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ز ك و
General Root Meaning
it increased/augmented, it throve/grew well/flourished/prospered and produced fruit, it was/became pure, purification, goodness/righteousness, lead/enjoy a plentiful/easy/soft/delicate life, put into a good/right state/condition, alms, poor-rate/due
Zakaa (prf. 3rd. p.m. sing): He was clean , pure
Zakkaa (prf. 3rd. p.m. sing. II): He purified.
Yuzakkii (imp. 3rd. p.m. sing. II): He purifies
Tuzakkii (imp. 2nd. p.m. sing. II): Thou purifieth.
Yuzakkuuna (imp. 3rd. p.m. plu. II.): They purify.
Laa Tuzakkuu (prt. neg. n. plu.): Make no pretentions to the purity (of your souls); justify not; Do not praise (yourself to be pure and pious).
Tazakka (prf. 3rd. p.m. sing. V): He purified himself.
Yatazakkaa (imp. 3rd. p.m. sing. V): He purifies himself
Yazzakka (imp. 3rd. p.m. sing. V.): Purify himself.
Zakaat (n.): Purification; purity; poor tax; purifying alms
Zakiyyan (act. pic. m. sing. acc.): Most pure
Zakiyyatan (act. pic. f. sing): Pure; innocent.
Azkaa (elative): The purest
azkā   (3)

And when you divorce [the] women and they reached their (waiting) term, then (do) not hinder them [that] (from) marrying their husbands when they agree between themselves in a fair manner. That is admonished with it whoever [is] among you believes in Allah and the Day [the] Last; that (is) more virtuous for you and more purer. And Allah knows and you (do) not know.

But if not you find in it anyone, then (do) not enter it until permission has been given to you. And if it is said to you "Go back," then go back; it (is) purer for you. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Knower.

Say to the believing men they should lower from their gaze and they should guard their chastity. That (is) purer for them. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Aware of what they do.

And similarly, We raised them that they might question among them. Said a speaker among them, "How long have you remained?" They said, "We have remained a day or a part (of) a day." They said, "Your Lord knows best how long you have remained. So send one of you with silver coin of yours this to the city, and let him see which is the purest food, and let him bring to you provision from it, and let him be cautious. And not make aware about you anyone."

l-zakata   (3)

And establish the prayer and give [the] zakah. And whatever you send forth for yourselves of good (deeds), you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

And when We took (the) covenant (from the) Children (of) Israel, "Not you will worship except Allah, and with [the] parents (be) good and (with) relatives and [the] orphans and the needy, and speak to [the] people good, and establish the prayer and give the zakah." Then you turned away, except a few of you, and you (were) refusing.

It is not [the] righteousness that you turn your faces towards the east and the west, [and] but the righteous[ness] (is he) who believes in Allah and the Day [the] Last, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Prophets, and gives the wealth in spite of his love (for it) (to) those the near relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and (of) the wayfarer, and those who ask, and in freeing the necks (slaves) and (who) establish the prayer, and give the zakah, and those who fulfill their covenant when they make it; and those who are patient in [the] suffering and [the] hardship, and (the) time (of) [the] stress. Those (are) the ones who are true and those, [they] (are) the righteous.

Indeed, those who believe[d] and did good deeds and established the prayer and gave the zakah for them - their reward (is) with their Lord, and no fear on them and not they will grieve.

Have not you seen [towards] those who (when) it was said to them, "Restrain your hands and establish the prayer and give the zakah?" Then when was ordained on them the fighting, then a group of them [they] fear the people as (they) fear Allah or more intense fear, and they said, "Our Lord why have You ordained upon us [the] fighting? Why not You postpone (it for) us to a term, near." Say, "Enjoyment (of) the world (is) little and the Hereafter (is) better for whoever fears (Allah) and not you will be wronged (even as much as) a hair on a

But the ones who are firm in the knowledge among them and the believers believe in what (is) revealed to you and what was revealed from before you. And the ones who establish the prayer and the ones who give the zakah and the ones who believe in Allah and the Day the Last - those, We will give them a reward great.

And certainly took Allah a Covenant (from the) Children (of) Israel and We appointed among them two (and) ten (i.e twelve) leaders. And said Allah, "Indeed, I (am) with you, if you establish the prayer and give the zakah and you believe in My Messengers and you assist them and you loan (to) Allah a loan goodly, surely I will remove from you your evil deeds and I will surely admit you (to) gardens flow from underneath them the rivers. But whoever disbelieved after that among you, then certainly he strayed (from) the way, the right.

