use reason."

Say, "Only (had) forbidden my Lord the shameful deeds what (is) apparent of it and what is concealed, and the sin, and the oppression without [the] right, and that you associate (others) with Allah what not He (has) sent down of it any authority, and that you say about Allah what not (do) you know?"

Has appeared the corruption in the land and the sea for what have earned (the) hands (of) people, so that He may let them taste a part (of) that which they have done so that they may return.

And say to the believing women (that) they should lower [of] their gaze and they should guard their chastity, and not (to) display their adornment except what is apparent of it. And let them draw their head covers over their bosoms, and not (to) display their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers or fathers (of) their husbands or their sons or sons (of) their husbands or their brothers or sons (of) their brothers or sons (of) their sisters, or their women or what possess their right hands or the attendants having no (of) physical desire among [the] men or [the] children who (are) not aware of private aspects (of) the women. And not let them stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah altogether O believers! So that you may succeed.

ẓahraka   (1)

Which weighed upon your back,

ẓahrihi   (2)

But as for (him) who is given his record behind his back,

If He wills, He can cause to become still the wind then they would remain motionless on its back. Indeed, in that surely (are) Signs for everyone patient (and) grateful.

ẓahrihā   (1)

And if (were to) punish Allah the people for what they have earned, not He would leave on its back any creature. But He gives them respite till a term appointed. And when comes their term, then indeed, Allah is of His slaves All-Seer.

ẓih'riyyan   (1)

He said, "O my people! Is my family mightier on you than Allah? And you have taken Him, behind your backs. Indeed, my Lord of what you do (is) All-Encompassing.

ẓuhūrikum   (1)

And certainly you have come to Us alone as We created you (the) first time, and you have left whatever We bestowed (on) you behind your backs. And not We see with you your intercessors those whom you claimed that they (were) in your (matters) partners (with Allah). Indeed, have been severed (bonds) between you and is lost from you what you used to claim."

ẓuhūrihi   (1)

That you may sit firmly, on their backs, then remember (the) favor (of) your Lord when you sit firmly on them and say, "Glory be (to) the One Who (has) subjected to us this, and not we were of it capable.

ẓuhūruhā   (1)

And they say, "These (are) cattle and crops (are) forbidden, no (one) can eat them except whom we will," by their claim. And cattle, forbidden (are) their backs and cattle not they mention (the) name (of) Allah on it (as) an invention against Him. He will recompense them for what they used to invent.

ẓuhūrihā   (1)

They ask you about the new moons. Say, "They (are) indicators of periods for the people, and (for) the Hajj." And it is not [the] righteousness that you come (to) the houses from their backs, [and] but [the] righteous (is one) who fears (Allah). And come (to) the houses from their doors. And fear Allah so that you may (be) successful.

ẓuhūrihim   (2)

And when came to them a Messenger (of) from Allah confirming what (was) with them, threw away a party of those who were given the Book (the) Book (of) Allah behind their backs as if they (do) not know.

And when took Allah a Covenant (from) those who were given the Book, "You certainly make it clear to the mankind and (do) not conceal it. Then they threw it behind their backs and they exchanged [with] it (for) a price little. And wretched (is) what they purchase.

Indeed, incurred loss those who denied in (the) meeting (with) Allah, until when came to them the Hour suddenly they said, "Oh! Our regret over what we neglected concerning it," while they will bear their burdens on their backs. Unquestionably! Evil (is) what they bear.

If knew those who disbelieved (the) time (when) not they will avert from their faces the Fire and not from their backs and not they will be helped!

And when took your Lord from (the) Children (of) Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify over themselves, "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes we have testified." Lest you say (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection, "Indeed, we were about this unaware."

ẓuhūruhumā   (1)

And to those who are Jews We forbade every (animal) with claws, and of the cows and the sheep We forbade to them their fat except what carried their backs or the entrails or what (is) joined with the bone. That (is) their recompense for their rebellion. And indeed, We [surely] are truthful.

ẓahīrun   (1)

If you both turn to Allah, so indeed, (are) inclined your hearts; but if you backup each other against him, then indeed, Allah, He (is) his Protector, and Jibreel, and (the) righteous believers, and the Angels, after that (are his) assistants.

ẓahīrin   (1)

Say, "Call upon those whom you claim from besides Allah." Not they possess (the) weight (of) an atom in the heavens and not in the earth and not for them in both of them any partnership, and not for Him from them any supporter.

