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ز ل ز ل
General Root Meaning
to set in motion/commotion, agitation, convulsion, earthquake.
Zulzilat (pp. 3rd p.f. sing.): It is shaken
Zulziluu (pp 3rd p.m. plu.): They were shaken
Zilzaal (v.n.): Violent shake
Zalzala-tun (n.): Quake; Shock
zil'zālan   (1)

There - were tried the believers and shaken (with a) shake severe.

zil'zālahā   (1)

When is shaken the earth (with) its earthquake,

zalzalata   (1)

O mankind! Fear your Lord. Indeed, (the) convulsion (of) the Hour (is) a thing great.

zul'zilati   (1)

When is shaken the earth (with) its earthquake,

wazul'zilū   (2)

There - were tried the believers and shaken (with a) shake severe.

Or (do) you think that you will enter Paradise while not (has) come to you like (came to) those who passed away from before you? Touched them [the] adversity and [the] hardship, and they were shaken until said the Messenger and those who believed with him, "When [will] (the) help (of) Allah (come) Unquestionably, [Indeed] help (of) Allah (is) near.

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