Then when have passed the months sacred, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and seize them and besiege them and sit (in wait) for them (at) every place of ambush. But if they repent and establish the prayer and give the zakah then leave their way. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

But if they repent and establish the prayer and give the zakah, then (they are) your brothers in [the] religion. And We explain in detail the Verses for a people (who) know.

Only will maintain (the) masajid (of) Allah (the one) who believes in Allah and the Day the Last, and establishes the prayer and gives the zakah and not fear except Allah. Then perhaps those, [that] they are of the guided ones.

And the believing men and the believing women, some of them (are) allies (of) others. They enjoin the right, and forbid from the wrong, and they establish the prayer and give the zakah, and they obey Allah and His Messenger. Those, will have mercy on them. Allah Indeed, Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise.

Those who, if We establish them in the land they establish the prayer they give the zakah and they enjoin the right and forbid from the wrong. And for Allah (is the) end (of) the matters.

Those who (do) not give the zakah, and they in the Hereafter they (are) disbelievers.

Are you afraid to offer (from) between hands your private consultation charities? Then when not you do and has forgiven Allah you, then establish the prayer and give the zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah (is) All-Aware of what you do.

Indeed, your Lord knows that you stand (a little) less than two-thirds (of) the night, and half of it and a third of it and (so do) a group of those who (are) with you. And Allah determines the night and the day. He knows that not you count it, so He has turned to you, so recite what is easy of the Quran. He knows that there will be among you sick and others traveling in the land seeking of (the) Bounty (of) Allah, and others fighting in (the) way (of) Allah. So recite what is easy of it, and establish the prayer and give the zakah and loan Allah a loan goodly. And whatever you send forth for yourselves of good, you will find it with Allah. It (will be) better and greater (in) reward. And seek forgiveness (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And not they were commanded except to worship Allah (being) sincere to Him (in) the religion, upright, and to establish the prayer, and to give the zakah And that (is the) religion the correct.

And establish the prayer and give zakah and bow down with those who bow down.

Only your ally (is) Allah and His Messenger, and those who believe, and those who establish the prayer and give zakah and they (are) those who bow down.

And ordain for us in this [the] world, good and in the Hereafter. Indeed, we we have turned to You." He said, "My punishment - I afflict with it whom I will, but My Mercy encompasses every thing. So I will ordain it for those who (are) righteous and give zakah and those who [they] in Our Verses believe.

And strive for Allah (to) Him (with the) striving due. He (has) chosen you and not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. (The) religion (of) your father Ibrahim. He named you Muslims from before and in this, that may be the Messenger a witness over you and you may be witnesses on the mankind. So establish the prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He (is) your Protector - so an Excellent [the] Protector and an Excellent [the] Helper.

And establish the prayer and give zakah and obey the Messenger, so that you may receive mercy.

Those who establish the prayer and give zakah and they in the Hereafter [they] believe with certainty.

Those who establish the prayer and give zakah and they, in the Hereafter, [they] believe firmly.

And stay in your houses and (do) not display yourselves (as was the) display (of the times of) ignorance the former. And establish the prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Only wishes Allah to remove from you the impurity, (O) People (of) the House! And to purify you (with thorough) purification.

l-zakati   (2)

And We made them leaders, they guide by Our Command. And We inspired to them (the) doing (of) good deeds, and establishment (of) the prayer and giving (of) zakah; and they were of Us worshippers.

Men - not distracts them trade and not sale from (the) remembrance (of) Allah and (from) establishing the prayer and giving zakah. They fear a Day will turn about therein the hearts and the eyes.

tuzakkū   (1)

Those who avoid great sins and the immoralities except the small faults; indeed, your Lord (is) vast (in) forgiveness. He (is) most knowing about you when He produced you from the earth and when you (were) fetuses in (the) wombs (of) your mothers. So (do) not ascribe purity (to) yourselves. He knows best (he) who fears.

tazakkā   (3)

Certainly, has succeeded (one) who purifies (himself),

Gardens (of) Eden flows from underneath them the rivers, abiding forever in it. And that (is) the reward (for him) who purifies himself.