ẓahīran   (4)

But they worship from besides Allah what not profits them and not harms them, and is the disbeliever against his Lord a helper.

He said, "My Lord! Because You have favored [on] me, so not I will be a supporter (of) the criminals."

And not you were expecting that would be sent down to you the Book, except (as) a mercy from your Lord. So (do) not be an assistant to the disbelievers.

Say, "If gathered the mankind and the jinn to [that] bring the like (of) this Quran, not they (could) bring the like of it, even if were some of them to some others assistants."

liyuẓ'hirahu   (3)

He (is) the One Who (has) sent His Messenger with guidance and (the) religion, the true that He (may) make it prevail over the religions all. And sufficient is Allah (as) a Witness.

He (is) the One Who sent His Messenger with guidance and (the) religion (of) the truth, to make it prevail over the religion all of them, although dislike (it) the polytheists.

He (is) the One Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion (of) [the] truth, to manifest it over religions all (of them) Even if dislike (it) the polytheists.

wa-aẓharahu   (1)

And when confided the Prophet to one (of) his wives a statement, and when she informed about it and made it apparent Allah to him, he made known a part of it and avoided [of] a part. Then when he informed her about it, she said, "Who informed you this?" He said, "Has informed me the All-Knower, the All-Aware."

wal-ẓāhiru   (1)

He (is) the First and the Last, and the Apparent and the Unapparent, and He (is) of every thing All-Knower.

waẓāhiruhu   (1)

(On the) Day will say the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women to those who believed, "Wait for us, we may acquire of your light." It will be said, "Go back behind you and seek light." Then will be put up between them a wall, for it a gate its interior, in it (is) mercy but its exterior, from facing towards [it] the punishment.

waẓāharū   (1)

Only forbids you Allah from those who fight you in the religion and drive you out of your homes and support in your expulsion, that you make them allies. And whoever makes them allies, then those [they] (are) the wrongdoers.

waẓahara   (1)

Verily, they had sought dissension from before and had upset for you the matters until came the truth and became manifest (the) Order (of) Allah, while they disliked (it).

waẓuhūruhum   (1)

(The) Day it will be heated (on it) in the Fire (of) Hell, and will be branded with it their foreheads and their flanks and their backs, "This (is) what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard."

yuẓāhirū   (1)

Except those (with) whom you have a covenant among the polytheists, then not they have failed you (in any) thing and not they have supported against you anyone, so fulfil to them their treaty till their term. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous.

yuẓāhirūna   (1)

Those who pronounce zihar among you [from] (to) their wives, not they (are) their mothers. Not (are) their mothers except those who gave them birth. And indeed, they surely say an evil [of] [the] word and a lie. But indeed, Allah (is) surely, Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

And those who pronounce zihar [from] (to) their wives then go back on what they said, then freeing (of) a slave from before [that] they touch each other. That you are admonished to it. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Aware.

yuẓ'hira   (1)

And said Firaun, "Leave me (so that) I kill Musa and let him call his Lord. Indeed, I [I] fear that he will change your religion or that he may cause to appear in the land the corruption."

yuẓ'hiru   (1)

(The) All-Knower (of) the unseen, so not He reveals from His unseen (to) anyone,

yaẓharū   (3)

And say to the believing women (that) they should lower [of] their gaze and they should guard their chastity, and not (to) display their adornment except what is apparent of it. And let them draw their head covers over their bosoms, and not (to) display their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers or fathers (of) their husbands or their sons or sons (of) their husbands or their brothers or sons (of) their brothers or sons (of) their sisters, or their women or what possess their right hands or the attendants having no (of) physical desire among [the] men or [the] children who (are) not aware of private aspects (of) the women. And not let them stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah altogether O believers! So that you may succeed.

"Indeed, [they] if they come to know about you, they will stone you or return you to their religion. And never will you succeed then - ever."

How while, if they gain dominance over you not they do regard (the ties) with you (of) kinship and not covenant of protection? They satisfy you with their mouths but refuse, their hearts and most of them (are) defiantly disobedient.

yaẓharūna   (1)

And if not that (would) become [the] mankind a community one, We (would have) made for (one) who disbelieves in the Most Gracious for their houses roofs of silver and stairways upon which they mount

yaẓharūhu   (1)

So not they were able to scale it and not they were able in it (to do) any penetration.

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