And not will bear bearer of burdens burden (of) another. And if calls a heavily laden to (carry) its load, not will be carried of it anything even if he be (from) near of kin. Only you can warn those who fear their Lord - unseen and establish the prayer. And whoever purifies himself, then only he purifies for his own self. And to Allah (is) the destination.

And say, "Would [for] you [to] [that] purify yourself?

zakkāhā   (1)

Indeed, he succeeds who purifies it,

zakatan   (1)

So we intended that would change for them their Lord, a better than him (in) purity and nearer (in) affection.

zakatin   (1)

And what you give for usury to increase in (the) wealth (of) people, not (will) increase with Allah. But what you give of zakah desiring (the) Countenance (of) Allah, then those [they] (will) get manifold.

zakā   (1)

O you who believe! (Do) not follow (the) footsteps (of) the Shaitaan, and whoever follows (the) footsteps (of) the Shaitaan then indeed, he commands the immorality and the evil. And if not (for the) Grace (of) Allah upon you and His Mercy not (would) have been pure among you from anyone ever, but Allah purifies whom He wills. And Allah (is) All-Hearer, All-Knower.

zakiyyan   (1)

He said, "Only I am a Messenger (from) your Lord, that I (may) bestow on you a son pure."

zakiyyatan   (1)

Then they both set out until when they met a boy, then he killed him. He said, "Have you killed a soul, pure, for other than a soul? Certainly, you have done a thing evil."

lilzzakati   (1)

Those who [they] of purification works (are) doers,

wal-zakati   (1)

And He (has) made me blessed where ever I am and has enjoined (on) me [of] the prayer and zakah, that as long as I am alive

And he used (to) enjoin (on) his people the prayer and zakah and was near his Lord pleasing.

watuzakkīhim   (1)

Take from their wealth a charity, purifying them and cause them increase by it, and bless [upon] them. Indeed, your blessings (are a) reassurance for them. And Allah (is) All-Hearer, All-Knower.

wazakatan   (1)

And affection from Us and purity and he was righteous

wayuzakkīkum   (1)

As We sent among you a Messenger from you (who) recites to you Our verses and purifies you and teaches you the Book and the wisdom and teaches you what not you were knowing.

wayuzakkīhim   (2)

Our Lord! [And] raise up in them a Messenger from them (who) will recite to them Your Verses and will teach them the Book and the wisdom and purify them. Indeed You! You (are) the All-Mighty the All-Wise."

Certainly bestowed a Favor Allah upon the believers as He raised among them a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His Verses and purifying them, and teaching them the Book and the wisdom, although they were from before (that) certainly in (the) error clear.

He (is) the One Who sent among the unlettered a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His Verses, and purifying them and teaching them the Book and the wisdom although they were from before surely in an error clear.

yatazakkā   (2)

The one who gives his wealth (to) purify himself,

And not will bear bearer of burdens burden (of) another. And if calls a heavily laden to (carry) its load, not will be carried of it anything even if he be (from) near of kin. Only you can warn those who fear their Lord - unseen and establish the prayer. And whoever purifies himself, then only he purifies for his own self. And to Allah (is) the destination.

yazzakkā   (2)

And not upon you that not he purifies himself.

But what would make you know that he might purify himself,

yuzakkūna   (1)

Do not you see [towards] those who claim purity (for) themselves? Nay, (it is) Allah, He purifies whom He wills and not they will be wronged (even as much as) a hair on a

yuzakkī   (2)

Do not you see [towards] those who claim purity (for) themselves? Nay, (it is) Allah, He purifies whom He wills and not they will be wronged (even as much as) a hair on a

O you who believe! (Do) not follow (the) footsteps (of) the Shaitaan, and whoever follows (the) footsteps (of) the Shaitaan then indeed, he commands the immorality and the evil. And if not (for the) Grace (of) Allah upon you and His Mercy not (would) have been pure among you from anyone ever, but Allah purifies whom He wills. And Allah (is) All-Hearer, All-Knower.

yuzakkīhim   (2)

Indeed, those who exchange (the) Covenant (of) Allah and their oaths (for) a price little, those - no share for them in the Hereafter and not will speak to them Allah and not look at them (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection and not purify them, and for them (is) a punishment painful.

Indeed, those who conceal what (has) revealed Allah (has) of the Book, and they purchase there with a gain little. Those, not they eat in their bellies except the Fire. And not will speak to them Allah (on the) Day (of) [the] Judgment and not will He purify them, and for them (is) a punishment painful.

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